OMMP card holder, am I breaking the law?

Robert Paulson

Active Member
By being a cardholder if I am giving advice about marijuana growing to someone that may or may not be a card holder as well am i breaking the law?

I read through the laws and I do not see where it says it is illegal, but I have been told that it was true.

I know I should probably only take an attorneys word for it but what have you heard?


Active Member
I believe we are covered by the 1st amendment brother. You can also write books about how to grow pot and even sell the books. What a country

Robert Paulson

Active Member
good point. what really brought it to my attention was that I went to another forum that is exclusively for ommp cardholders and this was on the site

All verified members have a green key
in their user profile and in every post they make located right under their username. This helps to easily identify all verified members to the other verified members. NEVER AIDE A NEWBIE OR MEMBER with marijuana-related issues or you will be in violation of OMMP law and OGFs Terms of Service (TOS) Agreement that you agreed to when signing up for access. We are a law-abiding community and will NOT tolerate illegal activities via this site. It is up to you to verify that someone is a Verified Member BEFORE helping them.

so i followed the links and read the laws for about the 20th time and I didn't read anything saying i couildn't share my knowledge with the general public


Active Member
I believe we are covered by the 1st amendment brother. You can also write books about how to grow pot and even sell the books. What a country
I want to agree, but if he were to get busted growing and then in turn say well i learned how to do it from Robert Paulson, i'm thinking the cops would be wanting to have a talk with you at the very least. 1st amendment rights about free speech should cover you though, like deflator said. But if the cops are dicks, then you might be looking at aiding and abetting or accessory crimes, in which case I'd fight that shit arguing 1st amendment rights.
""A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy.""


Active Member
you can not outlaw "information"

that would be very anti american

therefore, it is perfectly legal to spread knowledge, on any subject

Robert Paulson

Active Member
what I'm afraid of, if its true at all, is it might not be enough to convict you of anything, but it may be enough to disqualify you from the program.


Active Member
you can not outlaw "information"
that would be very anti american
therefore, it is perfectly legal to spread knowledge, on any subject
Getting off topic here, but that new supreme court nominee, Kagan, has openly stated that the government should be able to ban speech it deems "inappropriate" and she doesn't beleive in the 2nd amendment at all.


Active Member
well then she is a bitch isnt she

but dont worry, americans are not complete slaves yet, and if we can say no to a bill banning animal cruelty videos because they fall under freedom of speech / press

then those 2 rights are not going anywhere ;)


Active Member

There are a variety of laws that regulate and punish illegal marijuana-related activities. For example, local, state and federal authorities may use felony conspiracy laws to prosecute suspected persons and their business associates who knowingly participate in a scheme designed to violate the law, even if one of the suspected individual’s didn’t have any direct involvement in the manufacture or distribution of the marijuana. There are even specific federal variations on conspiracy laws that charge those who are suspected of participating in marijuana trafficking operations with the operation of a continuing criminal enterprise or with violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
i think thats why hydro stores wont talk about it not sure how it really works but i think for these sites you admit to being a legal grower so advice you give on here would be for other legal growers so i wouldnt stress it to much

heres the site i got that from