Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Im talking about that foul stench u can smell through a brick wall, makes ur eyes go that scary red damn that stuff disabled me fast long story short i was in a car going a do a dutchie had 1 cone and got absolutely destroyed the world started spinning i was like oh shit im in trouble lol, grown alot of these strains from mordern breeders they just pale in comparison ive never had that effect from any other strain true psychedelic weed real skunk, sensi had good skunk years ago there stock has changed definitely not the same
i remeber that strain i called it Kentucky Skunk that Marijuana i only got a quarter bag of it, the effects of it was say i smoked a doobie of it 15 minutes later i got stoneder keeper marijuna is was i called it, i didnt grow it, you would,nt happen say a marijuana where i can find acouple of seeds of it, maybe a marijuana strain bank?
What do people think of Big Buddha Cheese, fem seeds, from the original breeder?
Fuckall like cheese however i did find one pheno once that was pretty much almost unsmokable think roadkill plus mushrooms i swear on my life i had one rare pheno that was like skunky and extreme burnt rubber and like mushrooms it tasted like shrooms it was hands down the weirdest thing i ever smoked or came across and i like the weird ones usually but this was just too out there the regular phenos are just your typical ghani x skunk years ago when they did regs it was a ok strain but big bhudda lost parents so the cheese and blue cheese from them isnt as good vs old releases
Fuckall like cheese however i did find one pheno once that was pretty much almost unsmokable think roadkill plus mushrooms i swear on my life i had one rare pheno that was like skunky and extreme burnt rubber and like mushrooms it tasted like shrooms it was hands down the weirdest thing i ever smoked or came across and i like the weird ones usually but this was just too out there the regular phenos are just your typical ghani x skunk years ago when they did regs it was a ok strain but big bhudda lost parents so the cheese and blue cheese from them isnt as good vs old releases

I can get an original release pack of Big Buddha Cheese Fems.

Worth it?
I may pass then.
There is some nice ones but strength wise it wasnt as potent as the real cheese it yields more too cos its the kali his afghan he used for the original incross that one was ok i tried that years ago lemon earthy hashy kinda stuff that was i just dont wanna get your hopes up for it as like a copy of the cheese it wasn't that bud id run it if i had the seeds but its not one id go out my way for to track down
This is what Katsu said about the 79 and 81 skunk

"Together in the same flower room they are the skunkiest thing I've smelled in more than 10 years. Strong sulfur and foulness. These are both from Sunshine Seed Co. I think growing conditions can increase the foulness of the odor, with soil being better"
This is what Katsu said about the 79 and 81 skunk

"Together in the same flower room they are the skunkiest thing I've smelled in more than 10 years. Strong sulfur and foulness. These are both from Sunshine Seed Co. I think growing conditions can increase the foulness of the odor, with soil being better"
Sounds like every others breeders description of their skunk, really. I'd take what he says with a massive grain of salt tbh!
This is what Katsu said about the 79 and 81 skunk

"Together in the same flower room they are the skunkiest thing I've smelled in more than 10 years. Strong sulfur and foulness. These are both from Sunshine Seed Co. I think growing conditions can increase the foulness of the odor, with soil being better"
Growing organic and doing a good job makes the best of any strain ime but its either there or not though organics has the edge on smell and taste but its not magic it cannot make something skunky if its not skunky already you can maybe enhance the terps thiols etc that are already present but they need to be there in the first place .
There is some nice ones but strength wise it wasnt as potent as the real cheese it yields more too cos its the kali his afghan he used for the original incross that one was ok i tried that years ago lemon earthy hashy kinda stuff that was i just dont wanna get your hopes up for it as like a copy of the cheese it wasn't that bud id run it if i had the seeds but its not one id go out my way for to track down

One original Fem pack, was for sale, on Strainly. $200usd. Theyre gone now.

Back ( 79-84 ) when my buddy had the skunk strain. Him, being raised on a farm, used chemicals, and it reeked like none other.

He used Urea ( 46-0-0 )-Super Phosphate 0-44-0 , and Potassium Sulfate ( 0-0-52 ) and Dolomitic Lime, and Calcitic Lime. Soil here in NE KY, SUCKS, and if you use to much Dolomite, it will turn to concrete.

If it was fertilized correctly, you wouldnt have to go back, unless it didnt rain, check for bugs ect, or to kill males.
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Huft nah man thats almost 160 pounds i wouldnt pay that for em bud

I would have, if they were worth it. Im also not really into fems, though, in the last 6 months, Ive bought more of them, than I ever have.
I found S1s, of the PUCK/SKELLY. I had to get them. Guy said they are finicky. They were $300 usd, for 12 seeds. $150 for 6. I bought 12, and was given 14.
Puck S1 in the plastic square.

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I would have, if they were worth it. Im also not really into fems, though, in the last 6 months, Ive bought more of them, than I ever have.
I found S1s, of the PUCK/SKELLY. I had to get them. Guy said they are finicky. They were $300 usd, for 12 seeds. $150 for 6. I bought 12, and was given 14.
Puck S1 in the plastic square.


I take it those s1s are from el jefe gardens?