Oklahoma Growers Thread!

I always saw on forums where the sick grows came from a lot of locations were Oklahoma. I've never been there so I can't comment on the quality of the bud in general but I feel like if anyone in Oklahoma is willing to smoke, sell or grow weed it has to be some really good shit
Come on out to the Red Dirt and find out! Although I'm not responsible for how many days you lose or where you wake up.
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Tulsa is a good place to grow, if you don't mind the heat and bugs. We have had enough rain since the midle of May that I just did my first watering last night.
Yes..i watered for the first time this morning. And I Did a little trimming on there bottoms. There is a killer heat warning out, be safe. I am 67yrs and only stay out for 15 to 20 minutes at a time..
Yes..i watered for the first time this morning. And I Did a little trimming on there bottoms. There is a killer heat warning out, be safe. I am 67yrs and only stay out for 15 to 20 minutes at a time..
Yeah, be safe out there guys!.. this triple digit heat wave is gonna hang around a while. Although we are 2 inches above normal for June, it won’t take long for it to dry back up. It’s like a sauna out there.
Good afternoon. I am looking for blooming fretilzer/nutes . Do you have any favorites? Thank you/wado
I use GH Maxi series MaxiGro and Maxibloom dry one-part nutrients as a base. I add EasyWeed soluble kelp and Wallace Organic Wonder soluble humic/fulvic as supplements. I use the higher N MaxiGrow through the end of the initial flower stretch when I transition over the course of a week or two. The plants are still consuming a lot of N during the stretch. Most bloom nutes have much more P in them than the plants use.

My plants seemed to be happy with it in 2021
I use GH Maxi series MaxiGro and Maxibloom dry one-part nutrients as a base. I add EasyWeed soluble kelp and Wallace Organic Wonder soluble humic/fulvic as supplements. I use the higher N MaxiGrow through the end of the initial flower stretch when I transition over the course of a week or two. The plants are still consuming a lot of N during the stretch. Most bloom nutes have much more P in them than the plants use.

My plants seemed to be happy with it in 2021
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Thanks.. very nice plants..
Good afternoon. I am looking for blooming fretilzer/nutes . Do you have any favorites? Thank you/wado
Actually, I don't usually add any spacial nutes. I start with Super Soil furts mixed into soil that's 1/2 compost. I start with a hole 4 feet dia and 18" deep. With Sub Cool's original recipe you shouldn't have to add a lot of stuff. Just a little tea of some kind, Manure tea, compost tea, or banana tea.

My best plant is growing out of the compost bin. It' more 6 feet tall after being topped and more than twice a big as the ones I planted. No nutes of any kind except compost.

Your plants look nice. Our gardens are supposed to be fenced in. It's nice to see them growing in the yard.
Thank you.i plant by moon cycles.on the 20s mainly.. i have always used basic blood meal.bone meal. A bag of cow manue and mix thoughly threw in some prealite and coco/ prelite mix.i do the out the of season when i prep my holes for next year..this year i will try mabee three difrent nute boosters products.bud booster.casndy.ect..and Do a comparison test..peace..happy fathers day
Dances withweeds do you use cal mag on your outdoor grow? Here in the osage the soil is pretty good for the most part. Hey it grows rocks ya know.
Thank you.i plant by moon cycles.on the 20s mainly.. i have always used basic blood meal.bone meal. A bag of cow manue and mix thoughly threw in some prealite and coco/ prelite mix.i do the out the of season when i prep my holes for next year..this year i will try mabee three difrent nute boosters products.bud booster.casndy.ect..and Do a comparison test..peace..happy fathers day
If you haven't used one of the super high P bud boosters before, be conservative with application. I've burned some plants with that stuff before.
Dances withweeds do you use cal mag on your outdoor grow? Here in the osage the soil is pretty good for the most part. Hey it grows rocks ya know.
It grows megalithic blocks the Egyptians would have been proud to built their temples from.
Not much rocks in NE Tulsa Co.

I haven't had to add anything yet. Probably won't have to with everything that's in the soil. Only side dressings of what ever is around here. Mostly goat, chicken, donkey.