Omg! Please help...i think my plant is officially dead...

I'd try and recover the patient.. I would thrive on it in fact.. blue (6500K) cfl (they help heal just about anything) about 5 inches back (for now) and give it time to rest.. my instincts say she will be just fine (I've recovered worse (half of ONE leaf).. from cat's no less.. fuckin cats.. gotta love em and I never blame em.. my bad, ,live and learn. That will recover, but next time, a place less cat friendly).
I've had that problem with my dog before...
That little bastard ate and demolished my first indoor crop...
Keep pets away! Cannabis to pets are as brains are to zombies.
You will be ok man. i had a terrible experience with a Banana Kush i was growing from seed, the plant only had its first real set of leafs and i came home one day and it was bit in half leaving only the leafs on the left side of the plant, naturally i was pissed but the plant lived on. 2 days later i woke up from a nap to find the WHOLE plant pulled out of the soil and left on my hardwood floors, it had to have been laying exposed for about an hour, it was limp as a noodle. i replanted it deep enough so it could stand straight on its own and long story short i ended up with some fine bud at harvest time. Weed really can be resilient.'s MUCH more likely that the advice you get from an experienced grower will at least have some actual experience behind it and not just something they read somewhere.

...the fact of the matter is that you shouldn't trust ANYONE'S advice without first verifying it through your own research, which is why i always recommend that new growers do some studying rather than just asking for advice.

...i'm surprised i needed to explain that, AGAIN. ...keep in mind that YOU are in charge in your world so you're more than welcome to follow any advice that tells you what you want to hear, sure as hell are under no obligation to follow mine.

...and lets not forget what you PAY for all this advice, from the noobs AND the experienced growers, so if you don't do any of your own homework you'll end up getting what you paid for.

Looks like i touched a nerve there!But my statement is 100% true.
You didnt NEED to explain again,you CHOSE to!
If you had read between the lines of my statement,i am saying what you say in your 2nd sentence.
Your last sentence doesnt really make sense.I think you are trying to say that if i pay nothing,i will end up with nothing.
Well,i pay my monthly subscription for my broadband connection to allow me to access RIU!
I dont ask for growing help on RIU,as i like to sort any problems out myself from what i have learned thro reading and
my own and others experience.
I see experienced growers leading noobs astray every day on RIU.I rest my case.
Looks like i touched a nerve there!But my statement is 100% true.
You didnt NEED to explain again,you CHOSE to!
If you had read between the lines of my statement,i am saying what you say in your 2nd sentence.
Your last sentence doesnt really make sense.I think you are trying to say that if i pay nothing,i will end up with nothing.
Well,i pay my monthly subscription for my broadband connection to allow me to access RIU!
I dont ask for growing help on RIU,as i like to sort any problems out myself from what i have learned thro reading and
my own and others experience.
I see experienced growers leading noobs astray every day on RIU.I rest my case.
rotflmao, missed the whole point homes!
"My plant is dead, It can live, Cut it, give up..."
Since im getting mixed responses... I cut it and put it under a light..I pray that it lives!
rotflmao, missed the whole point homes!
You obviously missed my point,which was only one sentence,and 100% true.
Experienced growers make wrong diagnosis every day on here,which are based on years of hands on growing.
Noobs do the same,but can only base their diagnosis on something they have just read.Which will have been written
by an experienced grower,we hope.I agree that practical experience is way better than theory,(which was your point
i believe).
If you are gonna make a point,make it in one sentence!Dont waffle about,like you did.I never missed your point,
but if i had missed it,it would have been thro your waffling with words.
I presume you are referring to Sherlock Holmes in your last post,Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would turn in his grave
if he saw it spelled like you have.Now i`m laughing my arse off!!
doesnt it need a growing shoot to live? i dont see any.
it still has the sucker growth left from the 1 petal leafs

@ OP

try losing a 6 year old chinchilla for about 10 mins
only reason i found him is a heard something bang in my box
he was swan diving off my led's into my plants
" I presume you are referring to Sherlock Holmes in your last post,Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would turn in his grave
if he saw it spelled like you have.Now i`m laughing my arse off!![/QUOTE]" I'm laughing my ass off at you, along with all Gen X and Y...what a goof
" I presume you are referring to Sherlock Holmes in your last post,Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would turn in his grave
if he saw it spelled like you have.Now i`m laughing my arse off!!
" I'm laughing my ass off at you, along with all Gen X and Y...what a goof[/QUOTE]
laughing back at yaz,haha.Im getting on in life and not genned up on modern lingo dude.
You should have a bit more respect for your elders young man.
" I'm laughing my ass off at you, along with all Gen X and Y...what a goof
laughing back at yaz,haha.Im getting on in life and not genned up on modern lingo dude.
You should have a bit more respect for your elders young man.[/QUOTE]

Im 56 douchebag...and continue to understand the English and Urban dictionary...unlike robro...respect my elders? You are old and pompous
You should have a bit more respect for your elders young man.

Not a single bit of useful information added to this thread, yet demanding "respect". Yeah, okay.
Douchebags added to my ignore list daily, welcome aboard.

OP, the plant will hopefully recover. Just give 'er a little TLC and don't worry.
Not a single bit of useful information added to this thread, yet demanding "respect". Yeah, okay.
Douchebags added to my ignore list daily, welcome aboard.

OP, the plant will hopefully recover. Just give 'er a little TLC and don't worry.
...yeah, lol, this fool likes to pretend he actually knows something but all he adds is bullshit.

...what a maroon, lol.

peace, bozo
50 dollar cyber bet that there's a "maroon" comment headed this way? I mean WTF "homes" went right over her head...Anybody want some cyber action???, yeah, if they didn't get the 'homes' reference there is no freekin' way they'd get the 'maroon' reference.

...btw, it's nice seeing there's at least one person out there that gets it, lol.

peace, bozo
i don't know what this rif-raph is talking about. it's a weed dude, it's kind of hard to kill a weed, i had plants that i was sure to die, but revived