One day old seedling leaning downward


Active Member
This is my 2nd grow attempt (got some of the bad Nirvana autoflower seeds), my new seedling sprouted today, it looked normal for most of the day. I checked on it a little bit ago to find it leaning to the side, I don't know if this is something i need to be concerned about but after the hell I've gone through with getting my first grow up and running I'd prefer not to waste any more of my time on crap seeds. Sorry for the low quality pics, the only camera I have is my phone.



It looks fine. What kind of light are you sprouting with? Nothing to powerful I hope. Could be leaning toward light perhaps? Or are you speaking about cotlydon leaf? No big deal either way.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The soil looks moist. Let it dry out before watering again. As the soil dries, the plant should get perkier for awhile and then will start to droop a bit. Just when you start to notice that the perkiness from the drier soil is going away, that's the best time to water. As Rojo mentioned, make sure your lights aren't too close. For clones and seedlings, lights should be about twice the normal distance away.


Active Member
I'm growing in in Pro-Mix BX, no nutes of course. I think the yellow color is just the fact that my camera blows, it's a nice healthy green on my end.
See how it goes over the next couple of days, remember not all seedlings make it! :)

Whats your water PH? did you check the soil run off?