OK, so what's the fucking deal?


Active Member
And then I come to wonder: Is there justice on this planet we call "Earth". Why should a pennyless jerkhead like myself be discriminated?


Active Member
your not you get to use the site like everyone else, I'm well off but since I don't pay I don't get to use it either, who cares that someone else gets a few more threads you want more threads got to grasscity and RIU buut mainly RIU

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Id have thought it was to help ensure we have a forum in the future , i know i wouldnt like to pay for a bunch of freeloaders to argy bargy..not saying everybody is freeloading , most give excellent tips and advice which is valuable to a forum like this.
Ill probably pay to stay , im still new and want to make sure i pay the right forum is all.


Well-Known Member
Id have thought it was to help ensure we have a forum in the future , i know i wouldnt like to pay for a bunch of freeloaders to argy bargy..not saying everybody is freeloading , most give excellent tips and advice which is valuable to a forum like this.
Ill probably pay to stay , im still new and want to make sure i pay the right forum is all.
You are aware that RIU is a for-profit venture, right? These folks are making money off of this board, which I have absolutely no problem with. All I'm saying is that donating cash to a business is kinda dumb.


Active Member
I don't think it is dumb to donate to a business whose product you use and to use a greater amount of that product, I'm still not going to pay but it makes sense why people do

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
You are aware that RIU is a for-profit venture, right? These folks are making money off of this board, which I have absolutely no problem with. All I'm saying is that donating cash to a business is kinda dumb.
I wasnt aware , no , thank you.By the same token im not adverse to chipping in considering i use the site for information i need.In saying that i dont know the cost involved as im aware there are several decent forums all doing the same thing.I kinda like it here as the group seem a little more mature than other forums.Like i say , im a noob so given time ill know if this is the right forum for me and considering peeps here are helping me save 400 smackers a month i think i can drop the odd 20 to help out the forum.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Yeah..that looks about it , after having read some of the threads in the support section im no longer so sure id want to throw money at something that doesnt even reply.


Well-Known Member
Exactly my point. The value in this place is the members; management could give a fuck about you as long as people are clicking banners.


Well-Known Member
I just got minus rep from potroast for my comments here, so I reckon I'll shut up. It seems dissension is frowned upon here.