One Grow: Mazar x Afghani and ?


getting ready to set up shop...
began germinating five (5) Mazar x Afghan (MA) and seven (7) seeds of unknown genetics of which there appear to be two, possibly three genotypes (UX).
germinated seeds by first soaking overnight in glass of water, then placing inside paper towels set on glass plates, covered and kept moist. The MA took three days to germinate. The UX seeds only show signs of splitting at this point; they were old and not stored in a temperature controlled environment. only five of these were chosen to be placed in grow medium.
Seedling Grow Medium:
using grow cubes in a 10x20 covered plastic tray with a bed of perlite underneath to catch runoff. seedling heating mat and thermostat to maintain temp of 83F.
MA1 and MA4 have pushed up out of their cubes and are unfolding. no sign yet from any of the UX. maintaining water pH (pH = 6) with Advanced Nutrients pH-Up and PH-Down.

Hydrofarm T5 Commercial 4ft-4 Lamp

tea tree

Well-Known Member
way to go. afghani is one of the reasons I started to smoke again. Got fond memories of that one 10-15 years ago.


way to go. afghani is one of the reasons I started to smoke again. Got fond memories of that one 10-15 years ago.
Thanks tea tree, these seeds came free with the Durban Poison I ordered; I'm kinda using them to push me to the next step as I go along in setting up a new room...

MA3 should be coming up tomorrow; no sign yet from any of the UX, but I know four (4) of them had split their shells before going into the grow cubes, maybe they are slow because they are old... still I am curious to see if any of the genetics are local...

will be mixing up some interesting soil soon, stay tuned... :joint:


MA1 beginning to grow roots out of the sides of its stem today told me that it was ready to be put in soil.

using Filthy Rich premium potting soil instead of mixing my own at this point; mostly due to the time constraints imposed by the plants.
MA1 and MA4 had both grown lanky (put seedlings close enough to the light!!), something I was able to remedy in time for MA2.
planted both MA1 and MA4 in plastic 1 pint cups.
placing the grow cubes low in the cup should give the plants an opportunity to turn those long stems into strong roots. MA2 is catching up quick and I will transfer it to soil tomorrow or Monday...

still waiting on MA3 and MA5; have given up on germinating UX seeds. but, began four (4) Super Lemon Haze (SLH) seeds (paper towel method) and already this morning they were ready to be transferred to grow cubes!!
will be adding two of them to this grow... :joint:


MA were such a failure, this grow is dead.
please look for my SLH grow (using LED!) coming soon...