Old House Growing

Hey, i am growing in a an old farm house. 100+ years old. It can not handle that much electricity in one circuit breaker or something im not really sure the details, all i no is that it can't use that much. I do know for a fact that it can at least hold 180 watts. Im really pissed because i know someone who could of given me a 400 watt hps light for free. So a buddy of mine reccomended i use cfls because they have twice the light power and a lot less wattage. Right now im in veg state and have 5 12-16inch plants. I have 4 lamps in total. 2 23 watt cfls (the ones at candian tire and home depot) and 2 13 watt cfls (im gunna replace those with 23 watt lights. I was wondering if i needed more to get a decent amount of bud if say i had 3 females in total? My buddy told me i should have at least 8 23 watt cfls to get about 5-8 ounces. I was thinking also if this isnt a good idea to just raise theese in my room and plant them outside in a month so they will be about 1-2 feet tall. Any suggestions/opinions on the topic would be much apprecitated thanks.

Long Live Bob Marley
how much more light? How many 23 watt bulbs? He also reccomended i get like 2-3 65 watt cfls. What is the biggest cfl u can get?


New Member
I would say even if you run CFL's, you should update the electricals. Concerns are evenly for the fact that its dangerous and that you will need ALOT of CFL's (might aswell grab that 400watt because you're gonna want close to that many CFL watts)

Rule of Thumb: 100watts per square foot of grow area... but more is never bad.