On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed


New Member
No we DO know the evidence exist ... only those that look the other way .... won't investigate ... worship war criminals and are complacent with war crimes ... don't know about it

You disagree ... so? ... and No ... it isn't my own opinion ... you just wish is was ...
Poll:64% Say Bush is Impeachable

Of course there are more polls like this but I'm not going to post them ...

... some people just enjoy war crimes ... :neutral:
It seems we're coming down to the home stretch, folks! This female phenom has truly shown us all what it is to be courageous. Hold your head high, and do not go lightly into that dark night, sweetheart. The lights are starting to fade over Mudville!

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,

And somewhere men are laughing, and little children shout;

But there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Gul Rebal has struck out.


Well-Known Member
You should be a comedy writer. Fantasy writer would be more appropriate, but you make me laugh.

Well that's not surprising considering how silly you are ... and my profession as a writer has nothing to do with the crimes being committing by this illegitimate regime

If OBL died in 2001, I must have missed that memo.

You miss a whole shit load of memo's pal ... again for the folks at home ...

Osama Bin Laden is Dead

... and this ...
Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07
Bhutto claim he is dead and the censor the report ...

UN resolutions don't apply to Iraq but they DO apply to Israel? Hmmm.
UN resolutions don't apply to Israel, but they apply to Iraq ... why is that?:-|


New Member

Well that's not surprising considering how silly you are ... and my profession as a writer has nothing to do with the crimes being committing by this illegitimate regime


You miss a whole shit load of memo's pal ... again for the folks at home ...

Osama Bin Laden is Dead

... and this ...
Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07
Bhutto claim he is dead and the censor the report ...

UN resolutions don't apply to Israel, but they apply to Iraq ... why is that?:-|
Psss! Pssss! Take your bows! Take your bows!


Well-Known Member
It seems we're coming down to the home stretch, folks! This female phenom has truly shown us all what it is to be courageous. Hold your head high, and do not go lightly into that dark night, sweetheart. The lights are starting to fade over Mudville!

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,

And somewhere men are laughing, and little children shout;

But there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Gul Rebal has struck out.
Yeah while GrowRebel hits several out of the fucking ball park ... :blsmoke:


New Member
Yeah while GrowRebel hits several out of the fucking ball park ... :blsmoke:
UUhhh! Like all libs, you stopped reading before you should have. If you had actually finished reading a post before responding to it, you'd realize you already struck out! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
.... and what post was that ?....

off topic for a moment ...

I have a little one too ... she has an enlarge heart and it has me worried ... ordered some herbs for her to stop the chronic cough ... it really scare her when she has them ... :cry:

... now back to the show ... :neutral:



New Member
.... and what post was that ?....

off topic for a moment ...

I have a little one too ... she has an enlarge heart and it has me worried ... ordered some herbs for her to stop the chronic cough ... it really scare her when she has them ... :cry:

... now back to the show ... :neutral:
What a cutey!!! How old is she? What herbs?


Well-Known Member
She's 12 and I ordered some hawthorn berries extract in a liquid form ... they say it will stop the coughing ... I'm praying it will ... she's my little heart ... I lost my Golden Retriever in Nov. ... he was 12 too ... had to put him down because of a tumor on his spleen ... it broke my heart ... still not over it ... I don't want to lose her too ...


Well-Known Member
She's 12 and I ordered some hawthorn berries extract in a liquid form ... they say it will stop the coughing ... I'm praying it will ... she's my little heart ... I lost my Golden Retriever in Nov. ... he was 12 too ... had to put him down because of a tumor on his spleen ... it broke my heart ... still not over it ... I don't want to lose her too ...
Sorry about your dog, both dogs. Hopefully your girl will get better. I'll send good thoughts her way.


Well-Known Member

Well that's not surprising considering how silly you are ... and my profession as a writer has nothing to do with the crimes being committing by this illegitimate regime


You miss a whole shit load of memo's pal ... again for the folks at home ...

Osama Bin Laden is Dead

... and this ...
Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07
Bhutto claim he is dead and the censor the report ...

UN resolutions don't apply to Israel, but they apply to Iraq ... why is that?:-|
How is this administration illegitimate? It seems to me the citizens would not stand for a coup, especially with all the noise made by the haters. What if the Democrats win in November? Do you think Bush and Company will stay in office?

It astounds me that bin Laden died way back then but I'm just finding out about it now. I am able to keep up with the news, but I must have been absent that day. How is it none of the major news outlets reported this item? The democrats seem to think he's still alive. Honestly, I can't say if the man is dead or alive. Those messages he sends out periodically indicate he lives, but each one could be fake.

I don't recall saying UN resolutions don't apply to Israel.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
I said this before on this forum but I will repeat it. I do not enjoy defending this administration. George W. Bush is a disaster. However, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And when it comes to the War on Islamic Fascism this administration is fighting the enemy where the enemy is located. If the enemy is not there when we arrive he gets there as soon as he can.


Well-Known Member
I said this before on this forum but I will repeat it. I do not enjoy defending this administration. George W. Bush is a disaster. However, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And when it comes to the War on Islamic Fascism this administration is fighting the enemy where the enemy is located. If the enemy is not there when we arrive he gets there as soon as he can.

If you don't enjoy defending them then don't ... these bastards are not worth defending.

There is no war on Islamic Fascism ... that is used as a scare tactic to keep folks like you under control ... they did the same thing in Germany ... check out the quote below ... it was true then and very true now ... I'm shocked by the number of people that are falling for it ...

... these people have no interest what so ever of making you safe ... if they did why are the doing this ...

Bush to make smaller security fund cuts

... and the ONLY reason they are making smaller cuts was because of the pressure.
... but if they are SO concerned about "keeping America safe" then why are they making these cuts?

Did you know that when they had their big party after stealing the 2004 election they took the party money from the security funds?

This "enemy" you keep telling us about are mostly innocent men, women and children who have never done anything to this country. We have create enemies where there were none by our senseless killings. You believe it must be done because of fear ... while they do it for profit and control ...

The illegitimate bush regime is one of those broken clocks with no hands ... NEVER right anytime of the day. :neutral:

diane ... can't do the puppy thang ... not until I have a steady income ... which I don't at this time. My babies deserve the best I can give them and when they need to go to the vet I want them there tomorrow ... It would be selfish of me to get another animal with no steady means of support ... but as soon as that changes ... besides I have two other dogs ... boarder collies lab mix ... and a jack russel mix ... and a bird! ... :O My daisy has plenty of company ...
Nope ... no more until steady income ...



Well-Known Member
How is this administration illegitimate? It seems to me the citizens would not stand for a coup, especially with all the noise made by the haters. What if the Democrats win in November? Do you think Bush and Company will stay in office?
I say that because he was never elected by the people ... it's common knowledge and and established fact the elections were stolen ... especially in 2004. There are a lot of articles out but this covers a lot with references ...

Was the 2004 Election Stolen? By RFK Jr.

The E Vote Factor

Two Election Workers Get 18 Months ...

Ohio SOS confirms 2004 election ...

It astounds me that bin Laden died way back then but I'm just finding out about it now. I am able to keep up with the news, but I must have been absent that day. How is it none of the major news outlets reported this item? The democrats seem to think he's still alive. Honestly, I can't say if the man is dead or alive. Those messages he sends out periodically indicate he lives, but each one could be fake.
You mean those major news networks that lied about WMD and help lead this country into war? That refuse to cover the election fraud and when they did, they dismiss it as tin foil hat conspiracy theory ... that turn out to be true ... Why would they cover news that would implicate themselves assisting criminal actions? The dems are just as corrupted as the repukes ... they are own by the same group that own the repukes ... at least the rich and powerful members of congress are ...

... they were fake tapes ...
Fake Bin Laden Video

Osama Bin Laden ... the latest fake

... and there is this ...

WH Get Very Defensive Over ...

I don't recall saying UN resolutions don't apply to Israel.:neutral:
No you didn't, but you did go on and on about the 17 resolutions that Iraq violated ... that's when I stated the UN violations against Israel, yet no one is beating a war drum to go after them as they did Iraq and are doing to Iran now ...
Why is Israel allowed to break UN resolutions and Iraq was not?



Well-Known Member
I don't know if the link with connect you directly to the video ... if not look to the left and scroll through until you see "Why Impeachment is Important" ...

Why Impeachment is Important

This is a report on Kuchinich and Wexler's efforts to bring impeachment charges ...


New Member
I say that because he was never elected by the people ... it's common knowledge and and established fact the elections were stolen ... especially in 2004. There are a lot of articles out but this covers a lot with references ...

Was the 2004 Election Stolen? By RFK Jr.

The E Vote Factor

Two Election Workers Get 18 Months ...

Ohio SOS confirms 2004 election ...

You mean those major news networks that lied about WMD and help lead this country into war? That refuse to cover the election fraud and when they did, they dismiss it as tin foil hat conspiracy theory ... that turn out to be true ... Why would they cover news that would implicate themselves assisting criminal actions? The dems are just as corrupted as the repukes ... they are own by the same group that own the repukes ... at least the rich and powerful members of congress are ...

... they were fake tapes ...
Fake Bin Laden Video

Osama Bin Laden ... the latest fake

... and there is this ...

WH Get Very Defensive Over ...

No you didn't, but you did go on and on about the 17 resolutions that Iraq violated ... that's when I stated the UN violations against Israel, yet no one is beating a war drum to go after them as they did Iraq and are doing to Iran now ...
Why is Israel allowed to break UN resolutions and Iraq was not?

Ever heard of the JDL?,
How about the B'Nai Brith
How about the ADL, anti defamation league
All these guys lobby congress for their interests!