OK then. Biden 2020.


There’s still a border you fucking retard

Thanks for admitting you lied

Now name one Democrat who has called for repealing the second amendment

Name, date, and time please

Thanks retard
so you think open borders means no borders? sorry but your wrong. open borders simply means anybody can come and go as they please. there will still be a line that separates mexico and the US


Well-Known Member
so you think open borders means no borders? sorry but your wrong. open borders simply means anybody can come and go as they please. there will still be a line that separates mexico and the US
You still can’t name one Democrat who has called for open borders

Now is a good time for you to apologize for lying


Well-Known Member
no that was me being wrong about the situation. surely you can see the distinction.
There is a saying that goes “never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity “

That saying goes out the window with you serial lying, two faced, right wing pieces of shit

You tried to change the meanings of words to exculpate your child raping hero trump

And you still haven’t apologized for lying to us about several other things either

You’re no good at this. Just give up, loser


Well-Known Member
what words did repubs change the definition of?
Also, do some reading, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Republicans Will Run an Entire Campaign Based on an Incorrectly Defined Word (Socialism) Because They Have Nothing Else


Well-Known Member
Also, do some reading, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Republicans Will Run an Entire Campaign Based on an Incorrectly Defined Word (Socialism) Because They Have Nothing Else
Oh yeah

Republicans tried to call statehood for Puerto Rico “socialism”

Those two things have nothing to do with each other

Republicans are retards who try to change the meanings of words


Because there is still a border

Just apologize for lying already you retard. And stop trying to change the meanings of words
you aren't making any sense buck. open borders doesn't mean no borders. it means anybody can cross the border whenever they want to unchecked.


There is a saying that goes “never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity “

That saying goes out the window with you serial lying, two faced, right wing pieces of shit

You tried to change the meanings of words to exculpate your child raping hero trump

And you still haven’t apologized for lying to us about several other things either

You’re no good at this. Just give up, loser
I was wrong and even admitted it right away when faced with the facts. you sir are a crazy person.


Well-Known Member
you aren't making any sense buck. open borders doesn't mean no borders. it means anybody can cross the border whenever they want to unchecked.
You’re trying to change the meanings of words because you got caught lying

No Democrat has called for open borders. Conald told a lie and you’re repeating it

Now name a single democrat who has called for repealing the second amendment


Well-Known Member
I was wrong and even admitted it right away when faced with the facts. you sir are a crazy person.
You tried to tell a lie, you got caught, then you tried to plead stupidity instead of apologizing for lying

You are a crazy person. You think democrats have called for repealing the second amendment and open borders

You can’t name a single one who has

Your grasp of reality is non existent. You are brainwashed and lost in propaganda

Seek help


You tried to tell a lie, you got caught, then you tried to plead stupidity instead of apologizing for lying

You are a crazy person. You think democrats have called for repealing the second amendment and open borders

You can’t name a single one who has

Your grasp of reality is non existent. You are brainwashed and lost in propaganda

Seek help
I didn't try to tell a lie. i was wrong about something, and admitted it when I was corrected. Joe Biden just called for all guns with magazines to be banned. and decriminalizing illegal border crossing is effectively the same thing as open borders.


Also "grab them by the pussy" is a euphemism for sexual assault.
Fucking with the language counts too, but "I've got words, I've got the best words..." if it words ya want, it will be words you will get, not now though.
he said when you are rich and powerful they let you grab them by the pussy. tho I'm sure context doesn't mean much to you.


Well-Known Member
rich and powerful
They don't let, they have no choice, power imbalance just like sexual harassment by any boss only this involves sexual assault, many women have tried to come forward and many are suing, he's a serial sexual predator. You don't seem to mind though. I really do have go to bed.


Well-Known Member
I didn't try to tell a lie. i was wrong about something, and admitted it when I was corrected. Joe Biden just called for all guns with magazines to be banned. and decriminalizing illegal border crossing is effectively the same thing as open borders.
That is not what Biden called for and no one has called for trucks full of goods and people to just cross the border without any checks

You are lying. You have been brainwashed by shitty propaganda and now you’re repeating it

You’re a crazy person