One Leaf Turned Yellow

Hows it going this is my first grow and I got there's clones from the local dispensary. Any ways on two of my little babies have one leaf that is turning yellow. Is this normal. Do I need to change something I'm doing? Any help or advise appreciated
What are they planted in? What are you feeding them? Where are you growing, what is the temperature, etc. I am sure it is a simple nitrogen def. but we need more info to help out. Pictures are always helpful.
Ya I am trying to figure out the pics but I'm doing this all on my phone. But anyways they are in netted pots with. Fox farm ocean forest soil. Temp is staying around 75 with 45% h'm. Temps drop down to 70 at night. I just been using tap water that I let sit for 24hrs . By the way they have been in my tent now for only 4 days. I have 4 plants in there 2 purple kush 2 blue dream one leaf on 1 blue dream is yellow on the lower part of plant and one of the leafs toward the top of the purple kush hope this is good info for u thnx
Ya I am trying to figure out the pics but I'm doing this all on my phone. But anyways they are in netted pots with. Fox farm ocean forest soil. Temp is staying around 75 with 45% h'm. Temps drop down to 70 at night. I just been using tap water that I let sit for 24hrs . By the way they have been in my tent now for only 4 days. I have 4 plants in there 2 purple lush 2 blue dream one leaf on 1 blue dream is yellow on the lower part of plant and one of the leafs toward the top of the purple lush hope this is good info for u thnx

Hopefully it is just time to start feeding them. With those net pots you are getting a lot of drainage which is good, but you will need to water more frequently.
OK the soil feels still pretty moist I gave them some water yesterday morning was thinking I should wait till timorous to water again. Do u think I should water today?
OK the soil feels still pretty moist I gave them some water yesterday morning was thinking I should wait till timorous to water again. Do u think I should water today?

Do you have nutrients? If you do, mix up a solution and pour it through your plants and then don't water until the plant needs water. What you don't want to do is over water them, so if you don't have nutes yet, wait for the soil to dry out a bit more before you water. Like in a few days.
I do have some nuts I purchased Flora Nova grow 7-4-10 I was told foxfarm soil should provide the nuts for the first. Couple weeks. Should I use the floranova already its only been 4 days. If I should use it do you recommended 1 tesp per gal?or less for for first nuts? Should I water till it trickles out of bottom?thanks again for all the help
I do have some nuts I purchased Flora Nova grow 7-4-10 I was told foxfarm soil should provide the nuts for the first. Couple weeks. Should I use the floranova already its only been 4 days. If I should use it do you recommended 1 tesp per gal?or less for for first nuts? Should I water till it trickles out of bottom?thanks again for all the help

I wish I could see a picture. If I was you, I would water with half streagnth nutes until a lot of water drains out. What size pot do you have? I would run at least a full gallon through your plant and probably two.
OK I guess Tom morning I will give them a good watering with half nutes and ill try n figure out how to upload the pics on my phone.