OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble


New Member
"Dude.....I didn't know the majority of pot farmers r captain save a hoes....LOL"

No.......just most are real men who don't have to show how tough they are by hitting a woman.

Only a punk ass bitch would hit a woman - especially any woman who would put up with a little bitch like you in the first place.
I just looked at this post and thought it was funny, the use of "real man" and "bitch"


New Member
Hitting women jokes can be funny as fuck if done right.
I love this opening, laughed my ass off.


Well-Known Member
Lmao, this thread is some of the funniest shit ive seen in a while. If you think about it the op made a statement that turned it into a warzone of hate between everyone... and some of these posts are freakin hilarious! LOL , but in all honesty whats the point in arguing with others on the internet about something like this, its not like you can change the other persons opinion...


Active Member
Lmao, this thread is some of the funniest shit ive seen in a while. If you think about it the op made a statement that turned it into a warzone of hate between everyone... and some of these posts are freakin hilarious! LOL , but in all honesty whats the point in arguing with others on the internet about something like this, its not like you can change the other persons opinion...

agreed, winning an arguement on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded


Active Member
I don't usually divulge this much information, but if you were in a partiularly notorious state on the east coast, that girl woulda knocked your fuckin teeth out, pussy.

Oh and btw, a MAN who goes in on a cultivation charge is among the top of the prison hierarchy. But when you go and do some shit like that, brothas are gonna be lined up aroun the corner to take turns gettin in that ass.

Get on pornhub and start invisioning yourself as the lone female in the gang bangs.

the hashshasher

Active Member
Wow can't believe how many people think hitting a woman is funny it 2010 assholes women aren't meant to be in kitchen and half of you men these days are broke ass fools who can't get a job...when ex hit me and I beat the fuck out of him for it I came home from jail to a clean house and dinner now is it still funny when its your gender that's being slapped around and being a domesticated bitch?? you men bitchy as women and it cracks me up your distortion of reality
yes i think that would be a lot funnier


so Im wondering, since he has little decency, may I thread jack here and ask a few fellow expert growers, which I am not a question about nutes? I posted a thread no replies and yes guilty...Im a bit impatient, Im looking for OPINIONS on the best nutes reasonably priced for a lil ole country closet growing gal like me who knows how to use a cast iron skillet and hot grits on dipshits like this fella...again sorry 'bout thread jacking but Ive been comparing nutes all morning and somehow ended up HERE ??....maybe my last one was too much a fatty and I aint talking about a woman...peace puff and pass!