One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

the best way to do it is keep the temps within 10-15 degrees when lights are off to when they are on and get the lights as close as poss then theres less strech and denser buds imo

Thats why they went from 15" to 48" in 3 weeks then? i havent got enough room to move my light up any more so ive had to bend them down to stop them burning. Im investing in an air cooled hood for my next grow tho and maybe a hydro setup with a scrog screen to keep the hight down
You know somethin lilindian ur a sound as fuck dude... Total rrspect for your griw n ur method matey. Av been a total stoner for bout 17 yrs now n dnt hve the patience to dry and cure as long as you do,wish it was me goin to taste that goodness after your patient process. Think I'm goin to at least try do it with a few grammage of ma cotton candy,after reading that a kinda feel obliged to lol.

Take it easy bro

Ha thanks man, curing making the biggest difference, so i suggest u get really really high and go and hide a jar somewhere in ur house until one rainy day u stumble across it! Doesn't sound like the best of ideas at time of hiding, but the smile u get on ur face when u find an old jar of prime time bud .... U'll see what i mean

curios to know the final weigh in. what should i keep my humidity at during veg, flowering, and curing?

Sorry about the late reply nd what not, been stupidly busy past few weeks. Urm.... I always try and keep Humidity HIGH during veg, LOW during flower, and MEDIUM during the cure to ensure evaporation is nice and slow, and they dont dry up too quickly. I'm really not one for humidity figures, only temp. Hope that helps.

as low as possable if ur doing a condensed scrog like this im quite impressed theres no mold

Yup, if your doing a grow like this you want it as low as possible. The denser the canopy and the bigger the buds, the more chance of mold. The only way to combat this is very good airflow, you basically need fresh air reaching the middle of the fattest buds. I made the mistake in my first grow of putting both fans at the bottom blowing up, so there was no air blowing over the main cola(s) and it was a BEAST, i got mold, but i learnt my lesson so its all good!

ok my shit is like 39% i thought that might be low in the veg tents?

Low humidity during veg won't have any adverse effects, the plants just wont be as happy as they could be! Suze's first like 2-3 weeks was under a T5 light in space with pretty much zero air flow/air movement, dry, maybe even a little dusty air..... And look how she turned out. If humidity is low, maybe foilar feed during veg a couple times, Suze seemed to love it everytime i gave her a good foilar. Gona foilar feed all my plants in veg from now on.

Ok so you dry for a week or two do you cure? I've been drying my stuff for about 3days longer then you I'm ready to cure so how do i do that this is a first for me!

Again hugely sorry for the late reply and all. You cure by jarring up all the buds in air tight jars, and "Burping" them every now and again for the first week or 2, then leave them sealed, keeping them in the dark at all times, apart from when you're burping. Again i had no idea what i was doing when it came to curing my first time round, i just jarred them up and every time i opened them i didn't really know what i was feeling for. A couple grows in and i've got a much better idea of how "wet" i can leave buds in jars without molding, how the buds dry and remoisten, how slowly they should dry, what is considered drying too fast.

For curing my bud, i'm basically trying to retain 10-15% moisture (completely guessing figures here), its a week now since i cut mine down and started drying, and they're already in jars which i'm a little disappointed about as i wanted a nice long dry! So i'm jarring them up and checking them every 12hrs to see how much they've remoistened. Every time i check them, i take out all the buds in the jars and reverse their order, so all the buds at the bottom of the jar go to the top and vice versa. I feel how squidgy/brittle they are, how sticky they are, and have a quick sniff for anything out the ordinary. Then i re-jar them and if the buds are still dry and crispy or i feel they could draw out some more moisture from the stalks i seal the jar back up for another 12hrs and check again. If they have sweated nicely and are squidgy and sliiiightly wet, i leave them in the jars and leave the lid open for 12hrs. By the time i come back they're nice and dry and brittle again.

In hindsight i think leaving the jars open for 12hrs is a little too long, i think 6hrs to air out the jars should be enough. I'm sure they'll dry enough by that time to be sweated again.

Eventually they'll get to a point where they wont re-moisten and will stay a little dry and brittle. It's at this stage i'll leave the jars closed for a week at a time, opening after 7 days, checking the buds, then closing again for 7 days. I'll do this a couple times, so a couple of weeks, then put them away for long term storage to cure the absolute fuck outta them!

Happy Days

ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6934023 said:
whats the weigh in?

I'm waiting till it's all full dry and has stopped re-moistening to get an accurate figure, i could weigh it all up now but dont want to mislead u all into thinking i've got a pound + outta her!

Breath taking view!

Wait till the close-up's, this bud looks DELICIOUS

i said 8 oz but im gonna say thats a pound or slightly under.

I still think between 10-15 roughly.... i duno.... if feels so much lighter after a week!

I cannot believe you got all of this from one indoor plant grown in soil and not even three feet tall! This is one of the best grows I have ever seen on RIU.

Thanks a lot, appreciate it. This plant surprised myself! For the first time i reckon i could've hit the predicted yield figure the breeder gives you of 600g/m2. Other grows/strains ive done havn't even come close i dont think, don't really know to be honest, but this one would've been real interesting if i had a meter square to play with! Next time...

tip[ for lillidian take sum of the buds out of the jar mate they look to compact pal and keep stirring the jars daily mate

If i had more jars i would! After i took that picture i re-arranged all the buds to give them all a little more space and what not. Some Cola's have been squashed a little to be fair, but when i first jarred them up i ran out of jars, so had to squeeze a few buds in. Went out and bought a few more, each 2100ml! huuuge jars, for the biggest cola's. So yeh now its all a little more spread out, i'll leave it like this until i'm done drying it all. Then for curing i'm gona pack each jar, not too tightly, but enough to minimise air in the jar.

So Im all new to this site but my buddie devils love showed me this sight and your amazing green thumb lol i just had one ?........i noticed in the earlier pics you had just a simple indoor house plant(its looked like a spider plant) beside your there and signifence behind it??? cause im clueless


Thanks man, firstly, welcome! urm, that plant was given to me by my grandma to look after while she was away, she's big time into her botany u see. It had no effect on my MJ plant what so ever, i ended up having to the plant out to make more space for Suze and without a perfect artificial environment to grow in, the plant died! Sad times, gona have to order a next one off the net before she comes back!

very well done mate great grow! keep us updated on the weigh in :)

Yes Sir

Hey indian - did you show us the skeleton?

Can't say i did, i need to clean her up, give the pot a wash as its all covered in saw dust, but yeh, i'll get round to it soon hopefully, as soon as i get some free time!

I was thinking that but im a noob lol. from what ive read if its too packed you run the risk of getting mould.

Well done on the grow! did you notice any benefits from running the uvb light?

You do run the risk of getting mould, i'm treading a fine line!

I think UVB did make a difference, not for the size of the buds/cola's, but in terms of producing trichs i think it did something, this bud is super crystally and shimmery! And nice and mature. I'm seriously considering purchasing 2 more UVB tubes for the new cab... But 2 more plugs will bring the total up to like 12 for the set up, getting a bit silly really.

I would recommend UVB, its cheap and aint gona do ur plants any harm. From what i've read, it doesn't need to be hung above the plant, it can be anywhere.

Was reading a book a while ago that stated that the best natural genetics in the world comes from places all with very high UV readings (from the sun), i.e. places where the ozone layer is thinner, elevated places like mountain sides ect. The author who does a botany degree specifically on marijuana at HARVARD claims UV light has proved to have its effects on MJ plants.

I know this is a bit late but what are your ideal temps? ive read everything from 60 to 95! everyone saying different but none really with proof

MY idea temps are lights on 27C, lights off (within 10 degrees lower of lights on).

When i take temp readings they're usually ambient air readings, i.e. the average air temp in the cab, not specifically at canopy level or directly under the light or in the shade or whatever.

Thanks for that. Im going as low as 61 when the lights off. From the article i read it made sense because it was simulating night time temps. Its a nice 80-85 when the lights on tho. Thats why by buds are no where near as big as littleindians and ive only got 3 weeks left so thats something for my next attempt. Its my first go tho and i maxed out my budget so as long as i get a smoke im happy and its all a good learning experience.

Towards the end of this grow, lights on temp was 20-21C and lights off 15-20C, the plant didn't react negatively to these changes at all, so a little lower than what i stated above is fine, well in my experience anyway. Playing with the difference in temps between lights on and lights off can have effects on the stretch, and density of buds to the best of my knowledge.

But yeh what u said is spot on, for a first time grow don't go ALL out, just get enough to get you through till harvest, if u enjoy growing and have success, and plan to continue, then look to invest in more/better equipment. For a first time grow do what i did and just get through the first grow experience. I got mold but am happy i did, learnt a few school boy errors early on and never made the same mistake again, which is just as well as all the proceeding grows have yielded much more than my first, so imagine if i got mold on my later harvests! I'd be more pissed.

Anyway well played so far in taking the leap into the growing world!

the best way to do it is keep the temps within 10-15 degrees when lights are off to when they are on and get the lights as close as poss then theres less strech and denser buds imo

^^^ What he said

Thats why they went from 15" to 48" in 3 weeks then? i havent got enough room to move my light up any more so ive had to bend them down to stop them burning. Im investing in an air cooled hood for my next grow tho and maybe a hydro setup with a scrog screen to keep the hight down

Air cooled hoods are just essential no matter what ur style of growing is in my opinion, I had a standard hood for all the first 2-3 weeks of my first grow before i realised it wasn't gona do! Now i don't know what i'd do without an air cooled lighting system.

Growing in hydro has its advantages/disadvantages. I'd recommend sticking to one growing method until u know what you're doing, then start trying out different things, makes everything much easier.

For example my first grow was a straight up seed in a pot, no training nothing, just a bog standard grow.

Next grow i stepped things up a bit and topped, tried my hand as LST'ing and what not, got good results, learnt a lot.

Next grow i stepped things up again to what you see in this thread.

Next grow i look to take what i've learnt from this grow and again step things up a notch.

One step at a time!
Good info. i bet it took ages to reply to all the posts lol. im such a noob i only realised just now that i can higher my light by taking out the rollers and just attaching it to the bar. some of the tops have got a bit of light burn and the bud at the top is a bit smaller and ive noticed that the parts of my plant not getting as much light have way more trichs they look frosty even (could be because thier white widow). as for the changing slowly, what would you change first? would you do it the same or change what you experimented with? ive got such a big list of things to get to add to my set up ie mother tent, lst or scrog, a bigger light (dont know if i should tho because im running a 600w dual spectum at the mo in a 1.2m sq tent) and i eventually want to use the bubbler pots and was advised to try a standard hydro to get used to it. i also went for the bog standard first go with soil and used the canna nutes. i think ill do the same strain because ive worked out the feeding now and its a lot lower than others like a super lemon haze that i had to bin this week because i think i under fed it from the start. What are you going to do to step it up next time?
mrt dont worry everything you do the first time is gonna have some mistakes and you learn from them, people dont come out the womb knowing how to grow marijuana. just learn all you can read all you can and then just do it. thats my moto
Thanks. yeah thats what i think about it, my mate said im doing better than he did anyway it took him nearly a year to get a smoke lol
Lilindian you are an absolute legend to reply to all those questions. Have to admid with your grow and your attitude I am starting to feel a bit of a bromance developing.........
HaHaHaha ,seriously though your my hero!!
PS is the weight in yet??
Ive got another question if someone here uses hydro. Do you waste a lot of nutes? Ive been looking at a system with a 50l tank and if i add 2ml per l of boost im spending over £40 a month just on that
Ive got another question if someone here uses hydro. Do you waste a lot of nutes? Ive been looking at a system with a 50l tank and if i add 2ml per l of boost im spending over £40 a month just on that

Wot system. I use a 35ltr aquafarm and need to fill once a wk in beginning and every 3-4 dys near the end. A 50 ltr tank should run for 2 weeks. Depending on how many plants you're running from the res
a wilma big 4 system with 4 18l pots. I thought you had to change every week regardless of the size tank to keep everything fresh?
That sounds a lot better. Canna nutes seem to be the best over in the uk, fox farm are too expensive to get shipped over. Do you find you get much better results than growing with soil?
Av used canna in soil with decent results. In hydo i've used ghe and ionic,the ionic in between and finding the ghe much better so goin bk. You get far better results in hydro than soil yield wise,many will argue about taste... Coco be the upcoming thing but a dnt no much about that
dayum dude... i came here ages ago but holy shit. i think you can owe a lot of this to ventilation, lots of people have said thats key, lord knows that must be how you held back mould. looking forward to your next build, i wasnt blessed with any of your skills, i could barely manage to make the knex screen
You'l probly get it cheaper from growtec or someother online hydro shops. Good thing about ghe u can use the full range on any medium,soil,hydro or coco. I use floragro,floramicro,florabloom,biobloom & diamond nectar. Going to be adding bioroots,bioprotect,pk 13/14 nxt time