Old School Skunk, who's found it???

I think those that hold it only breed with it (sp) these days i think unless im wrong dont think anyone offers it pure anymore
I miss the old Marc Emry seeds out the high times magazine. Some of the best strains I ever had were ordered through that seed company. The nirvana misty, holands hope, Mazar, even a few skunk and northern lights strains. I feel like all the old genetics have been over breed or watered down to the point we’re now every pack of seeds is a hunt for a good phenio . If I could only go back in time and order thousands of seeds.
He asked for a cut. Asking for cuts, clones or snips is a violation of TOS. That's why it was removed.
I did not ask for anything. And nobody offered me anything. It's a post about skunk so I was joking that I would trade my girlfriend (a human) for a cut because It was that good. It was clearly a joke. Or at least so I thought
I did not ask for anything. And nobody offered me anything. It's a post about skunk so I was joking that I would trade my girlfriend (a human) for a cut because It was that good. It was clearly a joke. Or at least so I thought
It had nothing to do with your joke which I thought it was funny. You can not ask for a cut, clone or snip here. You can ask about where to find a cut/clone/snip but nothing direct. For legal reasons we can't be in the middle of that. We have plenty of posts asking where to find cuts/clones/snips. So just keep it to that, thanks. Anyway I don't want to derail the thread anymore then it already is so if you wish to speak more on it we can continue in PM.
I did not ask for anything. And nobody offered me anything. It's a post about skunk so I was joking that I would trade my girlfriend (a human) for a cut because It was that good. It was clearly a joke. Or at least so I thought
Aye we allowed seeds cant with cuts unfortunately
your response was pretty misogynistic honestly, i would stop trying to figure out what the admins mean when thats your response, and not say anything and let us handle it... to avoid problems you know ;)
Ok sorry no offence was meant btw i was just making sure they know on here is a mixed team i didn't mean anything by it
I feel like one of the reasons that it's hard to find strains with true pure skunk smell has to do with what happens when skunky terpenes are combined with other terpenes, IMO skunk terpenes are drowned out whenever they are combined with other terpenes. And, everything is mixed with something else nowadays, nothing is pure anymore.
I love strawberries and I love licorice but if you combine strawberry with licorice the strawberry flavor gets lost. It's like mixing colors, some colors mix well with others, while some colors get lost or muddled when mixed. Yellow and blue make green but mix all the colors and you get grey, I feel like that's where we are at with Cannabis right now, grey.
I feel like one of the reasons that it's hard to find strains with true pure skunk smell has to do with what happens when skunky terpenes are combined with other terpenes, IMO skunk terpenes are drowned out whenever they are combined with other terpenes. And, everything is mixed with something else nowadays, nothing is pure anymore.
I love strawberries and I love licorice but if you combine strawberry with licorice the strawberry flavor gets lost. It's like mixing colors, some colors mix well with others, while some colors get lost or muddled when mixed. Yellow and blue make green but mix all the colors and you get grey, I feel like that's where we are at with Cannabis right now, grey.
I think its a combination of things but that could be part of it i think the start of the damage was done with folk sick of getting busted so they selected away from skunky terps you could be right and it is getting masked in some stuff too tho like ya say mind you wouldnt suprise me if herms and very skunky stuff is a linked trait as well
This lot buy seeds from him bomb seeds sensi seeds nirvana and some other dutch and spanish folk in bulk then they repackage em n sell em got quite a few older lines too

I ve spent 15 years looking for the De Sjamaan s Purple Widow. It s a strain that has helped me greatly and I m praying someone has these seeds kicking around.
Wrong thread tho but hope it helps mind you purple power that makes it purple is just viking purple pheno x skunk#1 if u want i can point you towards seeds of its parent the viking?
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What arw you guyz trying to recreate ? Can you tell me the pedegrie of that exact plant you smoked in the 70s and 80s. Unless you knos that then your just looking for a needle in the whole wide world.
Is that 79 skunk from those guys who made up there own version of the florida og and og ect whith completly diffrent plants. Crazzy people around on the breeding scene. People need to be more carefull of some of the things people come up with when their trying to sell you seeds or clones.

You may have heard this before, from me,,,,,, and will make a long story as short as possible.

My buddy played in a band, Appalachian Mainline, in the early 70s-78. They opened for James Gang, in Charleston Wv, in 1972. He met a guy named William Keith "Noodles" Hays. He was from Meigs County, Ohio, and was the Originator of Meigs County Gold, and of which, Willie Nelson was a frequent visitor, to his farm.

In the 70s, Meigs was known as the Humboldt County, of the east. Its also not far, from Athens/Ohio University, which has held the record for being voted the biggest party school, in the USA. Its probably the coolest place, in Ohio.
Noodles invited my buddy, to his farm. Noodles was super old school. He would be 80 years old, and had been collecting seeds at that time, since the 60s.
He gave my buddy, the first Indica seeds, we had ever seen, and that was in spring, of 73. Also, I never met Noodles.
In 1978, he gave my buddy the first Skunk, we had ever heard of, and he grew both the Indica, and the Skunk, until 1984, when he got ratted out, and lost both of the genetics.

Noodles told him that the origins, at least on one side, was Kerela. And the other, was an unnamed Indica.

And think of this. Consider Meigs county, especially then, was in the middle, of fucking nowhere. As of now, its still only a village, and has less than 700 residents. So how many did it have in the 60s, and 70s??
He was from Racine.

But, how many hillbillys, in the middle of nowhere, ever heard of Kerela, in by 1978, and before?. Not many. And he had already been growing it. Noodles also had a greenhouse. He got ratted out, in the late 90s, and did 8 years federal.
Noodles Son, is a member here, but never comes here.

Noodles passed in 2020, at St Marys Medical Center, in Huntington, Wv

Nice story, but it leads us nowhere closer to getting the real, old skunk! I have an old timer I’ve been talking to, says he can get me some real skunk seeds. Hope it comes to fruit. As for now I’m just waiting and watching, hoping someday someone can find it. My guess though,all us old people remember the smell,,,like driving over road kill. The high,,, probably remembered differently for each of us. But remembered fondly or we wouldn’t be talking about it and searching it out, 30-40 years later. Holy crap I just realized I guess I’m now and old timer too!
Nice story, but it leads us nowhere closer to getting the real, old skunk! I have an old timer I’ve been talking to, says he can get me some real skunk seeds. Hope it comes to fruit. As for now I’m just waiting and watching, hoping someday someone can find it. My guess though,all us old people remember the smell,,,like driving over road kill. The high,,, probably remembered differently for each of us. But remembered fondly or we wouldn’t be talking about it and searching it out, 30-40 years later. Holy crap I just realized I guess I’m now and old timer too!
Lets hope he gets em to you i think if we are gonna find it it is in some old timers seed stash most likely