One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry


Well-Known Member
fuckin great p[al...very nice mate couldnt imagine them colas with a 1k over the top they be many tops you got now mate
Cheers kev, yeh ive already noticed a big difference between my 400W and 600W, its almost as if all the branches are getting the same amount of lighht (under my 600) as the tallest cola closest to my light (under a 400), if that makes sense.

Considering the size of my cab, i must be getting a SHITLOAD of lumems per sq inch, im guessing more so than ur average 600W grower. I cant help but think a 1000W would sumhow result in gaurenteed mould due to the sheer size of the colas it wud produce in my set up

How many tops? Havnt a clue man, definately more than 87 though, i'm gona assume ive got 100, so for my 10oz i need 2.8g/branch, shud be easy no? Unless i end up with super airy buds....

lilindian, have you ever made it rain on your plant?
Come again?

kevin murphy

New Member
wouldnt worry about 10oz mate say 100 tops at 3-4 gram easy mate the way there growing u should hit 12-13 oz no probs mate dry..keep it up bro...


Well-Known Member
Making it rain is awesome!! Look at my vid and you'll see what happened in 12hrs after I made it rain. Click here to seee how to do it.,115.msg1129.html#msg1129
Can u explain what u've done in a nutshell?

wouldnt worry about 10oz mate say 100 tops at 3-4 gram easy mate the way there growing u should hit 12-13 oz no probs mate dry..keep it up bro...
Just had a quick peek at her and god dam she's taken to yesterdays feeding well! Buds are growing! Unless of course its just me, always a possibility.. i cant see branches yielding less than 3-4g's, even the smallest ones, some branches look like they're gona be 7g's if not more, like the ones in the corners. All depends on how airy the buds are, not expectin super dense buds as it leans towards bein a sativa.


Well-Known Member
great grow!!, just gone through the thread. Defo subd for the rest of this, gona do the same in my garden once my last few are done, cant wait now especially after reading through this


Well-Known Member
Gave up with getting a Megaray and settled for a normal tube light.

If anyone's interested i went for the following one

30" is pretty much the full width of the inside of my cab so it might be a tight squeeze including the reflector but we'll see. Hoping nothing gets in the way i.e. the fans.

Quick update on big suze

Looks like i'm getting a little yellowing again. Don't know if its because i've mixed vega with flowering nutes again or because i included no calmag in the feeding but i think i'll pass on using the veg nutes again for their nitrogen, and will give a half strength feeding of calmag next feed in 2 days. Hopefully it'll stop it, again....

It's funny though, her buds really seem to have liked the feed yesterday, just a few leaves on quite a few branches look unhappy.

great grow!!, just gone through the thread. Defo subd for the rest of this, gona do the same in my garden once my last few are done, cant wait now especially after reading through this
Thanks very much, always appreciated. It's time consuming but fun, and u learn a lot about how the plants grow by being so hands on so go for it! Throw up some pics if u feel like showin me what ur workin with


Well-Known Member
There was a thread awhile back. Its a soil grower technique and there is a small case to be made that it works but not really. They claim that by thoroughly flushing every other watering with ph 5.6 water (the ph of rain) that the plant can't uptake nutrients and is to wet so it rapidly dries out the soil. Then when you do feed it with ph 6.5 there is this super increased uptake.

IMO. It's pretty much bullshit, plants don't uptake or transpire for that matter based on the moisture contet of the soil or the amount of nutrients it holds. The other big issue that smells like horse shit is the notion that by inundating with 5.6 "rain" the plant can't uptake nutrients.

Well if this is the case, then how would all the plants in the natural work be taking up nutrients and thriving? Is there some magical ph up fairy that I don't know about?

Let your soil dry out thoroughly between waterings. This will cause root growth


Well-Known Member
Don't know what "make it rain" really means, but to my ears sounded like getting pissed out of your head down the local and pissing on the plant when you go home! Well, it will defo bring the ph down but doesn't sound like a good plan! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Now i know what to say...

Cutting it short, no, i've never "made it rain" on my plant, by ANY of the definitions stated above!

However I've thrown PLENTY of money at this plant. This grow never had a budget....

Anyway Legally i dont buy it either and my logic is the same

.... plants don't uptake or transpire for that matter based on the moisture content of the soil or the amount of nutrients it holds.....
I do however feel that occasionally stressing a plant out depending on its stage of growth can be hugely beneficial. I'm talking about methods such as super-cropping and other training/pruning methods, and not moisture related stresses.

When it comes to the waterings/feedings/soil, in my opinion i find it best to keep things stable throughout the grow. By this i mean PH's shouldn't wildly fluctuate between feedings, soil shouldn't go from bone dry to soaked, but instead should go from thoroughly watered to damp, and back to thoroughly watered.

I used to let the soil thoroughly dry out between waterings before i realised the roots will grow regardless, as long as you provide them something good to grow into and keep things nice and healthy up top (by taking care of the roots in the first place!)

I also used Rhizo (root stimulator) quite a lot throughout veg and early flower to build a nice big chunky root system. I decided to do this as apose to letting the soil completely dry out between waterings to encourage roots to grow as Rhizo is also a stress reliever, so it made more sense to use an organic stress reliever/root stimulator rather than stressing the plant out by dehydrating it before bringing it back to life.

I duno, just my way of doing things, each to their own as always.

Root growth was also a major reason i chose to go with a giant airpot.


Well-Known Member
I suppose you've grown in 'regular' pots? Is the difference between regular pots and Air Pots that big?
I'm using an Air Pot myself and I'm damned pleased with it but it's my first grow so I can't compare it to anything.