Old School Skunk, who's found it???

You may have heard this before, from me,,,,,, and will make a long story as short as possible.

My buddy played in a band, Appalachian Mainline, in the early 70s-78. They opened for James Gang, in Charleston Wv, in 1972. He met a guy named William Keith "Noodles" Hays. He was from Meigs County, Ohio, and was the Originator of Meigs County Gold, and of which, Willie Nelson was a frequent visitor, to his farm.

In the 70s, Meigs was known as the Humboldt County, of the east. Its also not far, from Athens/Ohio University, which has held the record for being voted the biggest party school, in the USA. Its probably the coolest place, in Ohio.
Noodles invited my buddy, to his farm. Noodles was super old school. He would be 80 years old, and had been collecting seeds at that time, since the 60s.
He gave my buddy, the first Indica seeds, we had ever seen, and that was in spring, of 73. Also, I never met Noodles.
In 1978, he gave my buddy the first Skunk, we had ever heard of, and he grew both the Indica, and the Skunk, until 1984, when he got ratted out, and lost both of the genetics.

Noodles told him that the origins, at least on one side, was Kerela. And the other, was an unnamed Indica.

And think of this. Consider Meigs county, especially then, was in the middle, of fucking nowhere. As of now, its still only a village, and has less than 700 residents. So how many did it have in the 60s, and 70s??
He was from Racine.

But, how many hillbillys, in the middle of nowhere, ever heard of Kerela, in by 1978, and before?. Not many. And he had already been growing it. Noodles also had a greenhouse. He got ratted out, in the late 90s, and did 8 years federal.
Noodles Son, is a member here, but never comes here.

Noodles passed in 2020, at St Marys Medical Center, in Huntington, Wv

Yeah back in those days they were using skunk as just a way of refering to some of the first indiaca x sativa hybrids in the illegal growing world. Its why there were many diffrent things being called skunk all over the usa and other places in the 60s 70s and early 80s.

Ive heard of the name noodles before, but my memory isnt as great as it once was.
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According to sam skunkman lore, the skunk was not in the afghan but in the columbian. The afghan was used to shorten flowering and tame the smell. I have found very skunky afghans in veg and early harvest and drying, but the smell goes away after cure and ends up hashy. Whereas I have found columbian red carried skunk into the jar for months, but not loud unless you put it in your pocket or hot car. I think the reason it is lost is people aren't running enough columbians in this hunt. They seem to think it is in the afghan side. Maybe the rubber is, but the skunk very likely comes from a sativa side. Perhaps the afghan just enhanced the sharp skunk recessive in the old columbians. Also worth noting that the some columbian had lebanese and hash plants introduced by parke davis way back when.
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According to sam skunkman lore, the skunk was not in the afghan but in the columbian. The afghan was used to shorten flowering and tame the smell. I have found very skunky afghans in veg and early harvest and drying, but the smell goes away after cure and ends up hashy. Whereas I have found columbian red carried skunk into the jar for months, but not loud unless you put it in your pocket or hot car. I think the reason it is lost is people aren't running enough columbians in this hunt. They seem to think it is in the afghan side. Maybe the rubber is, but the skunk very likely comes from a sativa side. Perhaps the afghan just enhanced the sharp skunk recessive in the old columbians. Also worth noting that the some columbian had lebanese and hash plants introduced by parke davis way back when.
Where u read this cos everything i read from sam he says it was the mazari ? Not that i trust him with it i take what he says with a pinch of salt i honestly think its the mexi x ghani combo that brings the funk for the most part
Yeah, I don't know about Colombian for skunk... I too think it's Mexi Afghan or just straight Mexi honestly... But not a pure Mexican, something that probably would have Central Asian genes in it, just coming from Mexico. I've had several Colombians, including two direct from a guy in Colombia, and the common smells seem to go more floral and lime.
the first homegrown my family had was in 88 and the skunkiest stuff you ever dreamed of. my dads buddy got seeds from his wife in washington state. she recently told me it was "columbian gold" probably impossible to find them even.
Where u read this cos everything i read from sam he says it was the mazari ? Not that i trust him with it i take what he says with a pinch of salt i honestly think its the mexi x ghani combo that brings the funk for the most part

my mistake it was a quote from an associate of sam "His former associate Phil Noland tells me, in the ’70s, Watson used a tiny greenhouse, 10 feet by 20 feet, near Mt. Madonna. He combined Colombian seeds (sativa) with Acapulco Gold and Afghan (indica) seeds, to bring down the enormous height of the Colombian sativa plant and mitigate the odor to make it more grower friendly."
my mistake it was a quote from an associate of sam "His former associate Phil Noland tells me, in the ’70s, Watson used a tiny greenhouse, 10 feet by 20 feet, near Mt. Madonna. He combined Colombian seeds (sativa) with Acapulco Gold and Afghan (indica) seeds, to bring down the enormous height of the Colombian sativa plant and mitigate the odor to make it more grower friendly."
Makes sense i dont think he bred it without help for what its worth he said he crossed lumbo x ghani x lumbo x ghani then inbred those seeds 2 or 3 gens then added the mexi however it wouldnt suprise me if the mexi x ghani cross was first then the lumbo added i guess we will never know for sure
We've been here for years I even see familiar people from the old icmag thread that got ended too. What is everybody's stinker they are using as their skunk filler? I've got a solid run of some clone onlys running for the first time right now to identify who is staying around. I'd say my stinkers at week 5 are the dogwalker, gmo cookies, deathstar, and mb15. Also have a corey stardawg cut in there that is keeping my interest high. What's your closest skunk you're keeping in rotation?
We've been here for years I even see familiar people from the old icmag thread that got ended too. What is everybody's stinker they are using as their skunk filler? I've got a solid run of some clone onlys running for the first time right now to identify who is staying around. I'd say my stinkers at week 5 are the dogwalker, gmo cookies, deathstar, and mb15. Also have a corey stardawg cut in there that is keeping my interest high. What's your closest skunk you're keeping in rotation?
Super stardog and skunk special the super star dogs from panik/realgorillaseeds the skunk special is from female seeds Holland both have that catpissy funky edge to em the only thing is skunk special isnt the most sexually stable so best finding one that is and cloning it but it sure bloody yields u will struggle to find a better yielder imo
Super stardog and skunk special the super star dogs from panik/realgorillaseeds the skunk special is from female seeds Holland both have that catpissy funky edge to em the only thing is skunk special isnt the most sexually stable so best finding one that is and cloning it but it sure bloody yields u will struggle to find a better yielder imo

Thank you for the info and your reply! I figured since everyone here is hunting for the same thing we all probably have similar likes. Maybe by sharing what we have found to be the closest more of us can scratch that itch. I may try one of the ones you reccomended out after I get through digging through what I have. Thank you again.
Smoked a lot of very skunk smelling weed 1970 plus or minus a year or so
Mexican or Columbian
Enjoying a Columbia Gold x Skunk18. It's skunky and sweet, very sativa but big trichs. The holy grail skunk I'd pray for again wasn't sweet, but it wasn't opposite of sweet. It was pure skunk smell but at the same time pleasant, like almost wanted to turn sweet but it took a right turn and didn't. I don't understand references to burnt rubber or garlic because it didn't have those. Just skunk. I don't know Columbians. Don't know if they're all sweet or if the gold is particularly sweet. Only gold I had or claimed to be was ages ago and it was gold brown color and perhaps along the lines of a tobacco smell or something but wasn't even bud that was ages ago and sellers lied about shit all the time. I'd like to say our terroir has something to do with it too.
Enjoying a Columbia Gold x Skunk18. It's skunky and sweet, very sativa but big trichs. The holy grail skunk I'd pray for again wasn't sweet, but it wasn't opposite of sweet. It was pure skunk smell but at the same time pleasant, like almost wanted to turn sweet but it took a right turn and didn't. I don't understand references to burnt rubber or garlic because it didn't have those. Just skunk. I don't know Columbians. Don't know if they're all sweet or if the gold is particularly sweet. Only gold I had or claimed to be was ages ago and it was gold brown color and perhaps along the lines of a tobacco smell or something but wasn't even bud that was ages ago and sellers lied about shit all the time. I'd like to say our terroir has something to do with it too.
Id say garlic and burnt rubber are more the Afghan side of things bud you do get it in some Pakistani lines too though ime
Rock N Roll :) wheres our 80's Humboldt Skunk danky danky man these some of the youngsters have no idea what danky danky weedz are all about , Man we payed 70$ 8th at a Greatful Dead show in 1988 was soooo crazy good wasn't skunk but it was sooo danky , we had Humboldty skunky weedz all day long that was some screaming weedz too., all I can say it was awesome . My buddy Z went on from those times to pull 1500 a year w/ the purple urkles the old/org strain 25 yrs in Mendocino :) . We used to get some the goods at the Dead shows . Other than that San Joaquin Co, was throwing it down to :) . I can'y believe how far off even the new strains are they've tried to get close with is sadning to me ! LOlolll Haha,