ONE HID light flowering TWO flower rooms


Hey so after finishing my first cab, and adding the final touches to my DIY tote aero, I've come across a little idea...

I wanted to design a setup for my cab where I'll have two diy aeroponic tubs sitting on one large (but not very tall...helps my height restrictions in the room) resovoire. They will be powered by the same light running between the two...

The setup is pretty much this one I might end up doing a thread about mine too, pretty fun and easy.

Anyways, I like the light there all the time to help out with my low temp prob during the nights AND days and I like to build things =)

IDK if this'll work, or if some people here would like to shed some light?

I'll admit I haven't put much thought into it, but I RIU searched it and Googled it w/out much findings so I'll throw it out so if anyone wants to pitch in, I'll try to update here if I come up with anything genius :hump: after this :joint: =)

:hug:ALL PROP 215 MEDICAL :clap: