one plant looks weird, is it just genetic?


Well, I don't know what the hell is wrong with that one plant, but the others seem to be doing just fine. The thing keeps growing weird looking leaves, but it's definitely still growing in its own special way. I love all my children, even the differently abled one, I just hope at least one of them is a lady!



Well-Known Member
People saying im wrong a lot tonight so dont take my advice but i say the last few look overferted. Peace


People saying im wrong a lot tonight so dont take my advice but i say the last few look overferted. Peace
I haven't fed it anything but of course it's possible because the soil is fertilized MG. What makes you think they're getting too much food? The brown spot or two visible on one of the leaves is from getting too close to the lights.


Well-Known Member
the leaves are pretty dark green which is why he said overfert..
Yer dude well said, also you got some leaf twisting and cupping real bad on one plant.

Pics 5 and 6 show a quite healthy plant though so all good here and yes it is probably the MG soil. Please be aware that normal potting/all purpose/bat mix/pro whatever mix etc etc are for big plants E.C. starts around 1000ppm and your plants dont look ready for the big numbers yet.

My point is they should basically still be in seedling soil just about ready to be transplanted into the heavier nutrient soils. Go now and buy a bag of seedling soil PLEASE, unless your doing clones this soil is so DAMN important. New growers dont realise this and hence like your plants with no added ferts they are burning and twisting from to much nutes, run now guys and buy that bag of seedling soil, will last forever basically and the best problem solver you ever had for your plants, even on transplant you can mix this in with your normal potting soil to dilute it down a touch.

I put bigger plants than yours into Canna Terra soil and they struggle for a few weeks with the high nutrient level. Peace and happy growing.


Yeah, I'll definitely do that next time but I think it might just cause more trouble for these plants. Would flushing do anything or just release more nutrients from the soil?


Do you think they might just grow into the nitrogen content of the soil? Is the differing response of the plants a result of the nitrogen not being well spread out in the soil? I'm planning to move up to 3 gallon smart pots eventually, do you think I should transplant now into a medium with fewer nutrients? I've heard it's not a great idea to switch growing medium when transplanting.


Well-Known Member
Dont fret it dude, MG soil dont flush well as far as im told but hell it is always a rexerve idea if all else fails.

Is ok to transplant from one medium to the other, eventually they will even out i suppose and yer thw plant might get use to the MG in future, I just think you will have better results next time with the seedling soil to start with till first decent transplant into stronger soil.

Let them go anyway, not really transplant time and one plant looks really good so one out of three isn't bad plus youv'e learnt a lot for the next grow. especially what too much ferts etc etc looks like in young plants. Peace