Oldskool outdoor grower moving inside...


Hello Everyone,
Accomplished grower from the 80s n 90s getting ready to germinate again but indoors this time. Have already taken a look at the grow posts and want to send out a THANKS for all the info I've already seen! I'm sure to have my own questions as I rekindle my passion. So looking forward to chattin it up...as well as rollin one!
Our initiative in AZ for medical is on the ballot in November and I have my joints crossed we get it through this time!


Thanks for the welcome...Im in the research phase right now...trying to figure the best ratios with the sq ft that I have. The best lights, filtration, medium etc...all pretty foreign to me. As for once that is all worked out...I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Being outdoors I have grown fond of sativas and have a choice one or two. I will likely look at a hybrid with an easy grow rating so I can dial in a hydro system...then who knows! Look forward to sharing info when its time.