Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!


Well-Known Member
There is something wrong with the one in the cup with the skinny leaves. That's not normal. I'm not sure exactly what it is (yet). whatever it is appears to only be affecting the new growth. I'm leaning toward a pH issue but...I assume its had the same treatment/conditions as the rest so...idk. Did it get burned by a light maybe?
If you want, grow it out and see what you learn from it. Or you might not want to waste resources on it. Its your call. 50/50 chance it produces for you. (its still early)
The rest look good.
I think most people would say that yeah, the fox farms is worth it. I'm currently using the Grow Big 3-2-6, and the organic Big Bloom with good results. It depends on what else you can get. Peace.


"itsgrowinlikeaweed" good stuff bro way to regulate...... yeah i think that i missed calculated my cfl bulb temp, and left the door closed.. therefor not recieving enough fresh air...

fer shits - n - giggles im going to grow out the "runway model" and she where she goes.. live n learn right...

asfar as the fox far im think i'm on the band-wagon.. i will be goindown to the market this week and getting me a good batch of some... lil this lil that.. thanks fer the comments guys/gals.... be back soon