ona third week flowering

Okay I'm sure there'll be somone to say ise the search bar.. I've googled this and looked thru 50 of the 70 something pages on the ultimate odour control sticky of people avoiding the question or saying just get a carbon scrubber blahblah
I have the chunky ona gel stuff on a small baking pan with a tiny ass fan on it .. it was rough the first day we could barely breathe.. better now but
Its on the floor of the closet closets like 2.5 x 5.. tiny rectangle.. have a old man neighbour above us. So I really need no smell in the closet my venting consists of opening my closet door couple times a day when the lights on
Is my plant gonna be gross come harvest
Reply if you have some ACTUAL experience on this.. instead of just telling me to go drop more money


I think op is asking about if the ona gel will suffice in terms of odor control and to be blunt: "it depends"
-smells vary upon a lot of thing including genetics; is the strain known for stinking? then one ona block isnt enough

whats your budget for this issue?

i remember reading about ona, dryer sheets in front of a fan, cat litter odor control, screens, scrubbers etc. tons of diy projects on here, but the thing is you have to tailor each to your own set up cuz what applies to one may not apply to another.

good luck!
You totally quoted my question..
Ona on floor in closet grow . no ventilation. Place is always cool.. using clfs so not a lot of heat.. the question
Will the fresh linen ona gel ruin the taste/ finished product ?
I kinda need it in the closet as the house is old and there's cracks in the floorboards
Don't want it in the room if it'll still smell in the closet


I used ona gel in my last grow and didnt work. well it worked a lil bit to mask the smell but I could smell it out side the house was so happy to chop it down was getting nervous. got a carbon filter now and no smell at all. except in the grow room.

But as to your question I had the tub sitting near my plant and it didn't taste or smell like the ona. id deff recommend a carbon scrubber though.


Well-Known Member
I actually used it on the outside of my room. I have a carbon scrubber inside, but the ona works well. no need to use a fan in front of it though, it will just dry up faster. I use the bigger tubs (gallon I think?) and just take the lid off or partially off and that works well and it lasts forever.


Well-Known Member
ive had good luck using ona gel in a 10x12 room for the most part. i have critical kush going now and its a strong odor. vinagar in a saucer will mask it, but its not a plesant aroma


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about a growing plant absorbing the Onagel odor but the smell from it will be absorbed during drying. I've known people that its happened to. Also I've had odors from an old shed absorb into my drying buds.
NewCronic 004.jpgthis is the ona bucket I made.. alot smaller than most I've seen.. using just ona GEL no water or anything.. every day or two I pop in bout a tea spoon full and I'm good to go
NewCronic 008.jpgthis is the bucket in my closet
NewCronic 007.jpg this is end of 3rd week flowering
NewCronic 009.jpg bit of clawing.. under watering I believe - I give 2 cups (half liter) every other day or so.. Im not sure how much water to give at a time
NewCronic 011.jpgcronic 012.jpgNewCronic 005.jpgNewCronic 006.jpg these last ones I'm not sure about.. dunno if its going hermie or not