Old skool here, need help finding right information on led ! Please help !

Samsung isn't the only one slightly fudging...... Nichia "white" is top dog ......Pun intended friend

How is grumpy ledtechnik doing?
Haha! I don't talk to Teknik as much as GLA does these days, but he's none too happy about all the Covid lockdowns in Melbourne – I think they've hit his business quite a bit. We've been lucky in our part of the world.

Nichia are still the leaders, they just don't market themselves as well as Samsung and have really been behind the ball in addressing the horticultural market – something that Samsung has been fast to adopt. In fact, I got a call from the Nichia rep a couple of weeks ago asking what Nichia could do to make a bigger impact in horticulture and where we thought the cannabis market was going.

Now, we were telling Nichia two years ago that they needed to start developing chips for horticulture otherwise they would be left behind by Samsung. And they have been. The Koreans are nothing if not pragmatic (like the Chinese), but Japanese businesses can be very conservative and frankly Nichia didn't want to know about the cannabis industry two years ago. It was their loss. Samsung have really stolen a march on them and now they are scrambling to catching up.

What Nichia really needs to do is expand their line of monos – they don't even produce a 660nm chip – and keep developing their UV line. UV has been a big boone for Nichia as it has been in greater demand for disinfection since covid. This is one area where Nichia craps all over Samsung: Nichia has the most efficient UV diodes in the world, with the 405nm 3535 tested at over 72% efficiency by Teknik. The 395nm and 385nm chips are not far behind.

We also told Nichia they need to develop chips in the 420-430nm range, as this is where we see real future demand. 420-430nm coincides with a number of important absorption peaks in plants, namely Chlorophyll A, but current chips are not very efficient. So we see 420-430nm mono or white phosphor ("Sunlike" type chips) and 630-660nm monos being areas where Nichia can improve, and further development of UVA as being a good niche.

Nichia have just announced a new line of narrow bad phosphors as well, which we see a lot of potential of if they can get the efficiency up. We already use narrow bands on our High LIght 420 boards, but we use a custom three-die design and the new Nichia diodes only have one die, which means they are nowhere near as efficient at higher currents. We todl Nichia they need to bit the bullet and start making narrow bands in two and three-die chips, but Nichia said they were more expensive to produce and they couldn't see a market for them. Their loss again. Nichia may be world leaders in technology, but they are lagards in social and economic trends, IMO.
Haha! I don't talk to Teknik as much as GLA does these days, but he's none too happy about all the Covid lockdowns in Melbourne – I think they've hit his business quite a bit. We've been lucky in our part of the world.

Nichia are still the leaders, they just don't market themselves as well as Samsung and have really been behind the ball in addressing the horticultural market – something that Samsung has been fast to adopt. In fact, I got a call from the Nichia rep a couple of weeks ago asking what Nichia could do to make a bigger impact in horticulture and where we thought the cannabis market was going.

Now, we were telling Nichia two years ago that they needed to start developing chips for horticulture otherwise they would be left behind by Samsung. And they have been. The Koreans are nothing if not pragmatic (like the Chinese), but Japanese businesses can be very conservative and frankly Nichia didn't want to know about the cannabis industry two years ago. It was their loss. Samsung have really stolen a march on them and now they are scrambling to catching up.

What Nichia really needs to do is expand their line of monos – they don't even produce a 660nm chip – and keep developing their UV line. UV has been a big boone for Nichia as it has been in greater demand for disinfection since covid. This is one area where Nichia craps all over Samsung: Nichia has the most efficient UV diodes in the world, with the 405nm 3535 tested at over 72% efficiency by Teknik. The 395nm and 385nm chips are not far behind.

We also told Nichia they need to develop chips in the 420-430nm range, as this is where we see real future demand. 420-430nm coincides with a number of important absorption peaks in plants, namely Chlorophyll A, but current chips are not very efficient. So we see 420-430nm mono or white phosphor ("Sunlike" type chips) and 630-660nm monos being areas where Nichia can improve, and further development of UVA as being a good niche.

Nichia have just announced a new line of narrow bad phosphors as well, which we see a lot of potential of if they can get the efficiency up. We already use narrow bands on our High LIght 420 boards, but we use a custom three-die design and the new Nichia diodes only have one die, which means they are nowhere near as efficient at higher currents. We todl Nichia they need to bit the bullet and start making narrow bands in two and three-die chips, but Nichia said they were more expensive to produce and they couldn't see a market for them. Their loss again. Nichia may be world leaders in technology, but they are lagards in social and economic trends, IMO.
Good to see you back around these parts! Stay awhile ;D
Good to see you back around these parts! Stay awhile ;D
Thanks! I'm still around, and I do pop in from time to time, but I'm not growing much these days and the lighting business is taking up a bit more of my time, so it's a matter of finding stuff to post and time to do it. I leave most of the LED stuff to GLA these days, as he fronts the company and is the offical RIU sponsor. It's the "old skool" part of this thread that attracted me, as I'm a bit old skool myself, LOL!
Thanks! I'm still around, and I do pop in from time to time, but I'm not growing much these days and the lighting business is taking up a bit more of my time, so it's a matter of finding stuff to post and time to do it. I leave most of the LED stuff to GLA these days, as he fronts the company and is the offical RIU sponsor. It's the "old skool" part of this thread that attracted me, as I'm a bit old skool myself, LOL!
Wonderful to hear you're successful and sorry to hear it's a time squeeze. Such is life eh, time or money.
Nichia eh, these good then ? Never heard of them till now ! The diodes mentioned above are 0.6-1.0w per diode which is much higher than .25w per Samsung lm301. Would I use less of the nichia or would I use the same amount as the Samsung but run them cooler ? What are the best, top 5 say white diodes ? Top 5 reds etc I've seen so many now it makes my head spin ! Is there a thread about the best diodes etc ? I've not found one, not recent anyway ! If anyone knows these things pleas e show me the light ! As it were !