OMG there is a "Obamaphone"

They should stop giving out Obamaphones and start handing out Obamaweed....That's the shit.
Get's you so Fucked up. You will believe anything coming out of his mouth.... Awesome!
the obamaphones actually started under bush, so they should be called "Dubya Phones", but the dems prefer the most ignorant to believe that all good things come from the hand of the master, thus they are Obama Phones.

both sides do it.

when reagan had ketchup designated a vegetable, it was so schools could still provide ketchup, not as a vegetable replacement scheme. the dems altered the truth to make reagan appear to be a dolt.
"Ebonics" was the oakland school district trying to get extra funding to teach kids to speak actual english, but the looney right painted it as a scheme to teach urban street slang as a the new lingua franca in america.
securing our border to keep mexico and guatemala from dumping their poor on us = conservatives HATE MEXICANS!
letting gays get married = forcing straight people to become homos!
opposing gay marriage = Deuteronomy.
disagreeing with obama's positions = racism!
agreeing with obama's positions = President Lil Wayne
saying the liberal agenda has fucked the black community = Nathan Bedford Forrest
a woman should be able to have an abortion without congressional plenary indulgence= free abortion on demand!
being black and saying the liberal agenda is fucking the black community = Uncle Tom
abortion should be a last resort, not a replacement for condoms and the pill = war on women
the obamaphones actually started under bush, so they should be called "Dubya Phones", but the dems prefer the most ignorant to believe that all good things come from the hand of the master, thus they are Obama Phones.

both sides do it.

when reagan had ketchup designated a vegetable, it was so schools could still provide ketchup, not as a vegetable replacement scheme. the dems altered the truth to make reagan appear to be a dolt.
"Ebonics" was the oakland school district trying to get extra funding to teach kids to speak actual english, but the looney right painted it as a scheme to teach urban street slang as a the new lingua franca in america.
securing our border to keep mexico and guatemala from dumping their poor on us = conservatives HATE MEXICANS!
letting gays get married = forcing straight people to become homos!
opposing gay marriage = Deuteronomy.
disagreeing with obama's positions = racism!
agreeing with obama's positions = President Lil Wayne
saying the liberal agenda has fucked the black community = Nathan Bedford Forrest
a woman should be able to have an abortion without congressional plenary indulgence= free abortion on demand!
being black and saying the liberal agenda is fucking the black community = Uncle Tom
abortion should be a last resort, not a replacement for condoms and the pill = war on women

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr Kynes again.
Lot of truth to what he says
obama is the lesser of two evils
Nah, 3rd party is the only way Id be able to live with myself and know I voted for what I believe in, not what I "sort of" believe in or the lesser of two evils.

Start a real revolution (not a Fail-Paul one) and abolish the 2 party system.

Thats the best thing for America (or any nation).
How do you fellate Obama AND Keyes at the same time?

Can you bi-locate, like the Pope?

no, its a transubstantiation.

like the eucharist.

take this cock, it is the Body politic of progressivism. drink this semen, it is the jizz of conservative common sense.

together they form a future devoid of partisan hackery and neo-marxist authoritarianism.

now turn to page 37 of your hymnal and lift your voices in praise.

Come on over to mah crib
Where decadence abounds
Come on over to mah crib
Party rowdy rockem sockem sounds
Come on over like pronto
It's funville's coup de grace
Come on over ya weenbags
The best sex bash ooh la la!

Gotta go-cart track in my backyard
I got big, black, mean-ass security guards
Gotta hot tub chock full of gelatin
And ten naked gook babes who are oozin' in!

Come on over this evening
Way cooler than downtown
They rip folks' new bungholes
Down in the ramrod lounge
We roll out red carpets
For sweet pubescent clam
Don't preach, you see, for normalcy
No way we give a damn!

and every night at midnight a steel globe of death lowers out of the ceiling, as two chopped cunts named laverne and ruby are riding their hogs, crisscrossing naked except for chaps and knee high fuck-me boots with their juggs jouncing as the air fills with the combinded sweet smell of motorbikes and ALL MIGHTY PUSSY!

Gotta discotheque with a spinning ball
I got Beta hi-fi's in the pooping stalls
Gotta white slave harem in the budding phase
In my pudwackin' palace, it's and 80's craze!!

Sodom and Gomorrah
Got nothing on what's doing at mah crib
Sodom and Gomorrah
Got nothing on who's screwing at mah crib

Trip on up to my boudoir
With fantasies in tow
There's rubber Randy Rambo
He makes the bitches crow
With luck you'll find yours truly
The putz jammed in your mug
A dose of T.V. supergoo
This decade's wonder drug

I got one-way glass in the powder rooms
Meet the big-hair poseurs from the Club of Doom
Got born-again Christians tied for target games
Yup, it's balls-out sinnin', and we show no shame!!

I've got pink bazookas-I'm such a nut
I've got AK-47's up the butt
I've got asshole seeking missiles mounted underframe
Makes meatloaf out of weenies who are really lame!

They should stop giving out Obamaphones and start handing out Obamaweed....That's the shit.
Get's you so Fucked up. You will believe anything coming out of his mouth.... Awesome!

It's actually a program that started in 2008 as an extension from the same plan that started in 1996 with landlines approved by the FTC.
Source: 13 years in telecom and my mother used the Lifeline program in the 90's.
They should stop giving out Obamaphones and start handing out Obamaweed....That's the shit.
Get's you so Fucked up. You will believe anything coming out of his mouth.... Awesome!

Any weed that makes me start believing the words out of any politicians mouth is a weed best avoided!