One Month Cycle?

I would like to do a one month cycle and get atleaste a qp every month, how should I do this, how big should my plants be do you think to harvest a qp with only four plants?


Active Member
Well to do this you need a grow space with two separate rooms, one for vegging and the other for flowering and look at a perpetual grow.

You basically start your seeds / clones in the vegging room (or you can add a third room, make this with just some t5 tubes and a couple of racks where the seedlings / clones will sit until they are ready to be moved to the vegging room) then move them to the flowering room. You keep replacing the plants as they move to the new rooms.

So let's suppose you start 4 plants in your clone room, after 2 weeks you move them to the vegging room and you replace the ones you just moved with new clones/seedlings in your clone room.
After 4 weeks in the vegging room, it's time to move your 4 plants to the flowering room, and immediately replace these 4 with new clones/seedlings from your clone room.

And you keep replacing plants as they move from one room to the other. This is called a perpetual grow, there are a lot of grow journals on this forum with perpetual grows, look them up and give them a read, they're pretty informative.

a qp is 113 grams, that's easy to pull out of 4 plants!


Well-Known Member
in spring and fall you can flower outdoors, temp and security permitting. a potting shed, with some of that white polycarbonate on roof. spring and fall are both 12/12. clone-veg-out into shed.
2 ounces/2 weeks. a lot of work. i like your schedule better, but wanted to share an interesting strategy.