On cloning can it be done a different way


Well-Known Member
Don't need to mess with the H2O2 it is unnecessary. The KISS advice that guy gave you despite the harsh tone he gave it in is the best advice anyone can ever give. People try to get things all complicated and fancy like and it just makes things harder. All you need is a red dixie cup per cutting, some room temp water, and some patience. They will go man just change the water once a day or at least every other day. My first and second time trying cloning were both done in rockwool cubes. I took 25 cuts and got 0 clones. When I tried the cup of water I took 10 cuts and got 10 clones. Try it man.

remember your name

Active Member
Don't need to mess with the H2O2 it is unnecessary. The KISS advice that guy gave you despite the harsh tone he gave it in is the best advice anyone can ever give. People try to get things all complicated and fancy like and it just makes things harder. All you need is a red dixie cup per cutting, some room temp water, and some patience. They will go man just change the water once a day or at least every other day. My first and second time trying cloning were both done in rockwool cubes. I took 25 cuts and got 0 clones. When I tried the cup of water I took 10 cuts and got 10 clones. Try it man.
The KISS advice he gave was uncalled for and unecessary, keeping it simple was what i was striving for. I did use the water, and I've had a lot of success yippee, i used a old spice container washed out , the top snaps on and i poked a hole in the middle so roots are in the dark, then i cut a 2liter bottle bottom off and put it over it and it has grown straight instead of leaning and not wilted at all. I actually did end up putting 2 drops of 3% peroxide in and i think it helped because the bottom where i cut isnt all smooth anymore, kinda bumpy so im hoping it will get roots in the next couple days, looks good so far, after thinking about it i think my cat got the last one as i noticed her eyeballing this one.


Well-Known Member
the water method is one of the simplest. if you get the rapid rooter plugs they are supposed to have stuff to make clones root.not sure if you did this but you have to clip the leave tips and shit. and 5.5 is supposed to work. idk i clones for the first time and used 5.5 ph in the beginning and out of like 13 only 1 died and 2 are questionable(done in rockwool w/clonex)