I check these forums periodically because of RSO related issues and Oregon Green Free. It is the perfect storm of both that compels me to post after all these months. OGF used to be a compassion organization but has long since abandoned any pretense of patient advocacy and charity and shifted their resources to legalization. As for the above poster Nursejanna, while I appreciate your compassion for the sick, RSO made from trim leftovers should NOT be given to cancer patients as the proper way to make RSO is to perform a WHOLE PLANT EXTRACT. That would be everything except the roots and larger stems, don't take my word for it watch any youtube or Phoenix Tears video tutorial by Rick Simpson. While he and I disagree on solvents ( I personally only use 190 proof grain alcohol ) it is clear that in order to obtain the cancer fighting benefits you must extract the essential oils from the entire plant. This is why real Oil Makers are hard to find as I have seen grown men cry as I immerse 3 pounds of plants material, mostly flowers, in 5 gallons of everclear.