ok, so light schedule got F$#%cked up


Well-Known Member
vegged for like 2 months, with 400w hps, for 6 plants, started flower for 3 weeks up til i bought the new 250whps, but the fuckin timer fucked up so the 250w has been on 24/0 for bout aprox 1 1/2 weeks while the 400w turns on and off, the leaves are yellowing , on my biggest plant and stunted the bud growth. i changed the timer now, but wondering if anyone has had this happened? What are the consequences? is the plant ruined? any advice will be highly appreciated? I'll have some pics when i get my bbq out in a few hours


Well-Known Member
File photo

Experiment: (1) before, 250whps just added on the 1st pic, along 400whps regular timing 12/12

(2) 2nd and 3rd pic, is 250whps 24/24 at 1 1/2 wks, 400whps stable at total 28 days 12/12, total on the 400



Well-Known Member
anybdy out there that is mature and adult that can give advice and have a permit to grow for personal and health medicinal purpose? ok, gona prune the yellow sh$%toff, check the timer 1st thing at 0600, make sure the light with timer is working


Active Member
ive had the same thing happen to me a few times, it took me ages to suss it out coz most ppl have no probs, you need a contactor to take the surge of the light from the timer, i can only put the fact that most ppl get away with it to modern fuse boxes as mine is the old fuse type and not trip switches, anyhow you should still get a contactor as this cost me dearly and made my plants that i also vegged for 2 months revert back to veg, my timer kept on sticking, it would work fine for weeks then suddenly stay on and no one seemed to know what it was and after a bit of research i solved it myself. you can get contactors from most hydro shops for about £22 or what I did was to simply buy a cheap timer with one built in from envirolite so its a good name and its sorted it for me for £12 off ebay. here is a link ENVIROLITE 22amp Grow Lamp/Light TIMER / CONTACTOR IP44 on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 03-Sep-08 22:23:58 BST) I hope this helps,,,,Andy