Ok, So I made Canna Butter for the first time...

Unsalted butter is just more suited to be used in candies and what not more so than salted butter...It is like self rising and all purpose flower...you can get all purpose and use it everywhere you need to, you just have to add some salt and baking powder...You get unsalted butter so you can use it more places without having to amend recipes...salted is fine to use most of the time...doesn't mess up the butter or anything...but you want unsalted butter for most recipes...I don't use butter except to make canna butter, and it never works for me...ends up tasting terrible and not doing anything for me either... I would have to eat way more than I am willing to eat...Ice water hash is the way to go with trim and what not...That is fact...lol

Hey missnu, I missed your reply. Only saw it now.

I'd be interested in making hash, I kind of planned on it. I have never made ice water hash though. Any chance you could link me to a good tutorial of some sort?

I'll go searching myself but if you know a good thread off hand that would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hey missnu, I missed your reply. Only saw it now.

I'd be interested in making hash, I kind of planned on it. I have never made ice water hash though. Any chance you could link me to a good tutorial of some sort?

I'll go searching myself but if you know a good thread off hand that would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hmmm....it is the easiest thing ever...especially if you have a 220-250 ish micron screen...which I don't yet have, but I also only have small plants so it doesn't matter too much.
I don't have a specific link in mind...but there are a hundred million YouTube videos that lay it out in great detail...I will ask that you just pass on by any that suggest using a coffee filter for a whle lot of anything...then again I started out trying to use one, and I think it got out most of the plantiness...if it did anything at all...
But look it up and give it a shot, I tried it for my first time and got super awesome results...I don't know how much I got exactly, but a good bit, and it doesn't take much. It's pretty impressive.
Hmmm....it is the easiest thing ever...especially if you have a 220-250 ish micron screen...which I don't yet have, but I also only have small plants so it doesn't matter too much.
I don't have a specific link in mind...but there are a hundred million YouTube videos that lay it out in great detail...I will ask that you just pass on by any that suggest using a coffee filter for a whle lot of anything...then again I started out trying to use one, and I think it got out most of the plantiness...if it did anything at all...
But look it up and give it a shot, I tried it for my first time and got super awesome results...I don't know how much I got exactly, but a good bit, and it doesn't take much. It's pretty impressive.

I know I've seen a few posts and video's posted but I passed them by as I wasn't interested at the time. I'll go look those up. Thanks again.

Belive me it works, try it in hot chocolate yummy.

It is interesting and considering how fast it can be made and how little bud you need it'd be silly not to try. It's just a little hot right now. I'll give'r a try and let ya know what i think after the A/C has been on a bit. Then again, i suppose I can make ice coffee (ewww).
How high can I go with the temperature w/o losing any potency, or the least amount? I know I vape at around 352* F. I also read a thread regarding at what temperature thc bonds to fat and the temps quoted were all over the place. 215* to 350*F. That's why I made my butter at such a low temp. If I can cook it at a higher temp I will. Thanks.


Use a cooking thermometer....butter starts to smoke at 340....try 300-315*F

I use 1 cup of vape duff to 2 sticks butter..... extract for 30 min over med -high electric stove

I make edibles for the MMJ stores for a living
I use an electric stove as well... 300-315* F and for only 30 mins you say? Wow. If your making edibles for MMJ stores I'm gonna have to assume you know what your talking about. I have the house to myself again on Thursday and have everything I need on hand so in two days I'll be make a new batch this way. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm excited now. Thanks a bunch!

Ok, I have to make butter, try out some coffee/tea, read up and try ice water hash. This thread is proving to be invaluable to me. Thanks a bunch to everyone that has held my hand through this so far. +rep to all!

I'll report back with results in when I'm done.:bigjoint:
try using a 5 gal 25 mic bubble bag.... 5 gallon bucket and some dry ice.....5 min hash

Use a cooking thermometer....butter starts to smoke at 340....try 300-315*F

I use 1 cup of vape duff to 2 sticks butter..... extract for 30 min over med -high electric stove

I make edibles for the MMJ stores for a living

That looks so good...mine always ends up all gross with bits in it, and tastes like hell, but doesn't seem to get me anywhere...
I know I've seen a few posts and video's posted but I passed them by as I wasn't interested at the time. I'll go look those up. Thanks again.

It is interesting and considering how fast it can be made and how little bud you need it'd be silly not to try. It's just a little hot right now. I'll give'r a try and let ya know what i think after the A/C has been on a bit. Then again, i suppose I can make ice coffee (ewww).

You use it the same you would for milk, you can just make chocolate milk.
Or cook with it same as milk.
I'm going to make ice cream with it...
That looks so good...mine always ends up all gross with bits in it, and tastes like hell, but doesn't seem to get me anywhere...

The trick is in the butter..... try 3/4 to a oz crumbley dry weed or crystally leaf...... 2 sticks of butter

after extraction I use a pulp strainer and pour the cannabutter mix into it ....then press it onto a plate with water..... then into the fridge until solid

wash your butter 4-5 times ......meaning let it solidify.....then remelt it... mix it with hot water.... it will seperate again....repeat porocess

I use a glass to wash/clean my butter.

Look at brown nasty crap in the first washes water...........................then 2 washes later......make a hole in the middle when solid to drain the nasty water

Hey colonuggs, I remember seeing photos of your caramel in another thread a while back. Do you have your own recipe or do you use a generic recipe and just change out the butter for canna butter? I understand you make your living making edibles for MMJ stores so if you're not one to give it out I understand. Thanks.
Hey colonuggs, I remember seeing photos of your caramel in another thread a while back. Do you have your own recipe or do you use a generic recipe and just change out the butter for canna butter? I understand you make your living making edibles for MMJ stores so if you're not one to give it out I understand. Thanks.

You got it any recipe...... just replace the butter with cannabutter normal recipes call for about a cup of butter..... thats 2 sticks
You got it any recipe...... just replace the butter with cannabutter normal recipes call for about a cup of butter..... thats 2 sticks

With some practice, good clean butter and some luck maybe I can get some edibles that look like yours!
Thanks again nuggs!
I had the kitchen to myself yesterday and did not get much done! I had salted butter instead of unsalted & my thermometer broke. I decided to forget about making the butter this week, I'll do it next week and post results.

I was going to make the ice water hash as well and just decided to make some qwiso instead. I've done it before and I have everything I need although if I can get my hands on some dry ice I'd like to try that. More on the hash in another thread in the appropriate sub forum...

However... I did make some of that canna choc-milk-stuff that dirtsurfr mentioned in his coffee thread.


There was a bunch of talk in dirtsurfrs thread and he had been tinkering with his recipe so i didn't follow any real directions. i just took what i read there and applied it the best i can. So if this was wrong we know why...

I decided to make chocolate milk and this is what i did.

I took 1 cup of whole milk and 1/4 cup of water and brought it to a simmer and then added 8g of decarbed bud/trim. I then lowered the heat and allowed it to simmer, while stirring, for 20 minutes. Strained through a coffee filter. Then I added 2 tbsp's of Nesquik and another 1 cup of whole milk and mixed!

I decided it was too hot and did not want hot chocolate so I allowed it to cool for an hour before consuming... After an hour I drank it all in one shot. It didn't taste all that bad, Not as bad as it smelled while cooking.

After about 30 minutes I started to feel "something". It got hard to think, It was a little "fuzzy". This lasted about 15 minutes and then faded...

In summary, I don't know if anything I did was correct regarding the hot chocolate because I didn't follow any formal instructions I kind of just did it. In any case it wasn't bad and it was rather fast but it didn't fuck me up so I won't be doing it again.

I don't want to contradict, there are multiple ways to achieve this. This is mine.

I use ground chronic homegrown for my butter at a rate of 1 quad to 1 cup, or one ounce for one pound. If I have extra hash/kief I use that. I'm kinda liberal with my potency now that Colorado's laws prohibit me from supplying dispensaries out of my home kitchen, and I just make things for my patients.

I cook the butter until it reaches 250 degrees, gradually add in the cannabis, and then let it cook at that temperature (candy thermometer) for quite a while, until the butter clarifies and all the plant matter has sunken to the bottom of the pan. Usually if I can put a drop on my finger, taste it, and if it makes my tongue go numb I know it's about done. I double strain it through cheesecloth, by pouring it into a tall metal container with cheesecloth tied across the cop of it, then changing the cheesecloth, and pouring it back out into a corningware bowl, which I then let cool overnight in the fridge. Comes out with no leaf matter whatsoever and the most marvelous color. Exactly like a honeydew melon.

Mind you, I am definitely not saying there is anything wrong with your method. This is just my method, that I have been using for around seven years to great success.
Unsalted butter is just more suited to be used in candies and what not more so than salted butter...It is like self rising and all purpose flower...you can get all purpose and use it everywhere you need to, you just have to add some salt and baking powder...You get unsalted butter so you can use it more places without having to amend recipes...salted is fine to use most of the time...doesn't mess up the butter or anything...but you want unsalted butter for most recipes...I don't use butter except to make canna butter, and it never works for me...ends up tasting terrible and not doing anything for me either... I would have to eat way more than I am willing to eat...Ice water hash is the way to go with trim and what not...That is fact...lol
So my new thermometer arrived and I finally got the kitchen all to myself. Time to make canna butter, Round Two!

This time around I'm going all butter, No water. I can't see how I'm supposed to get temps to 290-300 degree F with water. So gone with the h2o! Muhaha!

Ok, Lets all settle down.

The new thermometer, well the package anyway. Today we're using 38g of high grade popcorn buds/trim ground to a fine powder.

2 sticks of salted butter, melted. I didn't have unsalted and I didn't want to put this off any longer.

Butter boiling with the weed/trim just added @ about 230 degrees F.

Brought to 290 degrees F then lowered to a simmer for about 45 minutes.

And here it is. It actually came out to around 1 1/4 cups so I melted another 3/4 of a stick and blended it into the final mix. This stuff is dark dark forest green. It looks black but isn't. I can't help but think it is burned. I've seen plenty of guides that say bring to around this temperature and it has been recommended to me as well so I don't know what to think. It's in the freezer right now. I haven't tasted it yet. I'll be making more cookies. Maybe tonight. I'll let ya's know about potency/taste soon.

In Summary:
38g buds/trim, ground
2 stick salted butter (I didnt have unsalted)
Temperature brought to 290 degrees F for 45 minutes
Strained into a container and put into the freezer.
Wow, I use canna butter that I make all the time, and it seems to work on everyone although not in the same way! I looked at the way you make it and the recipe you used and they look a lot like mine. I have decided that the way to go, however, is canna oil. It is easier to make and can be used in any recipe that you would use regular canola oil (which I can add to just about anything!). It is easy to make... I just take whatever leaves, small stems, buds and whatever, that we have left after harvest and fill a 3 quart crockpot about 2/3's full of those then cover that with a high quality canola oil, cover and cook on low setting for about 12 to 24 hours (24 being better). Then you strain the residue out and pour into a clean bottle (I use the one the canola oil came out of) and keep refrigerated. It lasts me almost a year per half gallon bottle if stored correctly. I use it in everything from eggs and casseroles to breads, candies, cookies and it gets everyone high. It takes a while longer to come on, but sure does help me with the back pain that I have (not the pain in the a** that I get from the cops though). So, I don't know what it is you are doing wrong, if anything, but keep trying and adjusting the amounts of ingredients to pot butter ratios till you get it the way you like it then smoke, err eat on!