I doubt that Biden will use political capital to try to improve American health care before the next election and maybe not at all but American health care and insurance are not up to international standards.
With Jimmy Carter in the news, I recently saw a clip of his debate with Ronald Reagan in which Reagan mocked Carter for his proposal for a single payor health care system like what others have in most other Western democracies. How much better off would America be today, I wonder, if we had not swallowed Reagan's trickle down economics or his secret wars in Latin America? In my opinion, had Carter won another term, we would now have better health care in America and we wouldn't have so many refugees trying to escape those areas in Latin America that were destabilized by our secret wars against socialism, cannabis and coca.
Best of luck finding the doctors you need when you visit Bogota. My wife would like us to live there but our kids and grandkids all live in Canada and the US so she isn't lobbying too hard to move. The cost of living is low there but there are risks due to crime, paramilitarys and narcos. And they are dealing with lots of desperate refugees from Venezuela.
I'd like to see Biden end our current secret war against Venezuela but Fox would have a field day with that. Both the refugees and the countries that eventually harbor them would all like those people to stay in their homes but American foreign policy in Latin America has been a destabilizing force making it impossible for people to safely stay. So long as the words "Venezuela" and "socialism" are trigger word in Tucker Carlson's universe, we are probably stuck with continuing with those same policies.