One of My Ladies May be Autoflower LowRyder? HELP!!

Okay so, as a few of my pals on here know, the last 90 days or so, have been part of my first time ever doing this kind of thing.
One of my bagseed ladies which, oddly enough, I've only gotten females thus far, out of four that germinated and thrived, they all were female- So, I don't want to sound like some quack on webMD believeing all the symptoms and telling myself it's thisss or it's that because, respectively.. I'll never really know what I truly have because they came out of a bag of decent bud. But here's the thing, I never stop doing research and reading up. Something occurred to me the other night as I was reading something, I've got these ladies on 12/12 and the one I suspect is a LowRyder ( literally three months old- in soil-perfect health-only 14inches tall four weeks into flower, I asked myself hmm.. why aren't these buds a little bigger by now? And I could obviously be totally wrong but, if it's auto flower bag seed... 12/12 will only shut the door on more growth. At 14 inches tall... I feel like maybe it is? And should separate her and throw her back into a 20/4 regimen? Any thoughts because that really made me start wondering if I'm only stopping this plant from truly flourishing
Thank you in advance for any idea

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
You are totally over thinking things. Do not turn it to 20/4 as it will reveg. What type of lighting, soil, nutes using and feed schedule,how much water and how often. Answer these questions please.
the soil recipe I've got, perlite, sphagnum peat moss, little bit of sand, added some "processed forest products" got a littl bit of palm, and part citrus soil.. this is my first grow, I'm realllly not adding nutes as I go, although two weeks after flower began I made sure she had a little less N and a little more PK, I've got a bunch of CFls all around them, four per plant - I used PHed water, every two to three days I use a spray bottle to kind of moderate how much so I never over water,
It's just tripping me out a little that this girl is a complete dwarf. Literally 14inches not a millimeter more. Very little foliage, I fimmed her in veg, which she ended up shooting out like 8 arms which now have buds on em, again I've never seen the progression of a cannabis plant so it's all new and I don't know what the norm is, if there even is one


Well-Known Member
you should make fun of it, right in front of her, shame her into self destruction, tell her she's undeserving of your attention. Ignor her until the dates up then smoke the shit out of her, sneering all the while.

new growers should just work on growing and forget about fimming.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Please dont take this wrong way but alot of the Issues are from you jumping into something without the proper learning first. You just added a bunch of different stuff to make your soil. There are atleast 20 step by step soil guides. you said you arent using nutes but then say you lowered the n and raised pk during flower. How did you do that? What watt and spectrum are your lights?
Haha, yeah this is in part, why I come here for information/criticism because anyone with even more than one grow under their belt is a helpful guide.
32 wat bulbs,
As far as the nutrients that I added after week two, I can't even tell you I'm going to have to ask my boy who gave it to me, he said the nitro levels should be lower and potassium and phosphorus should be a little higher during flower, I'm learning as I go and going by what ppl recommend, the soil has been changed out and refreshed once, they're all in five gals, I've got plenty of fresh air going in and circulating out, I have not changed the light cycle since moving to 12/12 and I'm not going to. The way I look at growing is the same as I see my cooking, I'm considered a professional in my field of work, as many are considered professionals at having a green thumb, if someone came to me and said they tried making a custard and didn't fill their perf pans with warm water I'd laugh n be like um do you wanna burn the fk out of your creme? Same logic applies, you miss one step, you will pay for it in terms of final product lol but learning as I go has been interesting, this one dwarf that I fimmed, could possibly be a dwarf because I fimmed, I will say this, at the point I did that, two weeks later she was twice the size and had twice the Amt of foliage, first calyx appeared in 18/6. Waited a few days and turned over to 12/12 the rest of the ladies have twice as much if not more bud on em and the one I think is the "special" one has completely different characteristics than the others. I'm happy as hell with what I'll be getting from this even if it's my first go at it. Just like cooking, you don't end up talented after your first service, I do appreciate all the advice and or.. just laughing, i come here to learn.