OK then. Biden 2020.

Perhaps it's because I was critical of an action at UCSC some years ago, with an unlawful wildcat strike coming from a small group of students who were unhappy with the contract they were working under. Their own union leaders were unhappy with the students' wildcat strike, and condemned it. Striking in the middle of a contract isn't right, unless the agreement is being violated, which wasn't the situation in that case. I don't see how that opinion would make me anti-union, but of course it's been twisted and contorted.

So now you too can see how Pro-Union Biden would come under fire erroneously..it made him look like he was Union Busting when truly he was Citizen-Centric. What's best for the 329M American people over a contract dispute for a fraction.

This is what a good president does.
My wife is Colombian. She goes back and forth to Bogota often. Even though she has a regular Blue Cross medical insurance plan here in the states, she prefers to go to doctors and dentists in Bogota which is paid through her government insurance in Colombia. She can see see any kind of specialist she needs and the doctors and hospitals there are reputed to be among the best in SA. Her insurance in Bogota is cheaper and gives her better coverage than her Blue Cross plan. Day to day American health care is not up to international standards of even very poor countries.

And my wife and I live on the Canadian border. Canadians coming across for health care really isn't a thing. Gasoline, milk and poultry, yes. Health care not so much.

You're wet foot, dry foot with a mar•ri•age <pronounced like Capt. Jack Sparrow>..she can navigate their system for you which in your case is okay.
Most were for elective surgeries I would assume. I doubt there are lineups for proven life saving procedures. (I was a short 3 weeks waiting for vascular surgery). Is the provincial healthcare system without flaws, nope. But it’s worked well for me and my family. I was recently fired without cause and all healthcare benefits canceled (soon to be reinstated, thanks to a great lawyer) and if not for our healthcare system I’d probably be homeless or dead so yay lol. And just a side note. It was an American investment group that bought and gutted the company.

I'm going to say you 'aged out'..they do it to those from 58-64 (estimate). Yes, Vulture Capitalist hard at work! Ding, ding, ding! An American group? Hell if you started with that..? Sorry, but welcome to our American world. They expect you to couch surf at your buddies house and work Lyft or some other crazy pyramid that robs you; you're desperate at age 58, you played their game, followed their rules..now you're in this unemployable niche right before retirement.
So now you too can see how Pro-Union Biden would come under fire erroneously..it made him look like he was Union Busting when truly he was Citizen-Centric. What's best for the 329M American people over a contract dispute for a fraction.

This is what a good president does.
I simply disagree with that assessment. He had other mechanisms at his disposal to end the standoff, which would have more favored the worker, but instead he chose to favor the business. I disagreed with it when I first heard it, nothing was twisted for me. Standing up for workers IS what's best for the American people, even if it means a bit of discomfort along the way. Besides the standoff would have ended promptly if Biden hadn't decapitated the collective power of the Union.

Union actions are never fun, and things like crossing picket lines are a personal choice. Many people will "support the union", but still cross their line if it inconveniences them. A few will refuse to cross. Many others could give less of a shit about the worker and will cross happily. Try picketing a concert some time, where hundreds already have tickets to the show, and you will promptly discover how few really support Unions when the rubber meets the road. Biden is a picket crosser.
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I'm going to say you 'aged out'..they do it to those from 58-64 (estimate). Yes, Vulture Capitalist hard at work! Ding, ding, ding! An American group? Hell if you started with that..? Sorry, but welcome to our American world. They expect you to couch surf at your buddies house and work Lyft or some other crazy pyramid that robs you; you're desperate at age 58, you played their game, followed their rules..now you're in this unemployable niche right before retirement.
LOL, I’ve actually had 3-4 offers to return but need to see this fight through to make the bastards pay. I may actually fully retire but not sure. Gonna take a year to decide but your right, corporate fucks are soulless, that’s for another thread. What Biden did was protect the economy by not allowing a strike and that is done here in cases of economic or social importance. Unions still have work to rule options without strike action.
My wife is Colombian. She goes back and forth to Bogota often. Even though she has a regular Blue Cross medical insurance plan here in the states, she prefers to go to doctors and dentists in Bogota which is paid through her government insurance in Colombia. She can see see any kind of specialist she needs and the doctors and hospitals there are reputed to be among the best in SA. Her insurance in Bogota is cheaper and gives her better coverage than her Blue Cross plan. Day to day American health care is not up to international standards of even very poor countries.

And my wife and I live on the Canadian border. Canadians coming across for health care really isn't a thing. Gasoline, milk and poultry, yes. Health care not so much.
Thank you. The reassurance is comforting because I do plan to go. My buddy married a Colombian lady and they moved to Guasca, about 50 km from Bogota after the pandemic destroyed their beach rental business in Florida. He tells me it costs a little over $600/mo to live in his 3,800 sq. ft. home including utilities, insurance, food, and gas. They had been building the home over the years. He said he spent about $400k in total for a mountain-top view of the town, the lake, and the surrounding mountains. The interior looks like photos from Architectural Digest. They live very peaceful and happy lives.
Thank you. The reassurance is comforting because I do plan to go. My buddy married a Colombian lady and they moved to Guasca, about 50 km from Bogota after the pandemic destroyed their beach rental business in Florida. He tells me it costs a little over $600/mo to live in his 3,800 sq. ft. home including utilities, insurance, food, and gas. They had been building the home over the years. He said he spent about $400k in total for a mountain-top view of the town, the lake, and the surrounding mountains. The interior looks like photos from Architectural Digest. They live very peaceful and happy lives.
I doubt that Biden will use political capital to try to improve American health care before the next election and maybe not at all but American health care and insurance are not up to international standards.

With Jimmy Carter in the news, I recently saw a clip of his debate with Ronald Reagan in which Reagan mocked Carter for his proposal for a single payor health care system like what others have in most other Western democracies. How much better off would America be today, I wonder, if we had not swallowed Reagan's trickle down economics or his secret wars in Latin America? In my opinion, had Carter won another term, we would now have better health care in America and we wouldn't have so many refugees trying to escape those areas in Latin America that were destabilized by our secret wars against socialism, cannabis and coca.

Best of luck finding the doctors you need when you visit Bogota. My wife would like us to live there but our kids and grandkids all live in Canada and the US so she isn't lobbying too hard to move. The cost of living is low there but there are risks due to crime, paramilitarys and narcos. And they are dealing with lots of desperate refugees from Venezuela.

I'd like to see Biden end our current secret war against Venezuela but Fox would have a field day with that. Both the refugees and the countries that eventually harbor them would all like those people to stay in their homes but American foreign policy in Latin America has been a destabilizing force making it impossible for people to safely stay. So long as the words "Venezuela" and "socialism" are trigger word in Tucker Carlson's universe, we are probably stuck with continuing with those same policies.
I doubt that Biden will use political capital to try to improve American health care before the next election and maybe not at all but American health care and insurance are not up to international standards.

With Jimmy Carter in the news, I recently saw a clip of his debate with Ronald Reagan in which Reagan mocked Carter for his proposal for a single payor health care system like what others have in most other Western democracies. How much better off would America be today, I wonder, if we had not swallowed Reagan's trickle down economics or his secret wars in Latin America? In my opinion, had Carter won another term, we would now have better health care in America and we wouldn't have so many refugees trying to escape those areas in Latin America that were destabilized by our secret wars against socialism, cannabis and coca.

Best of luck finding the doctors you need when you visit Bogota. My wife would like us to live there but our kids and grandkids all live in Canada and the US so she isn't lobbying too hard to move. The cost of living is low there but there are risks due to crime, paramilitarys and narcos. And they are dealing with lots of desperate refugees from Venezuela.

I'd like to see Biden end our current secret war against Venezuela but Fox would have a field day with that. Both the refugees and the countries that eventually harbor them would all like those people to stay in their homes but American foreign policy in Latin America has been a destabilizing force making it impossible for people to safely stay. So long as the words "Venezuela" and "socialism" are trigger word in Tucker Carlson's universe, we are probably stuck with continuing with those same policies.
Thank you and good points. My buddy has encountered crime but no violence at all. Guns are illegal. Beer is considered fuel to laborers. My buddy said the thieves will take anything because of the poverty. He had all of the copper stripped out while he was building but he shrugged it off saying the people are very poor. He also had a home burglarly losing about $7k when thieves entered through the backyard by cutting through 7 barbed-wire fences of neighbors and hauled the stolen goods back through 2 miles of thick woods and brush. They took all the electronics and even the wife's hiking boots but they didn't just yank everything and run. They carefully disconnected it all and did not trash the house. Polite thieves. He's seen no paramilitaries or narcos. He sees alcohol abuse (beer) and no cocaine use or discussion of it. The town is broke so he and the neighbors routinely repair their "roads" and the bureaucracy is insane but he says it's all worth the trade.
I simply disagree with that assessment. He had other mechanisms at his disposal to end the standoff, which would have more favored the worker, but instead he chose to favor the business. I disagreed with it when I first heard it, nothing was twisted for me. Standing up for workers IS what's best for the American people, even if it means a bit of discomfort along the way. Besides the standoff would have ended promptly if Biden hadn't decapitated the collective power of the Union.

Union actions are never fun, and things like crossing picket lines are a personal choice. Many people will "support the union", but still cross their line if it inconveniences them. A few will refuse to cross. Many others could give less of a shit about the worker and will cross happily. Try picketing a concert some time, where hundreds already have tickets to the show, and you will promptly discover how few really support Unions when the rubber meets the road. Biden is a picket crosser.

1-Please list them. He's a president and shouldn't even have to be bothered with..isn't this Buttigiegs wheelhouse?

2-Crippling our economy over a contract dispute for a few? Really? When you talk about a 'little discomfort'..? Men and women have different definitions for that..prostate exam or childbirth?:lol:

3-Biden can't hear you, he's in Ukraine fucking with Putin.
LOL, I’ve actually had 3-4 offers to return but need to see this fight through to make the bastards pay. I may actually fully retire but not sure. Gonna take a year to decide but your right, corporate fucks are soulless, that’s for another thread. What Biden did was protect the economy by not allowing a strike and that is done here in cases of economic or social importance. Unions still have work to rule options without strike action.

The last thing you want to do is have a grave marker 'Budley Doright- He did it for insert publicly traded corporate name here.'

Please don't return to them, if you must Consulting..call you're own shots..always have an early termination clause of at least $5-10k. They're sneaky and wish to use you..if they get what they wanted early, they'll kick you to the curb. At that time I did a salary of $80k and of course all expenses. I had one end early and quite nice to get that $5k check, no questions asked.
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If you want penis enlargement surgery or a facelift, go abroad, like many Americans do, going abroad for medical treatment is popular in America too and many go to Mexico.
Surely, that would have to be the reason... like canada doesn't have world class plastic surgery like any other western country. Is it cheaper in America?
Surely, that would have to be the reason... like canada doesn't have world class plastic surgery like any other western country. Is it cheaper in America?
Dunno, but if you are rich, you can go where you please for medical treatment in Canada or America , face lifts might be OK in Canada, dunno about cock enlargements, but you would have to pay for most cosmetic surgery that wasn't disfiguring. I know most wealthy Canadians stay here for medical treatment in the public healthcare system. It's not perfect, but some of the problems are caused by the American healthcare system luring doctors and nurses away with lucrative contracts.
The last thing you want to do is have a grave marker 'Budley Doright- He did it for insert publicly traded corporate name here.'

Please don't return to them, if you must Consulting..call you're own shots..always have an early termination clause of at least $5-10k. They're sneaky and wish to use you..if they get what they wanted early, they'll kick you to the curb. At that time I did a salary of $80k and of course all expenses. I had one end early and quite nice to get that $5k check, no questions asked.
WHAT??? Return to them? I’d rather be staked naked to a fire ant hill in the heat of the desert Sun lol. Haven’t even started, I am friends with many in the regulatory agencies but that can wait. My job was safety and code compliance as well as design and training techs, but my skill set did not align with the sales tactics they were implementing.
WHAT??? Return to them? I’d rather be staked naked to a fire ant hill in the heat of the desert Sun lol. Haven’t even started, I am friends with many in the regulatory agencies but that can wait. My job was safety and code compliance as well as design and training techs, but my skill set did not align with the sales tactics they were implementing.
Also 5-10K is a bit lite lol.
WHAT??? Return to them? I’d rather be staked naked to a fire ant hill in the heat of the desert Sun lol. Haven’t even started, I am friends with many in the regulatory agencies but that can wait. My job was safety and code compliance as well as design and training techs, but my skill set did not align with the sales tactics they were implementing.
Sounds like a government inspection job or teaching at a local tech school might be options, consulting if ya wanna make serious money and work.
Dunno, but if you are rich, you can go where you please for medical treatment in Canada or America , face lifts might be OK in Canada, dunno about cock enlargements, but you would have to pay for most cosmetic surgery that wasn't disfiguring. I know most wealthy Canadians stay here for medical treatment in the public healthcare system. It's not perfect, but some of the problems are caused by the American healthcare system luring doctors and nurses away with lucrative contracts.
Yeah, makes sense. I'm sure there are private healthcare options in Canada too? And corporate doctors? I believe the Canadian model is probably better than the Nordic model.. in many ways.
Dunno, but if you are rich, you can go where you please for medical treatment in Canada or America , face lifts might be OK in Canada, dunno about cock enlargements, but you would have to pay for most cosmetic surgery that wasn't disfiguring. I know most wealthy Canadians stay here for medical treatment in the public healthcare system. It's not perfect, but some of the problems are caused by the American healthcare system luring doctors and nurses away with lucrative contracts.
My daughter and SIL pay over $3500 US a month for medical insurance :o!
Yeah, makes sense. I'm sure there are private healthcare options in Canada too? And corporate doctors? I believe the Canadian model is probably better than the Nordic model.. in many ways.
In Canada we cover everybody for less than 1/3 the cost in America per capita, we also have private insurance like blue cross for extras on top of government services and many employers offer it as a perk, pays for dental and glasses plus private rooms at hospitals etc. Drug costs are often 1/10 US costs, and most provinces have pharmacare, especially for those over 65 and on low income. Each province administers its own healthcare system differently, some contract out private services like lab work and xrays, others do it at provincial clinics and hospitals.