I haven't got around to making any more cocobudder yet. The general consensus is that oils/extracts need to be activated before they are effective as medicines but I've read
articles like this one that basically say it still has medicinal effects if it's not decarbed. Whether it's as good I haven't figured out yet. Oil that isn't decarbed should be able to be taken at higher doses without getting you so high. That way you can get more medicine in you without getting ripped off your ass. Tiny doses are what most people start with until you build up more tolerance to handle larger doses. I was taking some 10:1 cocobudder every day for a month and the same amount I started with, 2mls, still got me uncomfortably high at the end of the month.
I've read some stuff about using suppositories inserted to the proper depth so you get the medicine without the high but I can't seem to find a bookmark to the article. Some searching should turn up lots of articles how to make them and that one about seating the suppository. So much research should have been done by now if it weren't for the US suppressing any research that showed any benefit from using cannabis. They were only interested in results showing it's harms which are very few and minor. Almost all the harm associated with cannabis use is from prohibition itself.
I wasn't starting a contest or anything. He had said he knew where the clones were from and I wanted to see if he was right so offered an incentive. No reply so far.

I've shipped many packs of beans to people I have met in forums if they are in Canada. I'm leery about shipping out of the country especially to the US tho I use a phony return address I don't want the authorities looking for fingerprints as mine are on file from an impaired driving conviction in '93. I knew nothing about the OG18 either and when I posted in a thread dealing with various OG strains was informed that they are not the same thing as the Ocean Grown family of strains that the thread was discussing. Someone there sent me
this link to it's origins tho.
My best buddy from my childhood died a few years back from pancreatic cancer. I think he got it from the diabetes medications that are known to cause that kind off cancer or maybe the 2L bottles of Diet Coke he drank every day and the toxic artificial sweeteners and artificial caramel colouring that California considers a carcinogenic. Nasty type of cancer and I hope she manages to beat it. He smoked a lot of pot but didn't try oils. I went out to BC to stay with him for a few days about 6 months before he died and he looked really bad then but was still taking chemo. They ended up having to keep him in a drug-induced coma the last month as the pain was so bad. If they did that to a dog they'd be charged with cruelty so they put the dog down. I want to be put down should my demise come to such a horrible end.