Launching an economic pitch expected to anchor his fall presidential campaign, Democratic candidate Joe Biden is proposing sweeping new uses of the federal government’s regulatory and spending power to bolster U.S. manufacturing and technology firms.
Biden calls for a $400 billion, four-year increase in government purchasing of U.S.-based goods and services plus $300 billion in new research and development in U.S. technology concerns. Among other policies expected to be announced Thursday, he proposes tightening current “Buy American” laws that are intended to benefit U.S. firms but can be easily circumvented by government agencies.
An outline released by Biden’s campaign also touts his long-standing promises to strengthen workers’ collective bargaining rights and repeal Republican-backed tax breaks for U.S. corporations that move jobs overseas.
“This will be the largest mobilization of public investments in procurement, infrastructure and (research and development) since World War II,” senior adviser Jake Sullivan told The Associated Press, with the campaign promising additionally that Biden would require that effort in domestic markets before negotiating any new international trade deals.
The former vice president will discuss the proposals Thursday at a metal works concern in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. It’s the first of a series of addresses Biden plans as he shifts his line of attack against President Donald Trump to the economy. It’s political turf the Republican incumbent once considered a clear advantage before the coronavirus pandemic curbed consumer activity and drove unemployment to near-Depression levels.
An opening emphasis on manufacturing and labor policy is no coincidence: Biden wants to capitalize on his union ties and deliver on oft-made claims he can win back working-class voters who fueled Trump’s upset win four years ago.
Biden will continue in coming weeks with an energy plan to combat the climate crisis and a third package on what the campaign has dubbed the “caring economy,” with a focus on making child care and elder care more affordable and less of an impediment to working-age Americans. Campaign aides told reporters that all of Biden’s policies would target immediate recovery from the pandemic recession and address systemic inequalities Biden says are “laid bare” by the nation’s ongoing reckoning with racism.
“What’s going on here, we need to build back, not just to where we were but build back better than we’ve ever been,” Biden told the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on Wednesday. “We’re going to take a monumental step forward for the prosperity, power, safety and dignity of all American workers.”
The Democrat’s agenda carries at least some rhetorical echoes of Trump’s “America First” philosophy, but the former vice president’s aides describe his approach as more coherent. They cast Trump’s imposition of tariffs and uneven trade negotiations with other nations as a slapdash isolationism compromised further by tax policies that enrich multinational corporations. The Biden campaign also pointed to an uptick in foreign procurement and continued outsourcing of jobs by U.S.-based corporations during Trump’s presidency.
Republicans nonetheless have made clear they will attack Biden on trade and the economy, framing the Democratic establishment figure as a tool of the far left on taxes and a willing participant in decades of trade policy that gutted American workers. Trump also has lampooned Biden as “weak on China.”
On trade, at least, it’s a similar line of attack Biden withstood from the Democratic primary runner-up, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and one that Trump used effectively against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Biden voted for the North American Free Trade Agreement in the Senate in 1994, an anchor of Trump’s criticism and Sanders’ attacks before that. One of Trump’s signature achievements is an overhaul of NAFTA, which he accomplished with backing from many Democrats on Capitol Hill. Since the 1990s, including during two presidential campaigns, Biden has advocated tighter controls in future trade deals, and he’s promised to have organized labor and the environmental movement at the table.
The campaign’s outline ahead of Thursday emphasizes that Biden wants a resurgence in U.S. markets before engaging in new trade deals abroad. That includes joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership that Biden advocated when he served as President Barack Obama’s vice president. Trump opposed TPP as a 2016 candidate. China is not a TPP member.
Trump and Biden have called out China for unfair trade practices, but Biden accuses Trump of instigating a trade war with a commensurate economic power that the president “has no plan” to win.
Biden’s team insisted his approach falls within World Trade Organization rules, but aides also acknowledged that a Biden administration would try to modify an existing WTO deal, the Government Procurement Agreement, which effectively creates a shared open international market for participating governments to secure goods and services.
For now, Biden has not identified how he’d pay for the proposed new spending. Aides said he has identified revenue sources for all ongoing spending proposals but not for the one-time or short-term investments like the $700 billion in procurement and research. That raises the possibility that Biden could declare that spending to be deliberate deficit spending to stimulate the struggling economy.
whoaTrump just shat himself.
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Ya might even see a bit of a cultural shift here that will last longer than election cycles, great traumatic events can sometimes do that, but they need to be ripe for change. Getting stopped by mother nature brings you around to science and reason pretty quick, if ya got a brain. The people in Florida and Texas are watching the local news, that is where the threat is, not Portland, or even much to Trump's goon squad, those that will are gonna be pissed by the iron fist of big guberment.Trump is tanking in Flordia.
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You could just take the couple minutes it would take to find that for yourself instead of seemingly just assuming that he doesn't have very well laid out plans for pretty much every major issue facing us that will more than take up the next 4 years time.I never said or claimed that biden did something evil against people. Where did you get that idea from? Are you fucked up in the head like that uncleguy?
The problem is the opposite. What is biden doing or trying to do? Is he going to make the schools free like so many of democrats want? No. Is he going to get a proper single payer healthcare? No.
All he is saying that he is not trump. Which is something. But if he really wants to win, he might want to do a bit more than that. + inviting the epsteins friend child rapist bill clinton to talk for him in DNC convention. Oh and this kamala doesent seem much more than the typical DNC puppet. Im sure she has some bit more leaning ideas than biden, at least talks of them. But for it to make any real difference, well i doubt. Since even she were talking a bit more left than hillary for example, well the words are cheap and if you know you are in a position where you can say stuff you dont mean and you know that others will stop you from having to actually do it. Well its easy to talk.
I havent looked up in this kamala person too much, but i am sure that if biden wanted more votes, he would had picked bernie as his VP, but he doesent want bernie, because bernie represents that change, change which the elite doesent want, because it would mean an end to their hoarding all the money to the rich.
You could just take the couple minutes it would take to find that for yourself instead of seemingly just assuming that he doesn't have very well laid out plans for pretty much every major issue facing us that will more than take up the next 4 years time.
They have these links to a lot of the things he has taken a stance on.
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And who told you that the Democrats voted for the guy (overwhelmingly) who was promising all the 'free' shit? Because Biden won and there is plenty to get done.
As far as Harris goes, she is the VP, not the President, all the trolling about Biden's health is as stupid now as it was when the Russians were pushing the same shit about Hillary's health.
I dont get where you think that im assuming that she is the president lol. I said that she is vp and her stance doesent matter. Which is opposite of what you read..
Yea biden said some nice things, im not denying that and if you assume that i am denying it, you are way way way way off with your judgemtns and understading of what im saying. Where is the free education and schools? I hear people want those things and most of who dont, dont want them because they have been fed stupid lies about them, just to make sure that they dont want it and more money can be funneled through insurance companies. Which by the way if you have not figured it out, want profit from it. Why have the middle man in it? It makes no sense and only means that not everyone gets it, unless the government pays insurances for everyone, in which case it doesent mae any sense to have that insurance company taking money in between. Also if the government will jsut start paying for poor peoples insurances. Well why would the insurance companies not raise the prices? Look at what sort of deals they made in the past with these corporate donors of theirs and go figure out what it would look like. Oh wait you dont have to, you already tried to overly expensive obamacare and what ever that other program was called, which was equally overly expensive.
Look at those who donated most money to biden and dnc during biden thing and you will see who biden will serve as #1 priority over people. Im sure he would not fuck you guys in the ass as roughly as trump has and likely will, but he fuck you in the ass, he just might sweet talk a bit more and be more gentle with you. I doubt biden went to collect money from voters only like those who are in it for real, but i have not checked his donor list.
Vote Republicans out.
I am sorry you are right, I jumped ahead to the obvious troll.I dont get where you think that im assuming that she is the president lol. I said that she is vp and her stance doesent matter. Which is opposite of what you read..
Yea biden said some nice things, im not denying that and if you assume that i am denying it, you are way way way way off with your judgemtns and understading of what im saying.
Where is the free education and schools? I hear people want those things and most of who dont, dont want them because they have been fed stupid lies about them, just to make sure that they dont want it and more money can be funneled through insurance companies. Which by the way if you have not figured it out, want profit from it. Why have the middle man in it?
I can't make out a actual point to this part to comment. Do you mean the premium payments? Because that is the benefit of insurance, small payments made regularly so that when you need to use it you can access a large sum needed to pay for the expensive medical treatment.It makes no sense and only means that not everyone gets it, unless the government pays insurances for everyone, in which case it doesent mae any sense to have that insurance company taking money in between.
Also if the government will jsut start paying for poor peoples insurances. Well why would the insurance companies not raise the prices? Look at what sort of deals they made in the past with these corporate donors of theirs and go figure out what it would look like. Oh wait you dont have to, you already tried to overly expensive obamacare and what ever that other program was called, which was equally overly expensive.
Biden didn't have shit for donors until he won the Democratic nomination for president. He went 50 years without cashing in on his political career, you can even see his tax returns. Why do you think he would change now?Look at those who donated most money to biden and dnc during biden thing and you will see who biden will serve as #1 priority over people. Im sure he would not fuck you guys in the ass as roughly as trump has and likely will, but he fuck you in the ass, he just might sweet talk a bit more and be more gentle with you. I doubt biden went to collect money from voters only like those who are in it for real, but i have not checked his donor list.
You’re doing an absolutely shitty job of trying to discourage Biden votersI dont get where you think that im assuming that she is the president lol. I said that she is vp and her stance doesent matter. Which is opposite of what you read..
Yea biden said some nice things, im not denying that and if you assume that i am denying it, you are way way way way off with your judgemtns and understading of what im saying. Where is the free education and schools? I hear people want those things and most of who dont, dont want them because they have been fed stupid lies about them, just to make sure that they dont want it and more money can be funneled through insurance companies. Which by the way if you have not figured it out, want profit from it. Why have the middle man in it? It makes no sense and only means that not everyone gets it, unless the government pays insurances for everyone, in which case it doesent mae any sense to have that insurance company taking money in between. Also if the government will jsut start paying for poor peoples insurances. Well why would the insurance companies not raise the prices? Look at what sort of deals they made in the past with these corporate donors of theirs and go figure out what it would look like. Oh wait you dont have to, you already tried to overly expensive obamacare and what ever that other program was called, which was equally overly expensive.
Look at those who donated most money to biden and dnc during biden thing and you will see who biden will serve as #1 priority over people. Im sure he would not fuck you guys in the ass as roughly as trump has and likely will, but he fuck you in the ass, he just might sweet talk a bit more and be more gentle with you. I doubt biden went to collect money from voters only like those who are in it for real, but i have not checked his donor list.
You get that those insurance companies that get demonized we actually benefit from them using all those individual insurance payments to invest and pay in times of need. And instead of those millions of people who work in the insurance industry being government workers, they work in private sector. At least post-Obamacare, pre they could kick people off anytime they got sick, so people trying to get the cheapest insurance would get burnt quite often when they most needed it.
And for free education do you not mean the k-12 education, or many federal grants and whatnot. I think I remember Biden saying something about community colleges, because his wife I believe is a professor at one, check that link if you are actually curious though. I am sure you can find a lot of things you agree with him on policy.
I can't make out a actual point to this part to comment. Do you mean the premium payments? Because that is the benefit of insurance, small payments made regularly so that when you need to use it you can access a large sum needed to pay for the expensive medical treatment.
Obamacare has kept the costs of insurance from increasing far faster than it has. Pre-Obamacare was a nightmare if you actually needed insurance, people would just go bankrupt.
Biden didn't have shit for donors until he won the Democratic nomination for president. He went 50 years without cashing in on his political career, you can even see his tax returns. Why do you think he would change now?
more and more tears
you can beat a russian easy..wait until they are cash strapped- they will beg is all they understand..that, talking in circles and writing down their daily take in that second book they keep on the side in cerelic.
schuylaar sees all.