On the frontier of medical pot to treat boy's epilepsy


Well-Known Member
U.S. crackdown on pot shops threatens a father's search for cannabidiol in hopes of halting his son's seizures from Dravet syndrome.

MODESTO —Topamax. Depakote. Phenobarbital. The list goes on. Before Jayden David turned 5, he had tried a dozen powerful medications to tame a rare form of epilepsy. The side effects were devastating.

There were grand mal seizures that lasted more than an hour. Hundreds of times a day, muscle twitches contorted his impish face.

"If he wasn't sleeping, he was seizing," said Jayden's father, Jason David.

Feeling helpless, David said, he contemplated suicide. He prayed. Then one day he heard about a teenager who was expelled from school for using marijuana to help control seizures.

So began the pair's journey into California's medical cannabis culture.
Complete story: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-customized-marijuana-20120914,0,7012444.story?track=rss


Well-Known Member
That's a great story, the poor kid has a better life now since his dad is giving him the drops. I can't understand why people can't open their fucking eyes and realize that the plant we love does wonders! its people like us that help Jayden have a life!


Well-Known Member
I was on Topamax for seizures, poor kid I pray his awesome father keeps being able to get the kids natural meds !


Well-Known Member
I was on 600 mg a day, but I am off now ;) I am very happy I actually have an appetite now and can drink soda if I want lol


Active Member
The father and son were on weed wars 1 of the 3 episodes can't remember which episode .My nephew has a siezure disorder and if u have ever seen it happen it's very scary his are usually months or longer apart could not even imagine what this dad goes thru every time this happens to his son. Sucks when people that actually need this medicine can't get it grrrrrr.


I have very bad epilepsy. I suffered seizures several times a week for nearly 10 years until I started using cannabis to treat it. None of the medications worked and I had terrible reactions to some.

I've been seizure free for many years now. I have never seen myself have seizures but my friends and family all say it's terrifying for them. I feel for this kid and his family. Where is the compassion?