One QUICK question!

Hey I just had a quick question that I been looking around for for quite some time. I was planning on growing an autoflower plant and use Dynagro bloom for the nute throughout the whole grow. Now everything's changed because I was offered some free seeds but they are photoperiod seeds. Long story short, can I still use Dynagro as the 1 main nute for vegging and flowering? I will be getting CalMag also because it was recommended for coco coir(My medium) but quite honestly I have no clue how to/when to use it! Please help me out ASAP I am getting these seeds tomorrow!


Active Member
Don't fret buddy! I'm no expert, in fact I know fuck all about fertilizers, but from what I understand, you won't need to fertilize till 2 - 3 weeks if your soil already is amended. If it is, maybe your Dynagro bloom will be enough by it self starting 3 to 4 weeks in?
My medium is coco coir..................................... The only thing I was wondering was if I can feed it bloom while it was vegging if it needed it


Active Member
Wish I could help, as it turns out, I know fuck all about coco coir!................................. Try it and see if works for ya. If not, then you'll know better. Trial and error baby, dyna-gro style!


Well-Known Member
You can use anything the whole way through.

I like NPK 6-4-8 for all growth.

I use hydro nutes in coco with added calmag.



Well-Known Member
The cal mag I have are mono nutes good for any chosen growing medium.

Calmag supplements that carry both the Ca and the Mg in one bottle are sometimes tailored to the medium.

Double check the bottle before you buy to make sure.



Well-Known Member
Don't fret buddy! I'm no expert, in fact I know fuck all about fertilizers, but from what I understand, you won't need to fertilize till 2 - 3 weeks if your soil already is amended. If it is, maybe your Dynagro bloom will be enough by it self starting 3 to 4 weeks in?
coco is soilless
the plant would die with out nutrients


Well-Known Member
Also I personally feed with every watering.


I monitor the EC/PPM/TDS of the nutrients to make sure I'm not over feeding.

Also I personally feed with every watering.


I monitor the EC/PPM/TDS of the nutrients to make sure I'm not over feeding.


I think for my first grow I will take it slow and see when my plant needs to be fed. I just thought of something... What if I just fed the plant water and the next day the cotyledons start turning yellow and the plant wants to be fed. Do I wait untill its time to feed or what?


Active Member
I don't hear good things about DynaGrow bloom, although their grow is apparently good.

Is Photoperiod seeds the same as a autoflowering plant?


Well-Known Member
With coco you need to feed every time you water. It's a hydroponic soiless medium so it needs a constant supply of nutrients.

I add nutes during their seedling stage too.

Just start of with a very low strength and see how you go.

If you were testing EC or any other form of nute strength test I could give you levels to start with.

I don't hear good things about DynaGrow bloom, although their grow is apparently good.

Is Photoperiod seeds the same as a autoflowering plant?
...No? lol Auto flower= AUTOmatically FLOWERs. Photoperiod= you have to induce flowering. ie: Changing light cycle to 12/12

With coco you need to feed every time you water. It's a hydroponic soiless medium so it needs a constant supply of nutrients.

I add nutes during their seedling stage too.

Just start of with a very low strength and see how you go.

If you were testing EC or any other form of nute strength test I could give you levels to start with.

I dont have a tester :( If I do get one do I just stick it in the straight 100% nute and see what its at? My nute ( Should come on friday and if it does thats the day I start my grow!


Well-Known Member
I don't hear good things about DynaGrow bloom, although their grow is apparently good.

Is Photoperiod seeds the same as a autoflowering plant?
Where do you get this info that dynagro bloom isn't good? I use dynagro grow,bloom, and protekt and have amazing results. So maybe before you spew bs mr 19 posts read up on your shit first.

I say this with the most sincere concern that you have no idea what you are talking about especially if your asking if a photo is the same as an auto.

Do a little bit of reading people before you give someone wrong info!
You mix your nutes with water then test then for strength.

I dont think I am quite understanding what you are trying to say. If I mix it with water then test it wouldn't it depend on how much I put in the water for the results?

Where do you get this info that dynagro bloom isn't good? I use dynagro grow,bloom, and protekt and have amazing results. So maybe before you spew bs mr 19 posts read up on your shit first.

I say this with the most sincere concern that you have no idea what you are talking about especially if your asking if a photo is the same as an auto.

Do a little bit of reading people before you give someone wrong info!
Lol I was waiting for someone to start gassing on him about not knowing the difference between autos and photos. :)

Glad to hear you love Dynagro Bloom as it is going to come in on friday :D