Ok, smartie pants figure this out.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
There are no single pieces as he takes it apart, his right hand is cupped as if he is holding something in his last three digits as he takes it apart, Just a slight-of-hand trick,
yes there are, there are 3

2 are in the lower middle, he holds them together
1 is on the right side.


Well-Known Member
My thought was he used two different sized wooden holders when he loaded the tiles and the different shaped tiles allowed him to recreate the large rectangle, but it was actually smaller. I'd like to see the wooden holder stay on screen the entire time.

Yes, I'm only guessing.


Well-Known Member
Just watched again, the wooden holder looks to be the same size, with the same size edges. lol I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Dude is a lying ass cheat lol. Its mad obvious.

All you gotta do is turn your sound up. every time he slides around the back you can hear a chip drop.

Oh & go to 2:31 his matrix is only 7x8 because he dropped a piece when he was taking it back out

IN conclusion

when he is taking the small blocks out he is dropping a double block keeping while knocking one off the table keeping 1:1 ratio

When he is putting it back together he remove the double blocks

pretty good with his hand though. It was the sound that did him in for me. next time use carpet

The end

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
That or it's an optical illusion. The video seems to cut out a few times for no apparent reason. The lines on the grid don't seem to line up very good either. Also, how can you possibly tell from that angle and that shitty quality video that the wooden box is the same? You can tell the difference between identical wooden boxes with the only difference being one is 63 in^2 and one is 60 in^2? How can you possibly tell that with your naked eye in that shitty video? I'd be willing to bet that you couldn't tell in person.



Well-Known Member
That or it's an optical illusion. The video seems to cut out a few times for no apparent reason. The lines on the grid don't seem to line up very good either. Also, how can you possibly tell from that angle and that shitty quality video that the wooden box is the same? You can tell the difference between identical wooden boxes with the only difference being one is 63 in^2 and one is 60 in^2? How can you possibly tell that with your naked eye in that shitty video? I'd be willing to bet that you couldn't tell in person.


the wood grain

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You realize they can fabricate wood grain? Everything made of fake wood has a wood grain pattern. If you wanted to make 2 nearly identical (but slightly different sizes) boxes it would be ridiculously easy to replicate the same pattern on both.