Omgad Flowering Leaves Turning Yellow (pics)

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Active Member
omg guys, its more yellow than ever! its almost 70 percent all yellow! :wall: ALL my plants! I've been watering it 5-1-1, 45ml:4L for the past week and its still yellow =(. AND THE WORST PART IS IM NEARLY A MONTH INTO FLOWERING :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:
The 5-1-1 you are using is a fert for vigourous growth of a plant. A week into flowering you should be using a fert for flowering (low N- High P -low k). A month in you should add ferts with a high K to add weight. Your plants need PHOSPHORUS and very little nitrogen during flowering. If the genetic you are growing is mostly Indica, which it most likely the case, it is almost done. Just do another week of high P-K ferts and then flush till the end with pure filtered water....unless you like the taste of salty, crackly weed....If the leaves are yellow its no big deal....if the flowers are greyish brown and seem dry and crusty all is lost. Yellow leaves will fall off and you will do less trimming.... who smokes the leaves anyways!


Well-Known Member
listen all! i read this post and all i could do is laugh. you guys are not listening to anyone. this shit is posted everywhere. when you transfir from veg to flow it is a good thing to flush your medium. salts build up and mess up roots. if you have not flushed yet its ok you are not at the end of the world. i like soil so i will refer back to it. if your plants are in a gallon size pot flush with 2 gallons of water after every cycle. ok easy to follow. if your shit is in 3 gallons flush with atleast 3 gallons and so on and so on and so on. if you think you have fucked up giving your plant too much nutes flush it out, you will never go wrong flushing your plant. this is how i give nutes. strong vegging nutes from fox farm in the beginning. switch to one week of big and tiger. after that i am done with fox farm and switch to big bud for the remainder of my grow. i seen nute burn on someones shit in this thread. remeber when in doubt flush it out. you are not going to hurt anything. if you have never flushed yet and you are a month into flowering the next watering (not feeding) flush your medium. this little trick will save you alot of sleep at nights. also 2 weeks before harvest flush your soil out. you want all remains of nutes out of your smoke. remember the cleaner the smoke the better! and one last thing. yellowing in flowering is natural. alot of yellowing is not good though. your plant will take nitrogen from the bigger leaves first then move to the smaller. and it usually goes from the bottom up. just some food for thought.
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