On schedule to chop?


Well-Known Member
8th of this month is 9 weeks since 12/12 (planned chop date) these pictures was taken today
In an ideal world id like it finished/dried & down so i can clear up before i have guests around christmas time.. no one be the bearer of bad news an say weeks left :lol:


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A week, two would be better. Still seeing some white pistils, they haven’t completely swelled up yet. That said, it would not be a tragedy if you did harvest a bit early, you’ll sacrifice a little weight. Nice looking plants, great job!
A week, two would be better. Still seeing some white pistils, they haven’t completely swelled up yet. That said, it would not be a tragedy if you did harvest a bit early, you’ll sacrifice a little weight. Nice looking plants, great job!
Thank you very much! Hopefully i can let it go that little touch longer than expected (i have guests coming on 18th for christmas holidays & one is asshole who hates weed :lol:
If it wasn't christmas he wouldn't be invited, the rest of his house are coming, cant choose your family ey
You cant choose them no, but you very much can choose not to associate with them, I have a sister i have not spoken to in 25 years, and will never speak to again, it can be done. The cut out of my life game is strong with me, Toxic is toxic and toxic is gone regardless of who you are or how we are related.
Never understood people that have a problem with weed. I chalk it up to the decades of brainwashing. If it's a legal grow, I'd be telling this a-hole relative that it's your house, your rules. If he doesn't like it, sod off.
I live in the uk so its not a legal grow,
Problem is he walked out of school into a decent job in a high up position because of the company owner.. just believes hes above people because of it, id happily not have him around myself but my partner & his wife are best friends and our kids too.
if i dont invite that mug the others wont be there
You cant choose them no, but you very much can choose not to associate with them, I have a sister i have not spoken to in 25 years, and will never speak to again, it can be done. The cut out of my life game is strong with me, Toxic is toxic and toxic is gone regardless of who you are or how we are related.
100% hes a bellend
But id rather not have my holidays ruined because the family i do like wont attend because the invite never stretched to him