Well-Known Member
You don't seem to grasp, though, that what you're talking about is essentially a gigantic, government-owned and operated HMO. The thing that's maddening about using an HMO is the interference of "administrators". All these people who don't know jack shit about medicine, never see the patient face-to-face, yet making what are sometimes life and death decisions that are often in complete contradiction to what that person's doc says they need or should have (in terms of treatment).Yes I do. I want to do away with for profit medical. I mean I'd leave all the private doctors alone, they could fend for themselves or join the national health care system. Here's how I'd work that: Hospitals and doctors could bill the government for services, services studied and deemed reasonable. Private people could still pay outrageous prices for their medical, they would not be forced to join. But all HMOs would be disbanded, Private Medical insurance would be disbanded, except a few companies for the rich. The employees and employers would pay a tax predicated on how much the system would cost, and every Dr. visit, specialist visit, or hospital stay would be free, no out of pocket. Employers that pay for their employees insurance now, would save a bundle. Private people that pay for insurance and co-pays would save a bundle, and basically, medical would be free when you needed attention. There are a few bugs to work out and all you rich guys could just go ahead and pay for your services, I'm sure there would be a few Dr.s that would opt out and charge big bucks, but the rest of us would have no more worries on how we are going to pay for medical
How is making such a system a government-run system really any better? Have you spoken to any sick Canadians lately? Did you know that many times those who can afford it go across the border to get medical attention when they need it because the waits at home can be so long? Why would they do that if their socialized, government-run healthcare system were so great? I'm not saying that we're in a fantastic state of affairs, but I also think that HMOs have done a lot to bring quality of service and treatment way, way down.