Once a hermie Always a hermie?


Active Member
I am smoking my first grow, that are all Hermie plants, i thou the male plants away. I took clones from these plants and flowered them, there hanging to dry right now. Do you think they will have seeds in them? I have around 100 seeds that i took from the Hermie plants, and just for grins i paper toweled them, and all 5 germinated (i tossed them) I read that once a Hermie, always a Hermie, and a Hermie seed can be a male & female plant. I will try growing these seeds later, but though i would ask people that know more than me, which is most everyone on this forum.


Well-Known Member
If they were predisposed to be hermies, the clones will also be hermies. If they were females that became hermies from stress, seeds and clones will have been female.


Well-Known Member
Igolos nailed it on the head...

Are you sure that it was a full genetical hermie and not an accedental intersex?

I had an intersexed plant (only had 4 male flowers and got 16 seeds) and took clones from it... The clones were pure female.

Good Luck!


Active Member
Well i took the branches that were drying down and didn't find any seeds, they all went in canning jars to cure now. So i think the Hermies produced female plants from the clones i took off them. Do you think the 100 seeds i took from the white widow Hermies will be females?


Active Member
One more thing, now that the plants don't have any seeds, will the buds be stronger, and get higher?
Thanks Again