Ok, So I made Canna Butter for the first time...

Yeah I don't know what is going on. That is why I'm trying to document everything I'm doing. With the help on my RIU bud*dies I'm hoping I'll figure it out. I'm just going to keep trying different ratios, techniques, temps & times and see what i can do. I was thinking about canna oil and have been reading up on it since I started the edibles but i decided I'd see this canna butter through before moving on to the next thing. Which will be canna oil, probably. The slow cooker is something I'm hesitant to try only because i have the big model. Its like 12 or 16 quarts? I forget. But it is kind of useless unless you're cooking large amounts of food/product.

So. A few hours have gone by and about 1/4 inch of water/grit/vomitsauce accumulated on the bottom. I'm guessing it's the extra moisture from that extra butter I added at the end plus whatever shit made it through my double strainer. 1 1/2 cups is about where we stand on volume. And this shit is super fatty. I mean like it melts upon contact with skin. It turned a nice forest green color too. I tasted some on my finger and it appeared to numb/irritate my tongue and tasted slightly burnt, though not unpleasant.
IMAG0087.jpg IMAG0089.jpg

I couldn't wait! I decided to immediately make peanut canna butter cookies. It's kind of hard to get away with making baked goods without everyone in the house smelling them. Obviously not everyone in the house can have edibles and it's hard to explain why 36 cookies or a tray of brownies are suddenly all gone 5 minutes after they're done so I decided to split the recipe and make two batches. One family friendly and one canna friendly. Can you tell which is which?! lol.

Ok, So those are in the fridge and setting. I'll bake them later tonight and let ya's know how they come out.

before using ur butter..... wash it...believe you me it makes a big difference in the taste ...or lack there of

Look at the water in the glass on the left...thats after the first wash brown nasty....youll be amazed...wash till the water is clear

Hey nuggs, Yeah, I already used a 1/4 of what I made for the cookies. I have to admit I like the taste of the butter. Does washing the butter several times do anything for potency or is it just about washing the taste and making it more visually appealing? I have never washed before but I'm going to with the remainder of my butter just to say I've done it, If nothing else.
Made two small batches of cookies last night, I only used half the dough from each batch. The dough wasn't refrigerated long enough and that with the combination of hot weather made it impossible to work with so I'll make the rest today.

I ate three cookies and they tasted good, Real good, but I had already been smoking all day so I cannot attest to any effects. I'll eat a bunch of them today before I smoke and see about potency.

Good luck with the butter, I have also had great success with the oil...When in college (about 6 yrs ago) i made brownies with just nasty mexican brick to great success. I put maybe 1/2 oz. of mexi brick (like $25 usd) into the oil that a batch of brownies would call for.. maybe 1 cup. I let that simmer (watching it like a newborn) for maybe 2 hrs only. I then strained the veg and kept the oil, baked per pre-made instructions and was really stoned about 45 mins later. The taste was not so great but i was lifted.
Ok, The results are in. I'm either doing something wrong and ruining all my butter, my tolerance is way, way too high OR edibles don't effect me. I'm beginning to think it is the latter but I'm not going to give up just yet. I still have about 2-3 sticks of canna butter left and I will use that up. I'll post photos of everything I make until it is gone.

I'm going to shelve the canna butter making after this batch and move on to canna oil. I'll try that as many ways as I can and after I've exhausted those options if I dont like the results I'm going to change my technique to the slow cooker and try them all again. (butter and oil) Which leads me to...

Good luck with the butter, I have also had great success with the oil...When in college (about 6 yrs ago) i made brownies with just nasty mexican brick to great success. I put maybe 1/2 oz. of mexi brick (like $25 usd) into the oil that a batch of brownies would call for.. maybe 1 cup. I let that simmer (watching it like a newborn) for maybe 2 hrs only. I then strained the veg and kept the oil, baked per pre-made instructions and was really stoned about 45 mins later. The taste was not so great but i was lifted.

Good to hear. I just used up the last of my cuttings from my last harvest but I'll be chopping another girl today and I plan to make canna oil with what I get from her. Hopefully I'll have some success.

In Summary:
1> Using up the last of my canna butter and then that is it for now.
2> Going to chop a plant today and will be making canna oil next week.
3> I will try several variations of extraction with the canna oil.
4> After the canna oil I'll switch techniques and try canna butter and oil with the slow cooker.
5> Win?

PS - The QWISO I made last week is phenomenal. If I can't get these edibles to work on myself that will be my fallback plan from now on.
I know exactly what you are going thru, same thing happen to me most of last year. We made everything from cookies to brownies to cake with butter and oil and every grade of bud i could get from trim to good mid grade bud and I never got a buzz from any of them..... i just gave up and decided smoking was the way for me, it works fine.

you also don;t seem to be having the major prob i did, everything i cooked with it tasted like hay, no seriously i felt like i was eating a bale of wheat.
I know exactly what you are going thru, same thing happen to me most of last year. We made everything from cookies to brownies to cake with every grade of bud i could get and I never got a buzz for any of them..... i just gave up and decided smoking was the way for me, it works fine.

In your opinion do you think you were doing anything wrong or do you think edibles just have no effect on you?

If just one person jumped in and said with authority something like "Some people are just immune to edibles" I'd simply stop and just make hash, tinctures and other extractions.

I'm only using airy popcorn buds, trimmings and any other extras I wouldn't smoke and I like to cook so I don't mind trying to figure this out, I just wish I knew if i was wasting my time. heh.
In your opinion do you think you were doing anything wrong or do you think edibles just have no effect on you?

If just one person jumped in and said with authority something like "Some people are just immune to edibles" I'd simply stop and just make hash, tinctures and other extractions.

I'm only using airy popcorn buds, trimmings and any other extras I wouldn't smoke and I like to cook so I don't mind trying to figure this out, I just wish I knew if i was wasting my time. heh.

well it was me and my brother that were making all of it and neither of us got anything from it. I personally have never eaten anyone else's edibles so i have no base line to judge from. We made the butter and oil every different way i could find and cooked it in every way i could find and every single time the treats tasted like ass and did nothing, so i decided to stop wasting bud/trim and just make hash or BHO out of everything i didn't want o smoke.

but if you get any leads, i would really love to learn how to do this.
Thanks for the reply, Justin.

Yeah, It looks as if you and your brother went through the same thing I'm currently going through. The only difference is over the years I have had edibles from other people. Those never had an effect on me either but I thought maybe they didn't know what they were doing which is why I figured I'd give it a go.

Keep an eye on the thread, I'll be documenting everything i try and if something works it'll be posted here.
I wish I could make u some chocolate milk...
I've got the milk extraction working real good for me.
I don't get couch lock I get to were reading playing the guitar is funner and general spirits raised...
It wakes me up but I can sleep on it and get the best night sleep ever.
is it possible to be "immune" to edibles?? i would think they affect the same receptors in the noggin. I have to think something is wrong in the process rather than the person. I may be wrong though. cannabinoids whould affect the same receptors no matter what the method i would think.
Hey...tough luck on your budder.In my opinion, I think you are cooking it at too high a temp and not long enough. I cook mine at around 170-180 degrees for about 3-4 hours. I use 1 ounce of good trim ( small buds and top trim ) to 1 pound of salted butter .Try cooking low and slow. I've been doing it for years and never had a problem.
Hope this helps.
I wish I could make u some chocolate milk...
I've got the milk extraction working real good for me.
I don't get couch lock I get to were reading playing the guitar is funner and general spirits raised...
It wakes me up but I can sleep on it and get the best night sleep ever.

heh, I actually made some canna chocolate milk with a modified version of your recipe from another thread... At least i think it was your thread. Mine didn't do much for me, I'd much rather you make me some. :-o

Hey...tough luck on your budder.In my opinion, I think you are cooking it at too high a temp and not long enough. I cook mine at around 170-180 degrees for about 3-4 hours. I use 1 ounce of good trim ( small buds and top trim ) to 1 pound of salted butter .Try cooking low and slow. I've been doing it for years and never had a problem.
Hope this helps.

Yeah I'm going to keep on plugging away until I figure it out of I'm fed up.

So far I've cooked the butter low and slow (212F for over 3 hours) and high and fast (300F for 45mins) With water and without water. I've seen numerous threads here and on other websites for both techniques with success.

The only way i haven't tried yet is in the slow cooker. Thats really low and really really slow.

I'm going to try the canna oil first though and if that doesn't get it done I'm gonna to try everything a second time, But in a crock pot this time. This is going to be a slow process but until I figure it out that si the way it has to be...
I've only read the first page and last, but have you upped your ratio of trim to butter? 40 grams of stuff you wouldn't smoke can't have too high of a thc %, maybe try using a half ounce of bud and and ounce of shake per say half lb of butter? And if it was ever too strong you could always use some real butter in the recipe aswell. You should try this in the crockpot method and i bet you will have success. Goodluck.
I have the same problem. The first time I made cannabutter,
i didn't feel anything. I fed some to my wife (who does not smoke) and an
hour and a half or so later, she was freaking out, and asking me to call 911.
I made some last night with 5 sticks, and a mix of 1/4 oz of buds, and probably
6.oz of vape leftovers. Croc pot low 8 hours.
Tried a bit of it today and it did nothing.
This batch came out way darker. Olive drab.
i need another guinie pig. Wtf???
Hey I made some oatmeal raisin cookies today.
i ate 3 at 6:30 pm. I was totally wrong.
3 was too many for sure. It works. It's hard to type. Hehe
Maybe somethings up with the way you make cannabutter. Here's how I make it,
Slowly melt the butter in a pan. Grind your bud into a fine powder,sift out any stems. Gently stir the powdered cannabis into the melted butter. The mixture should become a remarkably dark emerald green. If using hash, warm it in a small pan or spoon over low heat (microwaving for 5-10 seconds on half-power also works) until it can be gently crumbled into the melted butter.Without allowing it to burn (this means no smoke breaks), leave the Cannabutter on low heat for up to a half-hour, stirring diligently. Once done, pour the Cannabutter through a fine strainer and into a large jug.

It could also be how you store it.
The best method for storing the Cannabutter is to place it in several glass jars and to then refrigerate. Once the Cannabutter has hardened, add a touch of water to the jars. This will help it to keep a bit longer.

Check these out! I got a few they worked perfect.