one leafers

Anyone out there know why I am getting one one tow leafs. Everything was fine and now all of a sudden the new growth went from 5 toes to 3 toes to 1 toe any help would greatly appreciated. Peace


Active Member
extreme changes in if you let them starve and then over fert them this can happen...using low N ferts in the beginning can do it


Active Member
Never heard them refered to as toes before, I just call them leaves. ive had a few outdoor plants do this as well before, never did figure out why.


Active Member
wow thats weird never heard of that happening... just keep the watering scheduel the same and keep feeding it (maby not as much) should sort itself out...
good luck, peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
I just went through that shit! They will now go back to five finger leaves they had to reveg it was a big problem for alot of outdoor growers this year because at least where im at in the nw it got too hot too early! I had a thread posted about the same thing only I called em spinach leaves lol!!