On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed


New Member
Too bad I'm not a liberal, huh faggots? I've said it many times the Dems are just as evil as Republicans.
Man made global warming is fact, 9-11 was an "inside job", bush is hitler...............yada yada yada. Your a lib, and there's no denying it. And accusing me of being black and white on all issues? Dems and Repukes are evil? As opposed to good? Your a fool among fools. Do you feel special? You should. Your now in the ranks of the elite four, as far as I'm concerned. Congratulations!!!!


Well-Known Member
Man made global warming is fact, 9-11 was an "inside job", bush is hitler...............yada yada yada. Your a lib, and there's no denying it. And accusing me of being black and white on all issues? Dems and Repukes are evil? As opposed to good? Your a fool among fools. Do you feel special? You should. Your now in the ranks of the elite four, as far as I'm concerned. Congratulations!!!!
Wait, I've got some!

Bush stole the election.
650,000 Iraqis are dead because of the war.
FEMA is building secret prisons for U.S. citizens.
The government blew up the levees in New Orleans.

Anyone else have any? Fucking moonbats.


New Member
CCodiane, he's a wierd dude. I'm pretty sure he's a supervisor because he is such a dick. I'll bet wherever he works they are lined up to kick his ass. I wish He would have been my boss at some point in my career. He would have a few less teeth, thats for sure, I'd have had to knock him on his ass and quit. It wouldn't have been the first boss that regretted fucking with me, and the first job that I walked off from. Did you ever know someone that you couldn't wait to catch by himself in an alley? That's what he reminds me of. He needs a good ass kicking.
Supervisor? As in someone else pays me? Dream on. I am, and have been for many, many moons, my own boss. The people I occasionally hire, when I can't get the job done myself, relish the opportunity to work with me. I don't know if it's the high pay or the 'lax atmosphere I provide, but they sure do "line-up". I would never hire, and if somehow did, fire, the likes of you in no time flat. I won't tolerate a can't do attitude. I'd treat you nice, buy your lunch, pay you cash at the end of the day, and wave good-bye, permanently. So quiting wouldn't be an option for you. If after being fired, you still wanted to kick my ass, the other guys I hired would once again be "lining-up" to knock your teeth out, knowing how generous I can be when someone goes out of their way to help. They'd be right! As for the first boss that regretted you, I'm sure there were countless. Walking off the job? I'm sure there were countless. I know a few peeps I would like to catch in broad daylight. I'm not the "ally jumping" type of asshole you seem to be. You'd probably bring a knife, too. To bad no one told you it was going to be a gun fight!


New Member
Wait, I've got some!

Bush stole the election.
650,000 Iraqis are dead because of the war.
FEMA is building secret prisons for U.S. citizens.
The government blew up the levees in New Orleans.

Anyone else have any? Fucking moonbats.
MOONBATS!!! I love it!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Man made global warming is fact, 9-11 was an "inside job", bush is hitler...............yada yada yada. Your a lib, and there's no denying it. And accusing me of being black and white on all issues? Dems and Repukes are evil? As opposed to good? Your a fool among fools. Do you feel special? You should. Your now in the ranks of the elite four, as far as I'm concerned. Congratulations!!!!
Wow your way off. I don't think man caused global warming. I side with Republicans on monetary issues. But, yeah I think Bush is the worse president we have ever had and 9/11 was an inside job. So that makes me a liberal? You don't know wtf your talking about so sit down and shut up.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure he would knock your teeth out too, if you would only be so kind as to stay really, really still.
Only if he's got a mean fastball. The last guy who knocked my teeth out tried to brush me back off the plate with pitch that was high and inside. That was an accident.


New Member
Wow your way off. Not a chance! I don't think man caused global warming. 2 out of 3 'aint bad! I side with Republicans on monetary issues. The "evil" Repukes? What does siding with "evil" make you? But, yeah I think Bush is the worse president we have ever had and 9/11 was an inside job. Again, 2 out of 3 'aint bad! So that makes me a liberal? Without question. A "real" lib probably wouldn't agree until you got your mind right on MMGW, but from my perspective, your flaming! You don't know wtf your talking about so sit down and shut up. UUUHHHH, I have been sitting quietly for some time now, other than the occasional outburst of laughter. Thanks for that!
Have a prosperous year. Who am I kidding?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow your way off. I don't think man caused global warming. I side with Republicans on monetary issues. But, yeah I think Bush is the worse president we have ever had and 9/11 was an inside job. So that makes me a liberal? You don't know wtf your talking about so sit down and shut up.
I'm not real happy with Dubya, either. To me he's a progressive's wet dream. Government (non-war related) has grown exponentially under Bush 43. He won't close the borders. I'll be glad when he's gone.


Well-Known Member
I'm not real happy with Dubya, either. To me he's a progressive's wet dream. Government (non-war related) has grown exponentially under Bush 43. He won't close the borders. I'll be glad when he's gone.
Well, there's something we can agree on. Your not that far with your views Johnny but you shouldn't team up with ccodiane. It makes you look dumber than you really are.


Well-Known Member
Well, there's something we can agree on. Your not that far with your views Johnny but you shouldn't team up with ccodiane. It makes you look dumber than you really are.
I've just been having fun. It's all good. I'm the first one to admit I'm dumb. Any of my high school math teachers could haver told you that. :mrgreen:


New Member
I'm not real happy with Dubya, either. To me he's a progressive's wet dream. Government (non-war related) has grown exponentially under Bush 43. He won't close the borders. I'll be glad when he's gone.
All in all, I'm thankful as hell he was in office when he was. For all the things I disagree with Hit..Bush about, I've been talking with libs for too long today, he has my full support on his prosecution of this war, which has been a long time coming, and his cutting of taxes, which single handedly saved our economy after 9-11. History will view him favorably, very favorably if Iraq and democracy choose to embrace. The good far outweighs the bad, in my opinion.


New Member
Well, there's something we can agree on. Your not that far with your views Johnny but you shouldn't team up with ccodiane. It makes you look dumber than you really are.
I'm not a lib, ibashthatbush. I don't "team up". No need, really. Not that it hasn't been fun, jointly smashing you into tiny little bits.


Well-Known Member
If we ever get together to fight. Let's smoke out first. That way everyone will end up sitting on the couch listening to Pink Floyd and ordering Papajohn's Pizza.