Once you harvest/cut your bud from a plant, can it be used as a mother plant.

I have been experimenting with one single plant, trying to learn from my failures before attempting a larger grow since I am new to all this. My question is once you cut your buds off to dry, the rest of the plant, can it remain alive to used as a mother plant for future clones or will it be weak and die.


You can rejuvenate a plant. 24 hours of light and a few weeks later, youll see new growth. But it will likely be odd. Round leaves and bushy growth. Eventually shell come back around and you can clone her out, but the stress of reveg coupled with the cloning will reduce your clones vitality by an estimated 25 to 50 percent. So, have fun, play with reveg, but next time get your clones before she flowers.


Well-Known Member
That's dude just take some clones b4 flowering don't try and hope for it to go back into veg mode. I've read it takes 4-6 weeks to turn around due to the mass amount of stress that creates. 4 to 6 weeks you figure and ur back to flowering a fresh new cutting or seed for that matter. It called " monster cropping ". Look it up if ur dead set into doing it. But if it was me take clones.
