On average, how much % of your harvest is lost to carerpillars?

Lil brother is going through this right now, was baffled for a few days about "dry buds" on some of his ladies and I just thought he was joking, or it was code that he smoked some weed so payed no mind to it. Then he finds caterpillars in his buds! Did the research quick for him..and dam..too late, bud rot from the shit left behind by the critters...fuck. And in week 7.. So we're thinking of Harvesting what we can right now.
Sprayed bt after I saw damage
Did not lose a lot but it was tops of colas
With root and worm maybe and not cutting branches right (lazy)2oz
Not much and smoked it :spew:
Plants still growing thinking 3 to 4 oz each 6 plants
Lil brother is going through this right now, was baffled for a few days about "dry buds" on some of his ladies and I just thought he was joking, or it was code that he smoked some weed so payed no mind to it. Then he finds caterpillars in his buds! Did the research quick for him..and dam..too late, bud rot from the shit left behind by the critters...fuck. And in week 7.. So we're thinking of Harvesting what we can right now.
This is how I found caterpillar
thought it was all good. :wall: 1_2.gif
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I tried running a 4 light room last year and jfc was it expensive and made even more expensive by an unnoticed herm that seeded the whole room. My dumbass paying $400+/mo for electric on a $1500/mo income was hurting.
you must be in the desert like me then.. yup.. $400 a month.. don't grow during the summer if you can. we're about to chop right now ..just one more beer...then we're starting..
In SoCal, over last 4 summers I have had to battle caterpillars which cased bud rot. First season, before I learned about Monterey BT, I lost about 8 oz out of a final yield of about 45oz off of three plants (18%). The next year, I used MBT, but a little too late, and lost about 5 oz out of about 50 oz (10%). Last summer, I learned, and sprayed early and often. Had an amazing yield of 100+oz on 4 plants (2 in 10 g and 2 in 15g pots) and lost maybe about 2oz total (2%). This summer went smaller and harvested about 40oz, but lost only about 2 oz (5%). In each harvest, did a thorough washing of the buds.

Sucks how those bastards always affect your biggest, best colas. A key is looking closely daily for even a tiny brown spot on the bud, and digging in to check. I discovered and killed at least 5 or 6 small caterpillars this season early enough to just cut part of the bud off, but saved the majority of cola from much worse bud rot. Key is daily diligence, for sure.
Every year is different. This season I only saw one caterpillar. But I still lost about 25-30% to rot. It rains almost every day from June to August and with my length of day, most of my strains flower in July.
I'm tank mixing Botanigard or LalStop with the BTk, Venerate, Regalia, instead of Cease.
Botanigard will attack pathogens as well as bugs and live on in the plant tissue, no one is applying that in flower or using it at all?
used it all through flowering twice still had fungus gnats.
Used it on a fruit tree and still got pressure
100% here in New England
I have given up due to caterpillars here, every season they ruin my stuff and I hate spraying pesticides
Same as above - 0% to caterpillars.

10-20% to budrot depending on annual rainfall and/or frost.
I'm on northeast coast and try to get as far into Nov as I can before harvesting. Those Oct rains and saltwater fog can be a bitch.

For preventatives I rotate -
Venerate (replaced Spinosad due the toxicity to the bees)
Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis)
Cease (Bacillus subtilis)
Cease is some great stuff. I use it with potassium bicarbonate and a dash of castile soap.
Hey, first time outdoor guy here, there are KILLER moth traps that get rid of the bug issue before there are even caterpillars. the commercial product is called a DT2000 I think. I made one out of a fan, light bulb mount, a few buckets, and a UV bulb. killed so many moths in spring I don't even see them outside anywhere now. I also spray the surrounding area for bugs, but not my plants.
Righ on!! Pheromone traps with lights work great!