One Is Giving Me A Depressed Look


Active Member
Alright well i have 5, 2 seem to be having a problem, 1 being about 2 feet, the other being about 3 and a half, the 2 foot one seems to have its head down today and im not quite sure what this means, the rest of her is fine, but its like shes pouting, the top 3 inches is about 80 degree angle down, and the bigger female seems to be losing her bottom, not so much dying, but more so leaning almost straight down "like ive said in my last thread", which has done this pretty much her whole life, i just dont understand it, strong and firm all the rest of the way up.
anyone know? thank you:spew:


Well-Known Member
Without pix and more information it's almost impossible to guess. However, that does sound like overwatering, and it doesn't take much at all for that to be a problem with these plants. Also, if it's hot and the plant's rootball is getting hot, that's another problem.


Active Member
Hmm could be many things. Are the nutrient amounts correct? Adding some more Nitrogen might help cause it's required for new cell growth (be careful, too much is deadly). Are you watering them with the right amount of water? Too little water and plants dry and sag. You could be watering too much. If you're using under powered lights the main stems will be weak and brittle... but these are just guesses. Any pics?
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Active Member
thank you both for responding, i use 1 gallon per 5 gallon pot, depending on how much they need, water goes straight through to the bottom, and fairly fast,(distilled), my nutrients are Fish emulsion"sick" 5-1-1 , and for flowering which they all been in flowering since the 10'th, is pure blend pro bloom, 1.5-4-5 , also have a little superthrive stuff, i only give about tablespoon per gallon, sometimes ill give 1 gallon with 1 tablespoon along with 2 drops of superthrive every other watering. My heat levels vary sometimes during the day on occasions, rare occasions, it gets to 91 which i dont allow for as long as im there to notice, Dark its about 73-77 degrees, most the time when lights on its about 83-84. :-|


Well-Known Member
You don't have to use anywhere near that much Superthrive, it's very concentrated stuff. My biggest pots are 4 gallons, and I water a half gallon at a time at MOST, usually a quart at at time, growing outside, it's hot, and they don't want to be watered any more frequently than every three days. Without pix and from your description, I've got to wonder if it's just too much water. If you have one a moisture meter might be helpful.


Active Member
Without pix and more information it's almost impossible to guess. However, that does sound like overwatering, and it doesn't take much at all for that to be a problem with these plants. Also, if it's hot and the plant's rootball is getting hot, that's another problem.
im sorry i would take pics for you but i dont own a camera nor a cell phone. is it possible to overwater and have a really really good drainage at the same time?.i heard you could but i also heard you cant, so im not sure, this is my first time doing this. i was thinking some of the weakness had to do with the fact that i used a HPS light the entire grow, im not sure if thats a factor though,
my entire setup is based on 1 600 watt HPS super hortilux bulb,2 air purifiers, 4 fans, Supersoil, 5 5 gallon buckets (no transplanting) plastic linging the walls,floor ect, closed space {a closet}, temp seems to be the hardest to control because of air flow problems, i dont know im just a little worried that something might happend while in flowering and then bam everything fucked you know. anyways thanks i hope that gives some kind of help or something


Well-Known Member
im sorry i would take pics for you but i dont own a camera nor a cell phone. is it possible to overwater and have a really really good drainage at the same time?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Don't ask me how I know.
.i heard you could but i also heard you cant, so im not sure,
They could be planted in pure sand, perlite, or vermiculite, and you can still overwater. They just plain DON'T like being wet all the time.
this is my first time doing this. i was thinking some of the weakness had to do with the fact that i used a HPS light the entire grow, im not sure if thats a factor though,
No, HPS are great for the whole grow, including flowering (based on everything I've read).
my entire setup is based on 1 600 watt HPS super hortilux bulb,2 air purifiers, 4 fans, Supersoil, 5 5 gallon buckets (no transplanting) plastic linging the walls,floor ect, closed space {a closet}, temp seems to be the hardest to control because of air flow problems, i dont know im just a little worried that something might happend while in flowering and then bam everything fucked you know. anyways thanks i hope that gives some kind of help or something
Since you're growing indoors you should probably have a good exhaust set up. If the plants can't properly transpire (kind of like sweating, look it up in the GrowFAQs) that can also cause a lot of stress. Good exhaust will pull in fresh air and make cooling a lot easier.


Active Member
oh wow, thank you, exaust is a little hard im tryin alot of things but its pretty much a sleeping bag covering what used to be the closet doors, and the plants themselves take up quite a bi of room, but the closet itself is next to my window which is always open with a fan blowing air inside, while 1 air purifiers on each side one blowing in the closet, the light itself i have a exhaust pipe connecting through on both sides which a bigger fan at the bottom of the window "very shitty tape on job" blowing cold air to the light and bringing to all the way through with the exaust on the top of the window lol, my room itself is very small.but i know i should have alot of fresh air in here the sleeping bag portion covering everything is always open when the lights on.


Well-Known Member
oh wow, thank you, exaust is a little hard im tryin alot of things but its pretty much a sleeping bag covering what used to be the closet doors, and the plants themselves take up quite a bi of room, but the closet itself is next to my window which is always open with a fan blowing air inside, while 1 air purifiers on each side one blowing in the closet, the light itself i have a exhaust pipe connecting through on both sides which a bigger fan at the bottom of the window "very shitty tape on job" blowing cold air to the light and bringing to all the way through with the exaust on the top of the window lol, my room itself is very small.but i know i should have alot of fresh air in here the sleeping bag portion covering everything is always open when the lights on.
seriously you use only half a gallon per plant?. how tall do you veg until switching to flower?
I'm growing outdoors, nature makes that decision for me.

If you can create a passive intake, then point the fan so that it pulls air OUT, you might be able to get better cooling in there.

Yes, I only do about a half a gallon at MOST per plant. They're still young (germed in April) and not demanding that much water. Not like with seedlings where you can't let them dry out, just the opposite when they're more mature. I've discovered, the hard way, that it's far easier to get them to recover from too little water than too much. It's amazing and, I've gotta say, a bit depressing when all you're doing is trying to show them your love. :lol:

Here are some sick plant guides. Heat stress tends to show folded or cupped leaves.
Guide for diagnosing plant problems - Marijuana Growing
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
Diagnosing Plant Problems
GrowFAQ : GrowFAQ Basic Topics V 1.0

The search function on site seems to be working better, at least it was when I used it last night.


Active Member
I'm growing outdoors, nature makes that decision for me.

If you can create a passive intake, then point the fan so that it pulls air OUT, you might be able to get better cooling in there.

Yes, I only do about a half a gallon at MOST per plant. They're still young (germed in April) and not demanding that much water. Not like with seedlings where you can't let them dry out, just the opposite when they're more mature. I've discovered, the hard way, that it's far easier to get them to recover from too little water than too much. It's amazing and, I've gotta say, a bit depressing when all you're doing is trying to show them your love. :lol:

Here are some sick plant guides. Heat stress tends to show folded or cupped leaves.
Guide for diagnosing plant problems - Marijuana Growing
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
Diagnosing Plant Problems
GrowFAQ : GrowFAQ Basic Topics V 1.0

The search function on site seems to be working better, at least it was when I used it last night.
wow thank you for all the information, today they look fairly good excluding the big one with the always dying bottom leaves but fantastic looking otherwise. temps are down to 82 light on, 73-77 light off. the plant with its top bent now is completely straight, September 27;th is the due date of harvest in which im gonna try to get a camera to share for views and opinions. hopefully i make it there, but i think i will with the support here.
thank you. thank you all:joint: