Oklahoma leads the country in medical marijuana


Well-Known Member
According to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority, there are more than 380,000 Oklahomans with active medical marijuana cards, about 10 percent of the population. That’s more than any other state in the country and double that of New Mexico, which comes in second.

A lot of boof floating around..

absolutely right lol its like 140+ stores per customer if I'm not mistaken but the quality is left to be desired. we've got some spectacular people here on RIU in ok killing it but its a dime a dozen. the saturation in the market should kill it off though.
I have some serious medical issues that no Doc in their right mind would refuse me but the doc I saw was interested in doing one thing, writing prescriptions for medical cards. I doubt he ever had a person he has ever turned down. Ive never seen anything so easy in my life. No counseling no discussion just pay at the desk. So my son's (19 and 26) picked up theirs the same day.

Just tell them you have insomnia and pay at the desk.
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