Older Leaves Yellowing?

My plants are 3 weeks old & the lower/older leaves are slowly turning yellow & crispy, is this normal?
The top leaves are looking very healthy

Im using Canna Bio-Terra Soil and have only been using Bio-Rhizotonic & Hygrozyme so far as nutrients go... the whole leaf is turning yellow, not just the tips (shouldnt be burn)

Bio-Terra is also loaded with Nutes so it shouldnt be deficient

I def haven't over watered, and today gave the first big water (as opposed to lightly spraying with water which ive been doing so far) so maybe its just underwatering as all ive been doing up to now is remoistening the soil, rather than actually pouring water in


Well-Known Member
Are you checking PH? 3 week old plants shouldn't be sheading leaves. Most people don't give many nutes early in veg, so you could have burned them. You should always wait until your pots go dry, then water until it's running out the bottom of the pot.


Well-Known Member
When watering, you should pour water onto the soil surface evenly and slowly. You should water until you have runoff. If you do not water the soil so that it is moist all over, there will be areas where the soil is dry. Roots that have grown into those areas will wither away. Or, you you have never watered/saturated the soil completely, the plant will not venture into the dry areas thus forcing the plant to work with less soil area. The plant will then mature slowly and may have issues like you have having. Okay, now if you are start watering correctly, after watering you should wait until the soil dries out. Weigh the pot to see what it weighs like when dry. You should try to allow the pot to reach dryness before watering each time. There are other issues you might have like pH problems, overnuting, undernuting. But, my first thought would be to get your watering process corrected.
Cool thanks for the advice im pretty sure its water related issue, the soil im using says not to bother doing PH tests, i haven't been using much nutes, just Rhizotonic which is very light & mainly for root growth, the other thing ive used is Hygrozyme which is enzymes not nutrients

I think i need to get a watering can with one of those multi-holed spouts so i can evenly water, just pouring it in doesn't get it 100% evenly throughout the soil
make sure your temp is right too
Good point, i think the leaves went yellow over the days that my temp was hitting 30-31c so was a bit high, combined with underwatering...

Checked this morning after a big feed yesterday & backing off the light & the leaves are re-greening!

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
a few bottom leaves going yellow and dying isn't that bad. Its minor, but if you want to dial in your skills as a grower you should try and fix it.
usually indicates insufficient light penetration, N defficiency, PH issues or light feeding making the plant use its energy resources.


watering without runoff isn't a great idea as salt buildups that aren't washed out at least once every 2 weeks can seriously harm the plants. in a regular feeding regime.
If you just use water it has nothing to do with you.

When using pre-fertilized soil you should start feeding when the tops become a bit pale. Thats the most major sign of N defficiency. In veg your plant eats mostly N so it should be the first one to be noticed missing.

Good luck :D
Check out my grow if you have some extra time. please.
Thanks for the advice, i just have the feeling my plants could be better than they currently are, i see CFL grows that are much better after 3 weeks, but maybe thats cause they can get their light so close without overheating

Shouldnt be an N deficiency as the soil i have is loaded (Bio-Terra), the leaves are under another set so perhaps lack of penetration has contributed...

I think i've just been underwatering up until yesterday & had the heat too high ofr a few days, i got new sets of leaf growth every 2/3 days so its not that bad

ps Nice Grow!!!


Well-Known Member
no prob, im having temp issues right now that caused my leaves to yellow. I fixed it with a heating bad and replacing one of the cfls with a regular bulb.


New Member
nopw... 3 weeks is mighty young. sounds like you may be burning them or pH issues. you seemed to address everything but pH in initial post.
Im using all Canna Bio products (organic) which say they don't need any PH measuring or adjusting...

Maybe i used too much Rhizotonic but i doubt it, i think i just underwatered & had the light too close, i had a temp of 30-31 for 2 days and in those 2 days the leaves started turning yellow & going crispy....


Well-Known Member
yes, I had a problem with yellowing and drooping leaves for a few days.... then I realized you F*ing idiot you forgot to put the fan back in the cab! The leaves came back the next day.
For a while i thought the internal fan was causing the yellow/crispyness, wind burn or something...

I find that opening my tents vents is good for keeping temparature down, but it also means i lose the negative pressure in my tent, not good for odour control!


Active Member
You just need to be patient and don't do so much to the plant so early in it's life. a little light, water and air circulation. PATIENTS is key


Well-Known Member
My plants are 3 weeks old & the lower/older leaves are slowly turning yellow & crispy, is this normal?
The top leaves are looking very healthy

Im using Canna Bio-Terra Soil and have only been using Bio-Rhizotonic & Hygrozyme so far as nutrients go... the whole leaf is turning yellow, not just the tips (shouldnt be burn)

Bio-Terra is also loaded with Nutes so it shouldnt be deficient

I def haven't over watered, and today gave the first big water (as opposed to lightly spraying with water which ive been doing so far) so maybe its just underwatering as all ive been doing up to now is remoistening the soil, rather than actually pouring water in

shouldnt be yellowing that early do you have any pics? and always water the plant with a good amount of water make sure it can easily drain but give it more than enough water then wait till its dry again could take 4 days could take a week but from what ive read and seen its better to give a full watering over just spraying since when spraying alot of the roots wont get water to them
It will never easily drain in this soil i got, its Bio-terra, it holds onto the water something krazy!

But your right the spraying was just to remoisten the riot root cube it was growing in, now the roots must have gone beyond the cube its time to start watering properly, which i did yesterday, although i did not water until i got run off, it would've overwatered i reckon, probably wont have to water for a whole week now...

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
no prob, im having temp issues right now that caused my leaves to yellow. I fixed it with a heating bad and replacing one of the cfls with a regular bulb.
When I have heat issues I lower the light and\or reduce venting.

It doesn't get cold enough that the plants would need a heating pad although theres no venting and the light is inside the plant.