One Plant Box


Active Member
ok so here is the box that i made for free with stuff around the house and is stashed safely away in a good hiding space. i just cover it with the towels to make sure there is no major light leaks and for camo. still have to install the reflective lining along the inside. dimensions are 21''x12''x29''. for light i am using two 26w 6500k cfls. i only have around 1.5sq ft so i think that it should be sufficient. i will start with 12/12 schedule for the lights off the rip i think just to make sure i have a girl and also as there is not much top space. this is more experimental than anything im not trying to sustain a source at all. just seeing what works and what doesnt :P the sides are made of book shelves and the back from wood panel siding. the front i made from sturdy cardboard so i could install a door easily. across the top i secured a board for the mounting of my lights, and the roof is made of wood panel siding. the light fixture is just an old ceiling fan we had in the attic. i just took it apart and used only the fixture. its hung with a nylon fishing stringer and can be lowered or raised easily. a 2'' pc fan is mounted in the rear cornerand runs during the light on hours. soil is a complete expert pro mix mixed with some organic compost and worm castings. i dont have a pH meter so hopefully by setting the water out between waterings will be ok. the container is just a 3/4 gal sand bucket i drilled a few holes in the bottom for drainage. hopefully all will go well and i will have a few lil nugs to enjoy of some really good bag seed. if it works out ill redesign and grow a larger crop a little more seriously.



Active Member
my seed is currently still waiting to be planted. tap root just broke thru the seed this morning so maybe tomorrow morning i will get er in the dirt.


Active Member
ok it is day 4. 25mm tall now. gonna try 12/12 and see how it goes :weed: soil pH today was 6.9 and water pH 7.1 so i think i will be ok at this point. grow box temps stay consistently between 71-78 degF. no nutrients have been added at this point. gave 300 mL water this morning. lights on at 6am off at 6pm.



Active Member
day six. moving right along... im really really high today haha hope you all are as well! :bigjoint: im suprised at how great this box is working, because i read about everyone spending all kinds of hundreds of dollars and i haven't spent jack cept on lights n soil and such. all i have to get is a scrubber and a stronger fan for when flowering is in full swing... cant really think of anything else i need at the moment. theres fresh air, humidity is at 54%, temp is 76 day and 68 night.. been watering every third day until water comes out the bottom of the pot.. 12/12 light schedule. pH 6.9 today.



Active Member
day 7(from when i started germination) next leaf set emerging. set her out on the porch today cuz its like 80 freakn awesome degrees outside. these pics were taken in the morning, but there was some more growin going on all day. still some moisture at the bottom of the pot so ill wait one more day.



Active Member
alright so a lil WAKE N BAKE is in order today if u check out da rillo hehe. start of week 2. its day 8 but only really have been 5 days of growing since i started count when i put the seed in the paper towel. growing alot wider now but still staying pretty low. next leaf set is clearly visible this morning and should be just bout up n out by later on today.

edit: the height is going to be a bit different now as i decided to fill in some more soil just to ensure that i get a sturdier stem cuz its a bit flimsy. been setting it out on the porch so gets plenty of wind and fresh air, just a lil top heavy hehe. i filled in about 2cm up around the pot



Active Member
put splitters on those sockets and get a couple 42 watt warm white bulbs cuz your gonna need predominately warm white bulbs for flowering and you want the soil acidity to be around 6.5 so hopefully when you add ferts it will lower it a bit hope this helps


Active Member
ok so day 10 which is day 7 growing. just a couple pix today its sunday and i have shit tons of things to do today. hope everyones havin a good w/e



Well-Known Member
from the looks of your pics, your leaves are drooping and your soil looks a bit dry. Idk if its me b/c im stoned or thats just what it looks likebongsmilie other than that nice job. I am currently going to build a Cab grow box just enuff for 2 plants :)


Active Member
ya she might be droppin a lil bit and its a little dry but the morning is watering time. hopefully then we will see some 'perking up'. thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
yeah no problem glad to give some advice if it works. check out my grow journal and see if u have any suggestions, would be much appreciated.