One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Hahaha K'nex.
Ohh dear.

I bet you could make a Geodesic Dome, with some practice:leaf:
Funny dorm room scenario.
Moron, bahahaha.

Subscribed, When do you cut off each fan leaf? I like how flat you keep her, it's going to look awesome come flower time.
Where in the world does that other plant hail from? Figure out what time of year it flowers, you'll have to mimic that to induce flowering.
Excited to see what happens. Subb'd

Welcome aboard

Hahaha K'nex.
Ohh dear.

I bet you could make a Geodesic Dome, with some practice:leaf:
Funny dorm room scenario.
Moron, bahahaha.

Subscribed, When do you cut off each fan leaf? I like how flat you keep her, it's going to look awesome come flower time.
Where in the world does that other plant hail from? Figure out what time of year it flowers, you'll have to mimic that to induce flowering.

That would be crazy, training a plant to grow around a geodesic dome with the light bulb bang in the middle. I try to water every thursday, so every wednesday i'll do a quick trim to uncover bud sites/remove old leaves/make space for watering. And then from thursday to wednesday any fan leaves i see i tuck under the screen. I'm trying to keep as many as i can for as long as i can.

As for the other plant, u made me do a little more research:

"If you’d been around in Victorian times, you’d be very familiar with the tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) since it was a very popular flowering bulb at the time, grown in posh china pots in conservatories or living rooms that didn’t benefit from much heating.

The upright spikes of rather waxy, almost artificial-looking flowers are certainly attractive but the tuberose’s chief reason for being is its scent. Think of double strength gardenia with hints of jasmine and lemon – some people also claim to catch a faint whiff of green tea but that’s stretching it a bit far for me.

Originally from Mexico, the plants are not quite hardy, so plant five bulbs now in a large pot or small tub of John Innes No.2 potting compost, and start them into growth on a windowsill indoors. When the shoots show through, you can move them out to a cold greenhouse or unheated conservatory to grow – they need plenty of light but not over-strong midday sun, and moderate watering, plus a weak dose of liquid tomato feed every week or ten days.

They’ll reach roughly two feet high by the time the spikes start flowering. Bulbs planted now will flower in August/ September; another year buy several batches and plant them at one month intervals from January onwards so they flower in succession starting in June.

Oh it’s an indulgence I grant you; but if you love powerful flower scent, you’ll find it’s worth it."
- March 2003

So there you go! By whats written above they veg for 6 months, I have no idea how long this plant has been alive for but i'd guess maybe 3 months, somewhere around there. I'll go invest in some tomato feed, although part of me wants to see her carry on with the Canna nutes. Not 100% sure how i'm gona flower her yet but i'll cross that bridge when i come to it.
Curious to know if theres any specific reason you choose to train over the screen and tie down vs. training under. Seen it done both ways with awesome results, I'm about to have to choose which way to do it and I've never seen any real reasoning for either choice explained. The only thing I can imagine is with a thicker screen like yours, training it on top because the screen will shade the plant. But with chicken wire, not the case so would itmatter?
Curious to know if theres any specific reason you choose to train over the screen and tie down vs. training under. Seen it done both ways with awesome results, I'm about to have to choose which way to do it and I've never seen any real reasoning for either choice explained. The only thing I can imagine is with a thicker screen like yours, training it on top because the screen will shade the plant. But with chicken wire, not the case so would itmatter?

Well for starters i reckon the plant looks nicer with the screen underneath. Also it makes it much easier to tie down branches, see the branch structure and directions, and tuck leaves away instead of clipping them off.

The way i'm training this plant is to get as many bud sites as possible period, and i want the branch structure to stay in shape after the screen is removed, so i'm tying down every bit of new growth nice and early, and tucking leaves covering any nodes. I reckon the way i'm doing it would be much harder with a screen on top. This way i'm not working through anything. I'm looking for some serious crowding and fighting for light at the end of veg, at which point i can pick which branches to keep.

The next screen i'll be more conventional and train each branch to stretch through the holes. Hoping this will help manage the stretch and keep the canopy even. It'll be chicken wire and there are like x2-3 the amount of holes the current one has, and i'm hoping for a branch through each hole. All depends on how big she gets before i 12/12 her.
The tomato feed is just their way of saying Vegetative Nutes.
It needs the same food as a vegging cannabis plant.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, with a little Potassium here and there.
Good luck!
Today was trim day, and i kinda went in, cut off quite a lot. Anyway i thought i'd show the difference before and after.

I tried to check if the branch had started growing next to each fan leaf, if so, the leaf got chopped.


Branching already looks kinda nuts. Doesn't look like she's grown in size that much over the past week but she's popped out a lot more bud sites/branches along the existing branches.
I hope it all works out and is worth the effort, cos its a lot of effort! I'm watching her, like a hawk.... LIKE A HAWK!
thats a llgud plant

Come again?

hmm interesting i never seen a scrog where the screen was so close to the plant
it will be cool to see what happens during flower this way

Yeh either have i, thought i'd give it a go. Ive done it partially for the convenience of having the screen just sit on top of the pot, and partially for the look of the end product. Handling the stretch is gona be a tricky one, the whole plant will have to be retrained throughout this period. Again it would be much easier to do this training with some space between the screen and pot but oh well!

Trim job looks good! Youre taking that screen out when you go to train into the next one?

Thanks, was a misison and a half. Not 100% sure if i'll take this screen out when i train her through the next one, the last thing i want is for her to lose her shape. We'll see nearer the time. Trim seems to have done the job nicely, lots of new branching has started growing already, canopy is slooowly starting to take shape. However, as long as i grow her horizontally, i have to keep tying down her branches to keep her height down, so until then it'll never really look like a proper scrog canopy.

That is the coolest screen I have ever seen +rep just for that.

Sub'd, I want to see how she grows.

Same, i dont really have a clue what to expect!
Ok, so this trimming of the fan leaves that have branches growing above them, what are the advantages/disadvantages to doing this? And, would day 8 of flowering be too late to do this?
Hahaha K'nex.
Ohh dear.

I bet you could make a Geodesic Dome, with some practice:leaf:
Funny dorm room scenario.
Moron, bahahaha.

Subscribed, When do you cut off each fan leaf? I like how flat you keep her, it's going to look awesome come flower time.
Where in the world does that other plant hail from? Figure out what time of year it flowers, you'll have to mimic that to induce flowering.

that would be fucking awsome to scrog into shapes i bet u could totally do that lol
looking really nice man, youre doing a good job with the training but im wondering will the kennex be strong enough to keep it down once it gets bigger? lets hope so :D
Ok, so this trimming of the fan leaves that have branches growing above them, what are the advantages/disadvantages to doing this? And, would day 8 of flowering be too late to do this?

Well from my basic understanding:

Advantages to cutting off fan leaves: They dont shade bud sites/branches (main reason why i cut them off). Also i was hoping that by cutting the fan leaves off when they're small the plant will put the energy it would have put into growing that fan leaf, into growing the branch/other leaves. Sounds more like stoner logic than anything else. In fact i went in for another trim over the weekend sometime and again cut looooads of leaves off. Some i think i shudnt've cut as branching hadn't started properly at some nodes, and now i dont know if these nodes will produce branches anymore. Gona give the whole plant a spray with a product called "Halo" - hopefully it'll kickstart new branches and foliage.

Disadvantages: More leaves means the plant can produce more energy, also stores energy in fan leaves. Cutting them off probably also slows growth a little due to minor stresses.

Generally i'd say not to cut off fan leaves unless u have a good reason to, i.e its shading bud sites lower down and preventing them from growing, or if its a dying leaf. Cutting off fan leaves can be done at any time throughout the grow, i usually inspect and trim when-ever and where-ever i see fit. Just dont go cutting them all off and u should be fine.

that would be fucking awsome to scrog into shapes i bet u could totally do that lol

I've only ever seen flat Scrogs and U-shaped scrogs, i'm thinking a Geodesic Dome for my next project though, would need to build a purpose built setup though, this cab definitely wont do. If only i could do this all legally and dedicate a whole room to it... I'd have loooads of little experiments going on.

looking really nice man, youre doing a good job with the training but im wondering will the kennex be strong enough to keep it down once it gets bigger? lets hope so :D

Cheers, you'll see the advantages of a K'nex screen in my next update, turned the plant around 90 degrees and re-shaped the screen, kinda hard to explain. Anyway its already started to pull the screen up! i've had to tie the screen down to the bucket
Cool beans. Thanks for the info bro. I think I'm gonna leave most of them on but I can think of a few plants (mainly the Sativas) that could use some better light pentration due to being blocked by huge fan leafs near the tops of them. + Rep for the detailed response.