OMG what is that?

Okay I’ve read everything under the sun and still can’t figure out what’s up with this plants. There seems to be isolated leafs on my plants discoloring and spots appearing near the tips. I know it sounds like a lot of things. Anyway I'm growing in soil. The p.h. is about 6.5. I recently gave each plant two tablespoons of Mexican Bat Guano. Oh they've been going for about 6 weeks now. I'm starting to think it might actually be the foliar spray i gave the a couple of days ago. It was around 200ppm of liquid seaweed. Good shit.



hmm.. what is you soil mix? how often do you water? what is the humidity? and you should allways use a foil spray or new nutes( or inceaseing nutes) on one plant to see if your babys can handle it.
I didn’t know if I should start a new thread. Eventually I’m going to make a grow journal. Anyway bag seeds suck ass but you have to work with what you got. Like I said I’m in the 6th week of vegging. I wanted to find a good female to convert into a mother plant but that’s really hard to do with bag seeds as you never know if it’s a damn hermy or not. Cloning is actually a bitch to get it just right. Well here are some pics. Let me know what you think.

Also how long does it take for a female thats into the second week of flowering to go back into vegging? It seems like its taking forever. I have under 150w CFL with 24 hours of light.


I decided to say screw it. I’m just going to flower everything I got a see what happens. Clones and mother plants are too much of a pain in the ass especially when you’re dealing with unknown genetics. I’m also dealing with bug problems so I’ve isolated those plants and hopefully stopped anything from spreading. God I’m so flustered.